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    20 April 2012, Volume 40 Issue 2
    Orignal Article
    Comparability of Modules on SF-Ring Ideals
    LI Yan-wu,CHENG Hai-xia
    2012, 40(2):  5-8. 
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    The dissertation probes into the comparability and characterization of modules on SF-ring ideals. By taking the advantage of the comparability, the problem of matrix diagonalization on comparable ideals has been studied, obtaining the conditions of correlation matrix which can be diagonalized.
    A Quaternion Hyper-graph Model and its Property
    ZHAO Er-ling
    2012, 40(2):  9-12. 
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    The dissertation proposes a quaternion hyper-graph model based on complex network theory, defines a series of basic measurements on networks, investigates the degree distributions of vertices and the excess degree distribution, and constructs a new random quaternion hyper-graph model. It also explores the determinant condition of the existence of a giant component in quaternion hyper-graph. The research can be applied to analyzing the structure and topologies of the large-scale hyper-complex network in social networks.
    Asymptotic Behavior of Mininmizers for a Class ofLandau-Lifshitz Functions
    ZHAN De-sheng
    2012, 40(2):  13-15. 
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    In this dissertation, Asymptotic behavior of the radial minimizer uε of the Landau-Lifshitz function Eε(u, B)=u2dx+udx , in W={u(x)=[sin f(r)eidθ, cosf(r)]∈H1(B,S2); u|?坠B=g}; u|?坠B=g} has been studied. And several estimates of the convergence rate of u to 0 have been proposed by establishing the local convergence of the radial minimizer uε in the H1 sense.
    Research into the Characteristic Function
    KAN Xing-li
    2012, 40(2):  16-17. 
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    By using characteristic function, the dissertation studies regeneration problem of random variables which obey the two-distribution and normal distribution. The research indicates that characteristic function for the sum of the independent random variables is equal to the product of their characteristic functions and by using the characteristic function, regeneration problem can be simplified.
    Development of Research on Change-point Detection
    ZHANG Xue-xin
    2012, 40(2):  18-24. 
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    Research of change-point detection is a new researching field involving statistics, mathematics, computer science, data mining and other subjects. The dissertation reviews, in detail, domestic and foreign research situations of change-point detection during 2000 and 2011, and some reasonable classifications of change-point detection are given from different aspects and the research trend of change-point detection has been fully predicted.
    Probability Inequalities and its Applications for ρ Mixing Sequence
    YANG Xiu-li
    2012, 40(2):  25-28. 
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    The probability inequality for ρ mixing sequence is established on the condition of ρn<∞. Furthermore, the three series theorem for ρ mixing sequence and strong law of large numbers are obtained.
    Research of Vector Control Method of Traction Motor Based onFixed Voltage Mode
    ZHANG Jian-hui,XU Ying-ying
    2012, 40(2):  29-32. 
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    The dissertation presents a new vector control method based on fixed voltage mode, which is designed by aiming at the defects in traditional vector control methods of traction motor, which can′t meet the need of high speed torque′s saltation. Under the mode of fixed voltage amplitude of the traction converter, the method presented can achieve the real-time control of high speed torque′s saltation of the traction motor, through the way of combining the high-speed change of converter′s voltage phase with the modified value of the magnetic flux feedback. The results are achieved through theory analysis and simulation experiment, which proves the feasibility and advantage of the control method.
    Research into Extraction of Cd2+ and Zn2+ in Wastewater by Microemulsion System of HA/kerosene/NaO
    HZHOU Fu-rong,LEI Xin
    2012, 40(2):  35-38. 
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    The formula for microemulsion system with saponified HA of NaOH has been studied. Through extraction test to Cd2+ and Zn2+ from feed phase using the microemulsion system of HA/kerosene/NaOH, different factors effecting extraction rate of Cd2+ and Zn2+, such as the mass ratio of HA, the concentration of NaOH, the ratio of volume between microemulsion and feed phase were investigated. The experimental results show the primary extraction rate of Cd2+ was 99.23 % and the Zn2+ was 97.51 % when the volume ratio of HA to kerosene was 1∶2.5,the concentration of NaOH was 1.5 mol/L, the ratio of volume between microemulsion and wastewater was 1∶3, the extraction time was 6 min. And the experimental results show the rextraction rate of Cd2+ was 98.29 % and the Zn2+ was 97.38 % when the pH of the oil phasead justed to 1 and the ratio of volume between oil phasead and water was 1∶3. This microemulsion system exhibits several advantages including good stability, simple process, lower cost,high efficiency of extraction.
