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    Effects of Nitrogen Fertilizer on Yield and Quality of Different Types of Wheat and Differences in Regulation
    WEI Peng1,2 ,ZHANG Peiwen1 ,LI Wenyang1 ,YAN Suhui*1
    Journal of Jianghan University (Natural Science Edition)    2023, 51 (5): 24-31.   DOI: 10.16389/j.cnki.cn42-1737/n.2023.05.003
    Abstract99)      PDF (1316KB)(83)       Save
    To find out the effect of nitrogen fertilizer on the yield and quality of different sensitive wheat and its related components,two types of wheat varieties,nitrogen-sensitive and nitrogen-insensitive,were used as materials,and a random block design was used to set two pure nitrogen application of 180 kg/hm2 (N1)and 240 kg/hm2 (N2),the variation of wheat yield,quality and related components of different types of wheat under different nitrogen levels were studied. The results showed that nitrogen fertilizer mainly affected wheat yield by affecting the number of ears and thousand kernel weight. Compared with low nitrogen levels,the yield of nitrogen-sensitive wheat decreased by 19. 82% under high nitrogen levels and the yield of nitrogen-insensitive wheat decreased by 2. 62%. High nitrogen was not conducive to the improvement of nitrogen-sensitive wheat yield and had relatively little effect on nitrogen-insensitive wheat yield. Under different nitrogen levels,the test weight, hardness,and flour extraction rate had no significant difference,and the crude protein content,wet gluten content,and sedimentation value had significant differences. Compared with the low nitrogen level,the high nitrogen level was conducive to the increase of the crude protein content,wet gluten content,and sedimentation value of wheat grains,the increased range of nitrogen-sensitive varieties was 8. 04%,7. 55%,and 15. 84%,the increase rate of nitrogen-insensitive varieties was 3. 38%,3. 23%,and 3. 39%,respectively,and the increase in nitrogen-sensitive varieties was significantly higher than that of nitrogeninsensitive varieties. This study also showed that the RVA viscosity parameters of wheat starch under different nitrogen levels had significant differences. With the increase of nitrogen application,the peak viscosity,trough viscosity,final viscosity,and dilution value of wheat starch all decreased significantly. It can be seen that in terms of wheat yield and quality,the response of nitrogen-sensitive varieties to nitrogen fertilizer is greater than that of nitrogeninsensitive varieties. The effect of nitrogen fertilizer on wheat quality is mainly on the quality of secondary processing,and the quality of wheat primary processing is small.
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    Application Research on Passenger Flow Real-time Detection of Subway Station Platform Based on Deep
    WU Junyan,LIU Xia,LI Yazhuo*
    Journal of Jianghan University (Natural Science Edition)    2023, 51 (5): 67-74.   DOI: 10.16389/j.cnki.cn42-1737/n.2023.05.009
    Abstract94)      PDF (6653KB)(251)       Save
    In this paper,YOLO-V5,a target detection algorithm based on deep learning, was combined with DeepSORT,a multi- target tracking algorithm,to achieve real- time detection and statistics of pedestrian flow information at the platform level of subway stations. Firstly,to reduce the problem of false detection and missed detection caused by pedestrians' mutual occlusion,the traditional pedestrian whole-body detection was changed to pedestrian head and shoulder detection. Then,the ReID model in DeepSORT was trained to extract only the head and shoulder features of pedestrians,to reduce the problem of inaccurate counting caused by frequent switching of pedestrian IDs in the tracking process.Finally,the optimized pedestrian detection and tracking model was applied to the subway platform level passenger flow detection, and different passenger flow information was extracted and counted according to the actual application scenario. The results showed that the model could effectively detect the degree of platform congestion,and count the number of people going up and down at the entrance and exit of the platform. The accuracy rate was 86% and the average FPS was 35,which could meet the application requirements of realtime detection of passenger flow information.
