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    20 February 2012, Volume 40 Issue 1
    Orignal Article
    Unicyclic Graph and Bicyclic Graph with the Minimal Number of Subtrees
    LIU Ming
    2012, 40(1):  5-7. 
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    This paper investigates three transformations for decreasing the number of subtrees, each of which can compare the number of subtrees for a pair of graphs. On the basis of these transformations, the unicyclic graph and bicyclic graph with the minimal number of subtrees are proposed.
    The Strongly Connected Reliability of Complete Bipartite Digraphs
    WU Ying-juan
    2012, 40(1):  10-12. 
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    For a general digraph, it is very hard to find an effective algorithm to calculate its strongly connected reliability. This paper pay attention to the strongly connected reliability of some special digraphs which can be calculated in polynomial times. J.I.Brown and Xiaohu Li have given the strongly connected reliability of complete digraphs. In this paper, the strongly connected reliability of the complete bipartite digraphs is studied.
    The Expected Value of Discounted Penalty at Ruin Time forErlang单位 2) Risk Model Under Constant Interest Rate
    YU Guo-sheng
    2012, 40(1):  17-19. 
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    In this paper, we consider the Erlang单位 2) risk model under constant interest rate, in which a two-order differential equation is obtained. And some results in the classical risk theory are discussed in detail.
    The DNA Algorithm of Solving Maximum Complete Subgraph
    DONG Min,TANG Jian-gang
    2012, 40(1):  20-23. 
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    Maximum complete subgraph is an important problem in graph theory. Sticker model and deletion model are two basic kinds of DNA computing models. This paper proposes a DNA algrothm of solving maximum complete subgraph based on sticker model and deletion model.
    Design of Robust H∞ Controller for Norm-boundedUncertain Singular Systems with Multiple-states Time-varying Delays
    GUO Hai-yan,LIU Su-hong
    2012, 40(1):  24-28. 
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    Aiming at resolving relevant problems occurring in a classification of uncertain singular systems with multiple-states time-varying delays, a sufficient condition for the closed-loop system that is quadratically stable is presented by solving the linear matrix inequality. In addition, a condition for the given systems with memoryless quadratical stabilization and H∞ properties is presented in terms of a certain linear matrix inequality, and the designing method of the Robust H∞ controllers is obtained by solving the LMI.
    Research on Evaluation Model of the Value of a Statistical Life
    LI Wen-hong,DANG Jian,LIN Juan
    2012, 40(1):  29-32. 
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    The approach of willingness to pay 单位 WTP) has become one of the main methods to evaluate the value of a statistical life单位 VSL) for foreign scholars. Different evaluation models are used based on different objectives for estimating VSL. In the view of government health and safety regulation, this paper establishes the evaluation model of VSL which is suitable to our national condition, and assesses the VSL of workers in industry with high risks.
    Application of Digital Phase Shift in the Field ofAtomic Frequency Standard
    LEI Hai-dong
    2012, 40(1):  37-40. 
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    The stability of the passive atomic frequency standard can be influenced by the phase delay and system relaxation time. In the servo loop of the synchronization phase discrimination, we can realize the system locked based on the synchronous pulse signal of low frequency. In this paper, the phases of two square waves are adjusted by FSK mode of DDS, in order to satisfy the requirements of synchronous phase discrimination, and the improved experimental results are list out.
    Research of a Micro-scale Measurement SystemBased on Michelson Interferometer
    Lv Hong-fang,TAN Xiao-ping
    2012, 40(1):  41-43. 
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    A micro-scale measurement system based on Michelson interferometer is designed. The system can transform the micro scale of the measurement object into the change value of movable holophote, take use of photovoltaic cells to transform light signals into electrical signals. Through signal acquisition, the data were processed by microcontroller and the results were showed by liquid crystal display. The measurement results of standard feeler demonstrate that, the system has the properties of high accuracy, easy operation, fast measurement and so on.
    Signaling Game Model of Vehicle Insurance Fraud
    CHEN Min,WANG Hua
    2012, 40(1):  44-46. 
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    In this paper, a signaling game model of vehicle insurance fraud was established based on analysis for the insured and the insurance company in vehicle insurance fraud. The critical probabilities of insured fraud and insurance company auditing were obtained. Furthermore, in the situation of a given optimal strategy for insurance company, the premium formula was proposed.
    TiO2 /Chitin Composite for Photocatalytic Degradation of Methyl Orange
    PENG Xiang-hong,CHENG De-xiang,SHI Hong
    2012, 40(1):  47-49. 