    Research of TiO2 Nano-materials and Photocatalytic Modification
    XU Gui-ping
    2012, 40(2):  39-43. 
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    The characteristics of the different types of (non-metal, rare earth metal and transition metal) elements of the doped TiO2 photocatalytic activity under visible light have been studied. XRD has been used to characterize the structure of samples. The crystal violet solution has been photodegraded to evaluate the photocatalytic performance of different doped TiO2 powders under visible light, through the UV visible spectrophotometer testing.
    Determination of Palladium in Norepinephrine Bitartrate byGraphite Furnace Atomic Absorption Spectrometry
    YANG Xiao-qiu,TAN Fang
    2012, 40(2):  44-45. 
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    A determination method of palladium in norepinephrine bitartrate by adopting graphite furnace atomic adsorption has been described. The working factors of graphite furnace atomic absorption spectrometry have been optimized. The temperatures of the furnace aredryness 100 ℃, ashing 1 000 ℃, atomization 2 300 ℃, residual-erasing 2 600 ℃. The detect limit is1.55 ng/mL according the detect results of sample black (n=11), and the RSD is 3.45 % according the detect results of the medical sample (c=3.36 ng/mL, n=5). The result of test to real medical sample is satisfactory.
    Application of Spent Zinc-manganese Dry Battery toDyeing Wastewater Treatment
    LU Xu-jie,ZHANG Shi-ci,LI Wan,ZENG Jian,WU Zhi-chao
    2012, 40(2):  46-48. 
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    KN-R simulated wastewater is treated by using manganese oxides extracted from spent zinc-manganese dry battery and MnO2 respectively. The experimental results show that the initial pH value is the key factor affected decolorization. The removal efficiencies of color are over 75 % under the conditions of pH=2.0, dosages of manganese oxides and MnO2=80 mg/L, reaction time=30 min. It is found that the decolorization effect of wastewater using manganese oxides treatment is superior to that of wastewater using MnO2 treatment, which provides a new way of resource utilization of spent dry battery.
    Treatment of Dyeing Wastewater Containing Active Brilliant Blue KN-R
    LIU Jun-xia,LU Xu-jie
    2012, 40(2):  49-52. 
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    Researched into effects and affection of different treatments, i. e. stimulated dyeing wastewater containing reactive brilliant blue KN-R treated by UV, O3-oxide and process of combined UV/O3 respectively. The effects of operation parameters such as initial dye concentration, catalyst loading, hydrogen peroxide dosage as well as initial pH value were studied. Experiment results showed that the effect of single UV method was not obvious, O3 method had a high effect on decoloration, however, was not that efficient on COD removal rate, the decoloration effect of UV/O3 combined method was obviously better than single UV method or O3 oxidation process, the decoloration rate was 99.4 % and the COD removal rate up to 32.0 % in conditions that the pH of wastewater was 12, the air ozonation flow rate was controlled at 80 L/h and the reaction time was 60 min.
    Practice and Thinking of Designing Question Teaching in Chemical Engineering Practice Teaching
    YU Guo-xian,JIN Mei,LI Zhong-ming,LU Ping
    2012, 40(2):  53-56. 
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    Based on the experience of chemical engineering practice teaching, the situation and problems existed in the corresponding practice teaching in our country, have been analyzed. A designing question teaching mode was proposed in chemical engineering practice teaching, and related details have been introduced. Students will answer the questions arranged during the practice teaching, which can improve the students′ abilities to analyze, think and solve the practical engineering problems by using the knowledge from the textbook. To be more important, the engineering consciousness of the students majoring chemical engineering will be enhanced, and their engineering practical ability will be improved.