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    Clinical Research Progress of Fatty Pancreas
    DING Sanxiu1 ,DING Xiangwu*2
    Journal of Jianghan University (Natural Science Edition)    2023, 51 (6): 40-46.   DOI: 10.16389/j.cnki.cn42-1737/n.2023.06.006
    Abstract90)      PDF (1242KB)(68)       Save
    Both fat replacement and fat infiltration can lead to fatty pancreas(FP),and in recent years,research on fatty pancreas has gradually increased,but its pathogenesis and diagnostic criteria are still unclear. Fat accumulation in the pancreas can affect metabolic function and increase the risk of diabetes,non-alcoholic fatty liver disease,coronary heart disease,pancreatitis,pancreatic cancer,and postoperative pancreatic fistula. The clinical manifestations of the fatty pancreas are not typical,so ultrasound,computed tomography (CT),magnetic resonance(MR),and other techniques are used to diagnose it in clinical practice. At present,endoscopic ultrasound(EUS)and quantitative CT(QCT)have also made new progress in the diagnosis of fatty pancreas. FP is mostly treated with weightreducing and lipid-lowering drugs,but its prognosis is unclear. This article reviewed the research progress on the epidemiology,related diseases,diagnosis,and treatment of FP at home and abroad,to provide new ideas for exploring the diagnosis,evaluation of disease severity,and intervention of the disease course of FP.
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    Image Segmentation Using U-Net3+ Based on Manhattan Distance Self-attention Mechanism
    ZHANG Zhiwei,YE Xi,YANG Zhihong
    Journal of Jianghan University (Natural Science Edition)    2024, 52 (2): 56-67.   DOI: 10.16389/j.cnki.cn42-1737/n.2024.02.007
    Abstract80)      PDF (5893KB)(85)       Save
    In response to the problem that the current mainstream image segmentation algorithms have poor discrimination ability of pixels with similar features but different categories on the segmentation boundary,which affects segmentation accuracy,this paper designed a U-Net3+ segmentation algorithm based on the Manhattan distance selfattention mechanism. Large-scale contextual information relationships were modeled by focusing on the degree of difference in information representation between different feature points,thereby the network′s ability was enhanced to distinguish pixels with similar features but different categories and learn global relationships. Then,different scale features are fused through the full-scale jump connection structure of U-Net3+ ,providing more scale contextual information for the network,making the segmentation network balance detailed information and global relationships,thereby improving the segmentation effect. Finally,this paper used the COVID-19 CT dataset to conduct experimental tests on the algorithm. The results showed that after the introduction of the Manhattan-distance-based self-attention mechanism,the Dice and IoU metrics of U-Net3+ were improved by 2. 79% and 3. 17% respectively,compared with the U-Net3+ using the multiple self-attention mechanism improved by 1. 06% and 1. 02%,Which proves the algorithm to be of certain effectiveness and superiority.
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    Content and Leaching Characteristics of Toxic and Harmful Metals in Waste Printed Circuit Boards
    TAN Fang1 ,ZHANG Zixun1 ,FEI Ruofan2 ,ZHENG Ziwei1 ,LIU Yanlin1 ,SU Haojie1
    Journal of Jianghan University (Natural Science Edition)    2023, 51 (5): 47-53.   DOI: 10.16389/j.cnki.cn42-1737/n.2023.05.006
    Abstract69)      PDF (2178KB)(101)       Save
    Focusing on the environmental risk issues of heavy metals contained in discarded printed circuit boards(PCBs),the content of eight main toxic and harmful metals in PCBs of automobiles,televisions,and routers was analyzed. Furthermore,the occurrence forms and leaching characteristics of metals were analyzed and evaluated. The experimental results showed that the content of various metal substances in the circuit board varied greatly within the experimental range,with the content of Fe,Cu,Pb,Cr,Sb,Sn,Cd,and As ranging from 0. 015 - 294. 9 mg/g. Although the content of Cd and As was relatively low,their toxicity was relatively high. The main occurrence form of Cu,As,Sn,and Sb in circuit boards was a residual state,with a low ecological risk level. Pb mainly existed in acidsoluble and oxidized states,while Fe,Cr,and Cd existed in four forms:exchangeable and weakly acid-soluble,reducible,oxidizable,and residue states,with a high ecological risk level. Cd,Cr,Cu,As,Fe,Sb,and Sn were leached under environmental conditions simulating neutral and acidic rainfall and landfill leachate. The leaching rate of Pb was high in the simulated landfill leachate leaching experiment. The leaching rate of As was higher in simulated neutral and acidic rainfall. The concentrations of Cd,Cr,Cu,As,Fe,Sb,and Sn in the leaching solution under various environmental conditions exceeded the limit of general chemical indexes of rank Ⅲ of GB/T 14848—2017.