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    Used tetrabutyl titanate as material, increased the temperature to gradually degrade the ureophil to prepare the colloid TiO2, fixed the colloid TiO2 on chitin and obtained TiO2/chitin. Methyl orange solution was used as model, the photocatalytic degradation ratio with TiO2/chitin was investigated by spectrophotometer method. The results revealed that the TiO2/chitin was an efficient photocatalyst for the degradation of methyl orange, and 75.6% of the methyl orange was degraded after 100 min using UV light,and 52.3% of the methyl orange was degraded under the sunlight after 150 min, respectively. The TiO2/chitin could degradate methyl orange for 10 times, and the degradation ratio was from 45.1% to 73.9%. There existed the peak belonging to the O-Ti-O band absorption at 952.8 cm-1. The TiO2/chitin has efficient ability for degradation of methyl orange.
    Research Progress of CO2 Reduction Technology
    MI Tie,HUANG Zhen,YU Xin-ming
    2012, 40(1):  50-56. 
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    The environmental issues due to emissions of greenhouse gases from combustion of fossil fuels have become global problems. Among these greenhouse gases, CO2 makes up the highest proportion in the atmosphere. In addition, CO2 is of great use in chemical industries. So it is crucial to separate CO2 from atmosphere. In this paper, trends and technologies of CO2 emission reduction and resource-oriented utilization were put forward. The technologies were analyzed and compared, and the applicable scope, advantages and disadvantages of the technologies were summarized. The prospects and challenges of CO2 emission reduction technology.
    Comparison Study on Flame Retardant Composites of Different Sized Aluminum Methylbutyl Phosphinate单位 Al单位 MHP) filled Epoxy Resin)
    LIU Xue-qing,LIU Ji-yan,CHEN Feng,HU Ji-long
    2012, 40(1):  57-60. 
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    In this study, aluminum salts of methylcyclohexyl phosphinate 单位 Al 单位 MHP)) with 4 particle sizes were used as flame retardants for epoxy resin 单位 EP). The effects of particle size on the flame retardancy, thermal property and adhesive strength to aluminum of Al单位 MHP)/EP composites have been investigated. The results showed that the reduction of particle size of Al 单位 MHP) could make an improvement in above properties of the EP composites. When the particle size of Al单位 MHP) reduced from 36.50 μm to 4.11 μm, the limited oxygen index单位 LOI) for 17 wt % of Al单位 MHP)/EP composite increased from 34% to 39%, the residue char yield at 700 ℃ increased from 23 % to 31% and the shear strength increased from 4.77 MPa to 8.44 MPa.
    Study on Preparation and Photocatalytic Properties ofTiO2 /SiO2 Composite Powders
    CAO Chun-hua,CHEN Chun-hua
    2012, 40(1):  61-64. 
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    TiO2/SiO2 composite powders were prepared using two-step sol-gel method, with tetrabutyl titanate and tetraethyl orthosilicate as the main raw materials, and its photo catalytic properties for degradation of active brilliant red X-3B solution were researched through Ti∶Si molar ratio, calcined temperature, initial concentration and photocatalyst dosage. The results indicated that the TiO2/SiO2 composite powders of n单位Ti)∶n单位 Si)∶6∶1, calcined at 500 ℃ had the best photo catalytic activity, and the photocatalytic activity of the composite were higher than that of pure TiO2 under the same conditions; moreover, it was found that degradation rate of active brilliant red X-3B solution decreased with its initial concentration increasing, and the optimum dosage of composite photocatalysts was 1.6 g/L when the initial concentration of active brilliant red X-3B solution was 25 mg/L.
    Determination of Trace of Copper in Walnut by CTMAB and Organic Solvent Sensitivity Spectrophotometry
    CHEN He-lian,ZHANG Xiao-Hui
    2012, 40(1):  65-67. 
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    In acid medium with ethanol, copper单位 Ⅱ)、 PAN and cetyl trimethyl ammonium bromide单位 CTMAB) could form a stable multi-micelle complex with the maximum absorption wave length at 520 nm. Lambert-Beer law was well obeyed for the copper单位 Ⅱ) concentration in ranging of 2.0~60.0 μg/L. Regression equation was y=0.0059x+0.0048, which with correlation coefficient r=0.9982 and the apparent molar absorptivity ε=2.0×104 L/mol/cm. The relative standard deviation was less than 2.50%. The proposed method was used in the determination of trace copper in food, and the results were in consistent with the results obtained by flame atomic absorption spectrometry.
    Research on the Mechanism of Trusted Routingfor Mobile Ad Hoc Networks
    GUO Weia,LU Hongb
    2012, 40(1):  68-73. 
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    The routing behavior of Mobile Ad Hoc Networks is a kind of cooperation model in multi mobile nodes. The traditional routing methods can not solve the problem of malicious behavior and build the trusted transfers route between nodes. Based on the character of trusted routing, this paper proposes the probability model which transforms the node forward behavior to dynamic trust evaluation, in order to solve the trust measurement and forecast. For the trust routing policy, a simulation that base on the trusted routing algorithms has been proposed to depict the trust characteristic. The results of simulation indicate the trust routing algorithms of mobile ad hoc network is effective, which can guarantee the routing performance and quality of transmission.