    Design and Implementation of Teacher Evaluation SystemBased on ASP.NET
    CHEN Xiao-yan
    2012, 40(2):  61-64. 
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    Teacher evaluation is an important part of teaching process. Fair and objective teacher evaluation is an important precondition to elevate teachers′ teaching level, improve teaching and raise teaching quality. The teacher evaluation system based on ASP.NET, described in the dissertation, uses C# as programming language to establish teacher evaluation system. The system can evaluate teachers anytime, anywhere with the purpose of developing and promoting teaching.
    A Composition Algorithm of Web Service Based on Graph and Ontology
    WANG Xiao-qiang
    2012, 40(2):  65-68. 
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    To achieve the automation and efficiency of Web Service composition, the dissertation presents a new semantic-based Web Service composition algorithm, which makes full use of the graph theory knowledge and ontology reasoning function. Firstly, the set of services available is constructed using ontology reasoning function. Then, service composition graph Web Service Composition Graph (WSCG) is constructed by sub-step. Finally, the solution of Web Service composition is selected using graph searching algorithm. It′s proved that the method has a good success rate and efficiency.
    Study on the Effects of Polyvinylpyrrolidone in Different Molecular-weight on the Efficiency of Polymerase Chain Reaction
    LI Jia,LIN Yan,YAO Jing,JIANG Lin,LI Zheng,LIANG Yong
    2012, 40(2):  69-73. 
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    The effect of different molecular-weight Polyvinylpyrrolidone (PVP) on PCR efficiency has been researched into by undertaking the 110 bp, single-stranded DNA amplification with quantitative real-time polymerase chain reaction (QPCR). The results indicates that 0.5% PVP K-30, PVP 8000, PVP 58000 and PVP 630000 could effectively enhance the PCR efficiency, and the ability of different molecular-weight PVP to improve PCR efficiency is PVP 630000, PVP 58000, PVP K-30 and PVP 8000, respectively. However, PVP K-40 could significantly inhibit the generation of PCR product. In addition, the results of melting curve showed that 0.5% PVP 630000 could dramatically reduce the Tm value of PCR product. It suggestes that PVP 630000 could interact with DNA template to reduce the stability of DNA conformation, promote the unwinding of DNA template in the denaturation stage of PCR, then enhance the PCR efficiency. The results reveal that the effects of different PVP on the PCR efficiency is closely related to the molecular-weight.
    The Study on the Preparation of Sodium Cholate Polyclonal Antibody and its Fast Determination Method
    CHEN Jiang-yuan,LIU Jie,CAI Jian-zhong,FU Yun-jie,LIU Zhi-guo
    2012, 40(2):  77-81. 
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    Objective:To develop colloidal gold immunochromatographic(IC) method for rapidly detecting the concentration of Sodium Cholate. MethodsSodium Cholate-BSA immunogen was obtained via carbodiimide method. Then the immunoantigen was injected into New Zealand rabbits to prepare the anti-sodium cholate polyclona antibody according to routine immunity procedure. The specific antibody of Bile acid natrium was identified by indirect enzyme linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA). ResultsThe sodium cholate-OVA antigen-colloidal gold compoundswere made for test strip preparation. It was proved that the specificity of the antibody was1 ∶ 80 000, and the detectability was 12 μg/mL by the method. ConclusionAccordingly, IC test strip method is effective and sensitive for rapidly detecting sodium cholate, which will probably have a broad clinical application prospect.
    A Clinical Analysis of Ambulatory Electrocardiography withLong R-R Interval
    DAI Jing
    2012, 40(2):  82-84. 