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    Optimization of Wireless Sensor Network Deployment with Improved Artificial Hummingbird Algorithm
    ZHANG Chao1,YANG Yi2
    Journal of Jianghan University (Natural Science Edition)    2023, 51 (5): 75-86.   DOI: 10.16389/j.cnki.cn42-1737/n.2023.05.010
    Abstract68)      PDF (4353KB)(103)       Save
    The artificial hummingbird algorithm is prone to fall into local minima and convergence stagnation when solving high-dimensional complex optimization problems. Therefore,an improved artificial hummingbird algorithm(IAHA)was proposed to optimize wireless sensor network deployment. Firstly,the tangent function transformation of the distance between individual hummingbirds and the optimal hummingbird was performed,and a new foraging strategy was proposed with the optimal hummingbird position as the base and the transformed distance as the flight scale. Secondly,the optimal hummingbird information was perturbed using the Cauchy distribution during the migratory foraging phase,and the perturbation result was assigned to the worst hummingbird,replacing the random assignment method of the original algorithm. Numerical experiments on 12 benchmark functions demonstrated that the IAHA outperformed the six comparison algorithms significantly in terms of finding the best performance. Simulation experiments of wireless sensor network deployment optimization were conducted on four monitoring areas,and the results showed that the average coverage rate obtained by IAHA was higher than that of the comparison algorithm,and the sensors were evenly distributed,which was suitable for solving the wireless sensor network deployment optimization problem.
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    Journal of Jianghan University (Natural Science Edition)    2024, 52 (1): 2-4.  
    Abstract65)      PDF (987KB)(37)       Save
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    A Review of Pulmonary Surfactant in Treating Neonatal Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome
    WANG Jin,WANG Dan,ZENG Lingkong
    Journal of Jianghan University (Natural Science Edition)    2024, 52 (1): 72-79.   DOI: 10.16389/j.cnki.cn42-1737/n.2024.01.008
    Abstract65)      PDF (1088KB)(33)       Save
    Neonatal acute respiratory distress syndrome (nARDS) is one of the serious diseases in the neonatal period,which seriously harms the health of newborns. The main treatment methods include ventilator-assisted ventilation,PS replacement,anti-infection and nutritional support,etc. The alternative treatment of PS is one of the unique treatment methods of nARDS,and the use of PS can significantly improve hypoxemia and respiratory distress in neonates. This paper reviewed the types, dosage, administration route,administration time,and repeated administration of PS in the treatment of nARDS.
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    Research Progress on the Effect of Temperature Stress on Wheat Grain Weight
    WENG Ying1 ,WANG Pengna1 ,DAI Wenci1 ,CHEN Tiantian1 ,LIU Qianqian1 , QI Liu1 ,ZHENG Baoqiang1 ,LI Jincai1,2 ,CHEN Xiang*1
    Journal of Jianghan University (Natural Science Edition)    2023, 51 (5): 5-13.   DOI: 10.16389/j.cnki.cn42-1737/n.2023.05.001
    Abstract56)      PDF (1397KB)(86)       Save
    Temperature is one of the most important factors affecting the growth and development of wheat and the formation of yield quality. The effect of temperature stress on wheat grain weight is closely related to the stress occurrence period,stress intensity,stress duration, and wheat variety resistance. Source, sink, and flow are important factors determining wheat yield. Temperature stress affects the functioning of the source,sink,and flow organs of wheat,resulting in a dysregulation of the ″ source-sink″ and ultimately a reduction in grain weight. To improve wheat yield ,it is necessary to strengthen the ″source″,expand the ″sink″,and smooth the ″flow″. This research reviewed the regulatory mechanisms of wheat grain weight formation under temperature adversity stress,mainly including the effects of temperature adversity on wheat's source,sink,and flow organs. The regulation effect of different cultivation measures on wheat resistance to temperature stress was analyzed from the aspects of variety,sowing date and density,water and fertilizer operation, and chemical regulators, which provided theoretical support for disaster prevention and reduction and sustainable high-quality development of wheat production.
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    Evaluation of Safety and Efficacy of Oxaliplatin Combined with Hy⁃perthermic Intraperitoneal Chemotherapy in Early Application After Radical Resection of Advanced Gastric Cancer
    CAI Gaoping,YU Yang
    Journal of Jianghan University (Natural Science Edition)    2024, 52 (1): 55-65.   DOI: 10.16389/j.cnki.cn42-1737/n.2024.01.006
    Abstract55)      PDF (1168KB)(40)       Save
    Objective We took peritoneal recurrence and metastasis at 1 and 3 years after operation and perioperative complications as the main endpoint,and distant metastasis at 1 and 3 years after operation as the secondary endpoint,to explore the safety and clinical efficacy of oxaliplatin combined with hyperthermic intraperitoneal chemotherapy(HIPEC)in the early application after radical surgery for locally advanced gastric cancer.Methods Retrospective analysis of the clinical data of 100 patients with locally advanced gastric cancer who underwent radical surgery in Affiliated Hospital of Jianghan University,from January 2018 to January 2020. Among them, 55 patients were treated with hyperthermic intraperitoneal chemotherapy at the early stage after radical surgery for gastric cancer,which was defined as the observation group. At the same time,the peritoneal lavage fluid of the patients before and after the thermal perfusion chemotherapy was collected,and exfoliative cytology was performed. 45 cases who only underwent radical resection of gastric cancer were defined as the control group. All patients were treated with 6 - 8 cycles of systemic chemotherapy according to the tegio + oxaliplatin regimen.ResultsThe difference in general clinical data(gender,age,T stage,tumor site,lymph node metastasis)of the two groups of gastric cancer patients was no statistically significant,and the data were comparable. There was no statistically significant difference between the two groups in postoperative serious complications during the perioperative period(P > 0. 05),but there was statistically significant difference in the adverse reactions of bone marrow suppression between the two groups(P < 0. 05). HIPEC treatment would increase bone marrow suppression. A total of 11 patients in the hyperthermic intraperitoneal chemotherapy group had cancer cells detected by exfoliative cytology before the operation,and the positive rate of exfoliative cells was 20% (11/55). No cancer cells were detected by exfoliative cytology after hyperthermic intraperitoneal chemotherapy. The difference in distant recurrence and metastasis between the two groups at 1 and 3 years after operation was not statistically significant(P > 0. 05),but the peritoneal recurrence and metastasis in the hyperthermic intraperitoneal chemotherapy group at 1 and 3 years after operation was significantly smaller than that in the control group,and the difference between the two groups was statistically significant(P < 0. 05).Conclusion Oxaliplatin combined with hyperthermic intraperitoneal chemotherapy can significantly reduce the rate of peritoneal recurrence and metastasis in patients with gastric cancer at 1 and 3 years after operation without increasing postoperative complications in the perioperative period. It can be used as an important adjuvant treatment for patients with gastric cancer and improve the prognosis of patients.
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    Comparative Analysis of Ear Characteristics and Grain Nutrient Composition of 8 Waxy Maize Lines
    CHEN Ping,YU Haibing
    Journal of Jianghan University (Natural Science Edition)    2024, 52 (2): 5-12.   DOI: 10.16389/j.cnki.cn42-1737/n.2024.02.001
    Abstract50)      PDF (1635KB)(44)       Save
    To select fresh waxy maize lines with excellent ear appearance quality and rich nutritional components,a randomized block design was used to comparatively analyze the ear characteristics and grain nutritional components of 8 waxy maize lines. The results showed that there were significant differences in kernel weight, fresh 100-grain weight, cob weight,ear length,ear diameter,bald tip length,row number of ear,kernel number of row,axis diameter,vitamin C content,vitamin E content,and vitamin B6 content among the 8 waxy maize lines. The variation coefficient of bald tip length was the largest among ear characteristics,reaching 73. 2%. And the variation coefficient of vitamin E content was the largest among nutrient composition,reaching 99. 03%. The correlation analysis showed that the content of vitamin E was an extremly significant pastive correlation between vitamin E content and vitamin B6 Content;there was a significant positive correlation between soluble sugar content and the fresh 100-grain weight;the spike length and the number of rows per ear were positively correlated with the weight of the spike axis significantly;the ear diameter was positively correlated with the grain number per row and the grain weight per ear extremly significantly;there was a significant negative correlation between the bald tip length and the fresh 100-grain weight;the grain weight per ear was positively correlated with the grain number per row extremly significantly. Cluster analysis showed that the lines with high comprehensive nutritional quality included Jingcainuo 2,Chengnuo 8,Fengnuo 1,and Jingnuo 832,which provided theoretical support for selecting glutinous corn varieties with rich nutritional components in production.