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    ObjectiveTo analyze long R-R intervals in ambulatory electrocardiography (AECG) (expect atrial fibrillation in full time), and to probe into the significance of clinical and the cause of long interval. MethodsRetrospective analysis of 65 cases of R-R interval ≥2.0 s in 2 500 AECGs from the June 2009 to the June 2011 was made, and various types of pathogens of long R-R intervals and their electrocardiogram changes were collected. ResultsThe occurrence of long R-R intervals was 2.60 %(65/2 500). Patients over 50 years old accounted for 92.30%(60/65), and common pathogens were coronary heart disease, high blood pressure. The electrocardiogram changes which cause long intervals were ranged in descending order as sinus arrest 43.08%(28/65),blocked premature atrial contraction 20.00 %(13/65), artrioventricular block (Mobitz typeⅡ) 18.46 %(12/65), artrioventricular block(Mobitz typeⅠ) 10.77 %(7/65),sinoatrial block 3.08%(2/65),compensatory pause after atrial tachycardia 3.08 %(2/65),complete artrioventricular block 1.53 %(1/65). Conclusion24 hours AECG is a secure and effective examination for long R-R intervals. The pathogens of long intervals and various types of electrocardiogram changes have been found out, which is significant for clinical job.
    Clinical Observation of Nimotop Combined with Cerebroprotein Hydrolysate Injection in the Treatment of VCIND
    2012, 40(2):  85-88. 
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    ObjectiveClinical observation of nimotop combined with cerebroprotein hydrolysate injection in the treatment of vascular cognitive impairment no dementia (VCIND) Methods42 VCIND cases were divided into three groups, each with 14 casesGroup A taking oral nimotop 30mg, tid; Group B injecting cerebroprotein hydrolysate injection 90mg in 5% glucose injection (or 0.9% sodium chloride injection) 250 mL slow intravenous infusion qd; Group C injecting nimotop 30mg, tid combined with cerebroprotein hydrolysate injection 90 mg in 5% glucose injection (or 0.9% sodium chloride injection) 250 mL slow infusion qd. Duration of treatment was 14 days. Two weeks before and after treatment, the Chinese version of MoCA scale and MMSE changes were taken. The results were analyzed statistically. ResultsWithin two weeks, the Chinese version of MoCA scale score of the combined treatment group was significantly improved compared with other groups. The difference was statistically significant(P < 0.05). Monotherapy before and after treatment score was no significant improvement. The MMSE scores were not improved (P > 0.05). ConclusionRating scale by MoCAnimotop combined by cerebroprotein hydrolysate injection in treatment of VCIND were significantly superior to nimotop alone and to Cerebroprotein hydrolysate injection.
    Clinical Analysis of 36 Cases of Concha Bullosa Treated by the Endoscopic Submucosal Partial Resection of the Middle Turbinate
    HE Qing-wen,XIAO Cai-wen,XU Xiang
    2012, 40(2):  91-92. 
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    Objective:To explore the clinical situation, CT manifestation, clinical experience and curative effect of concha bullosa treated by the endoscopic submucosal partial resection of the middle turbinate. Methods36 cases of concha bullosa treated by the endoscopic submucosal partial resection of the middle turbinate from June, 2006 to June, 2008 were retrospectively analyzed. ResultsThe curative effect of 36 cases of concha bullosa treated by the endoscopic submucosal partial resection of the middle turbinate is better than the traditional endoscopic sinus surgery. 20 cases were obviously more effective and with less complications. ConclusionThe method of endoscopic submucosal partial resection of the middle turbinate in treating chronic hypertrophic rhinitis with concha bullosa is a good, effective and shortcut, and it could be a choice of clinic.
    Application of Polypropylene Mesh to Septoplasty Angioplasty
    ZHOU Wei,XIAO Cai-wen,LI Hui
    2012, 40(2):  93-95. 
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    ObjectiveTo Study effects of applying polypropylene mesh to septoplasty angioplasty. MethodsTo choose 632 surgical patients with deviation of nasal septum, among which, 448 patients were selected to use polypropylene mesh of proper size into the mucosa flap, 61 patients were treated without any filling material, and 123 patients were backfilled with nasal septum cartilages. ResultsLess patients using polypropylene mesh suffer from postoperative complications. They recover in a short period, and their nasal physiological function is properly protected. ConclusionPolypropylene mesh is one of the reliable artificial substitute materials in mucosa flap of septoplasty. It can reduce the postoperative complications as nasal septum perforation, etc. And at the same time it can protect the physiological of nasal septum and nasal cavity.