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    U-Net3+ Medical Image Segmentation Algorithm Based on Improved Channel Multi-head Attention Mechanism
    ZHANG Quanxin,YE Xi,YANG Zhihong,XIANG Qing
    Journal of Jianghan University (Natural Science Edition)    2024, 52 (3): 51-61.   DOI: 10.16389/j.cnki.cn42-1737/n.2024.03.006
    Abstract48)      PDF (8738KB)(77)       Save
    Medical image segmentation is one of the current research hotspots,and the segmentation accuracy significantly impacts the subsequent medical diagnosis. In this paper, we proposed an improved U-Net3+ image segmentation algorithm that incorporated a channel attention mechanism to address the shortcomings of most current medical image segmentation techniques that can not fully utilize and fuse multi-scale feature information. Based on the global jump connection structure of U-Net3+ ,a new channel attention mechanism was designed and embedded into the decoding path of the U-Net3+ network to help the segmentation network adjust the training weights of important information when stitching the global feature map to fuse the global feature information efficiently. Finally,the model was compared and evaluated on two classical medical image segmentation datasets, and the average Dice coefficients reached 74. 31% and 77. 16%,respectively,were 3. 01% and 2. 98% higher than the original U-Net3+ Dice coefficients. The experimental results show that the improved network model effectively improves the segmentation accuracy of medical images.
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    Noise Reduction Method for Damage Signal of Wire Rope Based on BO-WT-VMD Combined Model
    ZHU Yukun,LI Heng,WU Wenjun,KE Yuanyuan
    Journal of Jianghan University (Natural Science Edition)    2024, 52 (1): 43-54.   DOI: 10.16389/j.cnki.cn42-1737/n.2024.01.005
    Abstract48)      PDF (3972KB)(30)       Save
    To accurately identify the fault data of wire rope defects and eliminate the noise in the measured signal,this paper used a combined noise reduction model based on the Bayesian optimization-wavelet transform-variational moda decomposition (BO-WTVMD)for noise reduction. Firstly,the wavelet transform(WT)was used to process the original signal. Then,the variational mode decomposition(VMD)was used for the modal decomposition of the signal processed by the wavelet transform. The correlation coefficient between the decomposed mode and the original signal was calculated to complete the signal mode selection and reconstruction. Finally,the Bayesian optimization(BO)algorithm was used to search for parameters K and the value α in the VMD algorithm,avoiding the impact of sequence decomposition and prediction accuracy,in order to find the optimal hyperparameter combination. Furthermore,in simulation trials and real data,the SNR and RMSE of the BO-WT-VMD,WT,and VDM algorithms are calculated respectively,which were(17. 340 3,0. 101 0),(15. 617 0,0. 123 2),(15. 649 2,0. 122 7),indicating that the algorithm proposed in this paper can effectively eliminate signal noise.
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    A Novel Triphenylamine-thiophene Dyad Fluorescent Probe for Cyanide Detection in Living Algae Cells
    WEN Dan,YU Yanhua
    Journal of Jianghan University (Natural Science Edition)    2024, 52 (1): 5-15.   DOI: 10.16389/j.cnki.cn42-1737/n.2024.01.001
    Abstract47)      PDF (3084KB)(34)       Save
    Cyanide(CN?)is one of the most well-known toxic anions,some edible algae can release cyanide or absorb cyanide from their living environments,which may cause harm to human health. Therefore,we designed and synthesized a novel fluorescent probe TI for CN? detection in living algae cells. Probe TI was constructed by triphenylamine- thiophene moiety and indolium moiety and exhibited remarkable blue fluorescence at 473 nm upon treatment with cyanide due to the nucleophilic attack of CN? on the C=N bond. Moreover,probe TI demonstrated excellent selectivity and sensitivity (LOD 95. 7 nmol/L),and a fast responsive time for cyanide detection in an aqueous solution. Most importantly,probe TI could be applied for real- time detection of CN? in living algae cells and edible algae.
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    Waterlogging Tolerance Evaluation of Different Wheat Varieties at Filling Stage in the Area Along the Huaihe River
    CHEN Ting1 ,LU Danhong1 ,KANG Ruixin2 ,LIU Guohua2
    Journal of Jianghan University (Natural Science Edition)    2023, 51 (6): 25-32.   DOI: 10.16389/j.cnki.cn42-1737/n.2023.06.004
    Abstract47)      PDF (5092KB)(44)       Save
    Compared with convective heat transfer,boiling heat transfer takes more heat away from the latent heat of gasification,which can significantly improve the heat transfer. In this paper,CFD software was used to construct the UDF function to trace the bubble interface evolution during film boiling,and the VOF model was used to simulate the bubble nucleation and single bubble evolution at the microscopic level. The results showed that bubble nucleation included the growth and extension stages. The rising bubble-induced vortex enhanced the heat and mass transfer with the surrounding media. The increase in surface tension and viscosity would extend the bubble separation time and increase the bubble diameter. This study has scientific significance for understanding the heat transfer mechanism of film boiling and is expected to guide the related engineering designs of heat transfer.
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    Journal of Jianghan University (Natural Science Edition)    2024, 52 (3): 2-4.  
    Abstract46)      PDF (1041KB)(43)       Save
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    Screening Key Genes of Atopic Dermatitis and Prediction of Related Drugs Based on Bioinformatics Method
    WANG Xiaochen,CHEN Lu,LIU Chang,CHEN Xiaoqing,LI Peng,QIU Wenhong
    Journal of Jianghan University (Natural Science Edition)    2024, 52 (2): 46-55.   DOI: 10.16389/j.cnki.cn42-1737/n.2024.02.006
    Abstract45)      PDF (6305KB)(41)       Save
    Objective To screen the key genes in the lesion area of atopic dermatitis and predict potential therapeutic drugs. Methods The GSE193309 high- throughput sequencing data was obtained from the GEO database. The R language was used for differentially expressed gene screening,GO function enrichment analysis and KEGG pathway enrichment analysis,and the protein-protein interaction (PPI) networks were constructed via the String website. Module analysis was performed using the MCODE plugin of Cytoscape software to screen key genes in AD skin lesions. Based on the CIBERSORT algorithm,the differences in immune cells between the damaged and non-damaged skin of AD were analyzed. Finally,the Connectivity Map was used to predict the potential small molecule compounds that could alleviate the symptoms of AD lesions. Results A total of 1 847 differentially expressed genes and 11 key genes PI3, SPRR2B, LCE3C, LCE3E, SPRR1A,LCE3A,SPRR2A,SPRR2F,SPRR1B,LCE3D and LCE5A were screened out. A total of 962 functions were enriched by GO analysis,including the immune system process,leukocyte activation,defense response,and so on. A total of 64 signaling pathways were enriched by KEGG analysis,and the differentially expressed genes were most closely related to cytokine-cytokine receptor interaction. Resting dendritic cells,macrophagesM2,and resting mast cells accounted for the highest proportion in the epidermal immune microenvironment. Small molecule compounds such as epirubicin,benzoylquine,indinavir, KU-0063794,PI-103,ceforanide,amlodipine,and PI-828 were predicted as potential drugs to alleviate local skin lesions of AD. Conclusion PI3,SPRR2B,LCE3C,LCE3E, SPRR1A,LCE3A,SPRR2A,SPRR2F,SPRR1B,LCE3D,and LCE5A could be the key genes associated with the occurrence of atopic dermatitis,and the eight predicted small molecule compounds may provide a theoretical reference for subsequent drug development.