    The Value of Applying 64 Multi-slice CT(MSCT) to the Diagnosis ofAcute Pulmonary Contusion
    YIN Guo-sheng,ZHANG Shu-tong
    2012, 40(2):  96-98. 
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    ObjectiveTo explore the clinical application of 64-MS CT to acute pulmonary contusion. MethodsA retrospective study was undertaken in 461 cases who were doubted acute pulmonary clinically. They were received CT scan within one hour. Results113 cases were diagnosed acute pulmonay contusion including 12 cases with wide-bound pulmonary contusion in pulmones, 61 cases with right lung, 40 cases with left lung, 22 cases with pulmonary atelectasis, 33 cases with aeropleura, 10 cases with hemopneumothorax, 38 cases with fracture of rib, 4 cases with fracture of clavicle, 2 cases with fracture of shoulder blade, 2 cases with thoracic vertebral fracture, 1 case with fracture of sternum, 87 cases with pneumoderma, 11 cases with mediastinal emphesema and 3 cases with mediastinal hematoma. Conclusion64-MSCT can effectively diagnose acute pulmonary contusion, especially in diagnosing the larvaceous imaging signs.
    Comparative Analysis of Anemia of Primary and Secondary School Students in Wuhan in 2005 and 2010
    WAN Qiong
    2012, 40(2):  103-107. 
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    ObjectiveTo know iron deficiency anemia status and its trend of development in the primary and middle school students in Wuhan and to provide a scientific basis for the education and health sectors. The subjects are the boy and girl students of 7, 9, 12, 14 and 17 years old in 2010 and 2005, in Wuhan City. MethodsUsing screening for anemia of WHO standard of 1972. The degrees of anemia were divided into "borderline", "mild", "moderate". Comparative analysis of the two investigation anemia rates and anemia degrees of the boy and girl students in urban and rural areas were made twice. ResultsWithin five year from 2005 to 2010, the anemia rate of rural students has dropped dramatically in Wuhan City, while that of urban students has relatively risen substantially. Most of them suffer from borderline anemia. Borderline anemia rate increased in most age groups, mild anemia rate decreased, the degree of anemia overall decreased in boys. The urban and rural areas were opposite. And the degree of anemia overall increases. Urban students and rural students in early schooling (7 and 9 years old) and in later period of puberty(14 and 17 years old) are more prone to anemia rate increase and anemia severity. The trend for the rural boy's rate of anemia is optimistic. The urban girl's is the highlight of the weak groups, not only with the increasing degree of anemia, but also with deterioration in the severity. ConclusionThe relevant departments should pay great attention to deterioration of the urban students' anemia and focus on urban student(especially girls) groups, especially in early schooling and puberty stages.
    An Analysis of Chinese Gymnastics Development Prospect in the New Cycle of Olympic Games
    GAO Guo-jun
    2012, 40(2):  108-110. 
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    The dissertation has made a research into the finals of men′s team, the all-around and other six individual events of 42nd annual world gymnastics championships by the literature material method, video observation method and mathematical statistics method. The dissertation has analyzed developing state, trend and pattern change of world′s men′s gymnastics in the new cycle of Olympic Games and new scoring rules. The results show that the combat between China and Japan in the new cycle of Olympic Games and new scoring rules matters greatly. Chinese advantage reduces. Almighty items enter a Japanese era. China lacks of an obvious successor, and gap of comprehensive strength competitiveness between China and Japan is too great. In the six individual finals, it is not the condition that the strong wins easily. The countries of the second and third classes also share competition of gold medals. But rings and parallel bars events are still in "Chinese era", being the best in specifications, quality, layout, difficulty, and stability of performance and exhibiting powerful dominating position. After keeping silence for seventeen years, China rose again in horizontal bar, interpreting gymnastic beauty by using eastern wisdom. China is weakened in the floor exercise, the side horse and vault due to improvement of competition system. No Chinese sportsman enters the finals, which shows the weakness of Chinese players who prefer favorite events.