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    Chinese Ancient Painting Repair System Based on Improved Criminisi Algorithm
    CHEN Ying,JIA Qian,QI Weimin,SUN Yiming,HUANG Xinyi
    Journal of Jianghan University (Natural Science Edition)    2024, 52 (2): 68-77.   DOI: 10.16389/j.cnki.cn42-1737/n.2024.02.008
    Abstract45)      PDF (3982KB)(36)       Save
    The Criminisi algorithm is widely used in cultural relics repair,which finds matching blocks by global search,resulting in slow repair speed. This paper proposed the Chinese ancient painting repair system based on improved Criminisi algotithm. Firstly,the priority function was improved,and the problem that the priority was 0,which led to a poor repair effect,was solved by the weighted sum. Then,when calculating the similarity between sample blocks,the better matching blocks were judged by the geometric distance to avoid the error of texture matching caused by only considering the color difference. Finally, the redundant search was reduced and the repair rate was improved by the search method with a step size of 2. Additionally,a system of restoring ancient paintings was designed using MATLAB R2021a facilitating easy operation for cultural relic protection personnel.The experimental results showed that the improved Criminisi algorithm improved repair quality and operation speed.
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    Molecule Detection of Main Quality Genes in 151 Wheat Lines
    ZHANG Hong1 ,WANG Xin*1 ,QIAN Luqiao1 ,JIN Yangang2 ,YANG Yongle2 ,XIA Zhonghua2
    Journal of Jianghan University (Natural Science Edition)    2023, 51 (5): 14-23.   DOI: 10.16389/j.cnki.cn42-1737/n.2023.05.002
    Abstract45)      PDF (1597KB)(68)       Save
    To clarify the distribution of quality genes in 151 wheat varieties (lines) of Jiangsu Ruihua Agricultural Science and Technology Co. ,Ltd. ,molecular markers were used to detect high molecular weight glutenin subunit(HMW-GS),PPO activity,and 1B/1R ectopic lines. The results showed that the gene frequencies of HMW-GS Ax2, Dx5,By8,and Bx7 were 1. 32%,17. 22%,70. 20% and 89. 40%,respectively. The gene frequencies of Ax2 + Dx5,Ax2 + By8,and Ax2 + Bx7 were all 0. 66%,and the gene frequencies of Dx5 + By8,Dx5 + Bx7,and By8 + Bx7 were 7. 28%,14. 57% and 62. 25%,respectively. The frequency of polyphenol oxidase(PPO)activity-related genes Ppo-A1b and Ppo-D1a was 45. 70% and 25. 83%,double low PPO activity allele PpoA1b + Ppo-D1a was an excellent allele,with a frequency of 8. 60%. The distribution frequency of 1B/1R was 86. 75%. Only 2 materials were carrying low PPO activity allelic variation combinations and non-1B/1R ectopic lines at the same time,with a frequency of 1. 32%. Only one material was carrying an allelic variation combination of glutenin subunit Bx7 and low PPO activity at the same time,which was a non-1B/1R ectopic line,and it could be used as wheat breeding material.
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    Research Progress on Arrhythmia-Induced Cardiomyopathy in Children
    KE Sisi1,2 ,ZHANG Yong*2
    Journal of Jianghan University (Natural Science Edition)    2023, 51 (6): 54-62.   DOI: 10.16389/j.cnki.cn42-1737/n.2023.06.008
    Abstract45)      PDF (1246KB)(43)       Save
    Arrhythmia-induced cardiomyopathy(AIC)is a kind of cardiomyopathy caused by sustained or recurrent arrhythmias,the main clinical manifestations of which are cardiac dilatation and cardiac dysfunction, and blockade arrhythmia could result in partial or complete resolution of the left ventricular ejection fraction. Arrhythmia is hard detected in children,therefore the epidemiology of AIC may be underestimated. Arrhythmias blockade could result in partial or complete resolution of the left ventricular ejection fraction. Both drug therapy and catheter ablation are standard treatment that have been used to treat AIC. Early diagnosis and reasonable treatment are significant to improve the prognosis. This paper summarized domestic and foreign literature on the various types of AIC,systematically reviewed the epidemiology,definition,pathogenesis,clinical symptoms,diagnosis,and the latest treatment methods,and discussed the current treatment at home and abroad.
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