    Automatic Extraction System Based on WinCC
    JIANG Shang-jun,NIE Shi-liang
    2012, 40(1):  74-76. 
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    The communication scheme of SIMATIC WinCC and S7-200 in engineering has been presented. Based on PPI communication protocol, a host computer network constituted of PC Acess and OPC Sever communicates with S7-200, which leads to the synchronous monitoring for WinCC and S7-200. Fuzzy PID control has been used for the system control which realizes fast and stable constant temperature heating. And through the high speed output, the control of stepping motor has been achieved by PWM mode.
    Present Situation and Prospect of Research and Utilizationfor Legume Crops in China
    CHEN Chan-you,DONG Yuan-huo,ZHANG Feng-yin,HU Zhi-hui
    2012, 40(1):  77-82. 
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    The main aspects of research and utilization, including the main technical problems, of legume crops in China were reviewed in this article. The ways about how to enhance the development and utilization of leguminous germplasms were analyzed. It is needed to enforce tackle key problem in quality breeding, resistance breeding, and special varietals breeding, and study on germplasm innovation of leguminous crops. Everyone should focus on production and food safety problems of leguminous crops simultaneously. A lot of leguminous germplasms were cultivated using general breeding, distant hybridization, mutation breeding, spaceflight breeding, molecular markers assistant breeding and gene engineering. In order to accelerate the development of producing and processing in legume, we recommend to increase devotion of science and technology, enhance study on layout of predominance region, industry unite and international communication. The trademark stratagem should be built up simultaneously.
    Community Characteristics of Prunella vulgaris at Xiangyang in China
    DONG Yuan-huo,LEI Gang
    2012, 40(1):  83-85. 
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    A distribution site of the nature Prunella vulgaris population at Xiangyang in China was reported. The population area of P. vulgaris was 8~10 m2, and the population sizes were 30-40 individuals, indicating it is a small population. The frequency, coverage, and density of the population were 100%, 10%, and 4 individuals / m2, respectively. A mean value of P. vulgaris spikes was 5.6 units /individual. Excessive farming and picking were the most important cause for the wild resource reducing of P. vulgaris in China.
    The Improvement of Determination Method for Nitrate Reductase Activity in Red Bean Leaves
    ZHANG Jing,CHEN Chan-you,WEI Chuan-bin,XU Guo-quan,ZHOU Jun-fei,PENG Hai
    2012, 40(1):  86-88. 
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    Using red bean as the research material, the nitrate reductase单位 NR) activity was detected with a kit. The results showed that the value of the treatment was similar or even smaller than the control when operating according to the manual. Though the gradient experiments of enzyme amount and heat preservation time at 37℃, it was denied that the enzyme activity caused such phenomena. After adjusting the elements in control, this phenomenon disappeared. Therefore, the adjusting control is more reasonable.
    Influence of Walnut-meat Extractive on IL-1, IL-6 Content in AD Rats
    ZHOU Li-sha,ZHU Shu-xiu,WANG Xiao-yue
    2012, 40(1):  89-91. 
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    ObjectiveTo compare the influence of 3 kinds of walnut-meat extractive on IL-1, IL-6 content in brains in AD rats. MethodsInjected Aβ1-40 to nucleus basalis of Meynert to establish AD model, treated with walnut-meat water extractive, walnut-meat alcohol extractive and walnut-meat acetone extractive for continuous intragatric administration, and were contrast with blank group, sham opeation group and model set group. ResultsThe IL-1, IL-6 content in model set group was marked higher than that in blank group and sham opeation group, the walnut-meat water extractive, alcohol extractive, acetone extractive all could down-regulate the content单位 P<0.01), while down-regulad IL-6 content, the effect of acetone was the best, and P<0.05 for comparasion of three extractives. ConclusionThe walnut-meat extractive can effectively down-regulate the content of inflammatory factors IL-1, IL-6, so as to down-regulate the toxicity of Aβ to prevent and cure AD. The effect of acetone extractive is the best.
    Investigation on Pulmonary Tuberculosis Prevalence ofFreshmen from 2004 to 2010 in a Wuhan University
    YAN Chi
    2012, 40(1):  92-94. 
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    ObjectiveTo investigate the prevalence and effects of pulmonary tuberculosis for freshmen, and provide scientific references for tuberculosis control in universities. MethodsThe pervalence situation of pulmonary tuberculosis for freshmen from 2004 to 2010 in a Wuhan university was studied by epidemiologic investigation and analysis retrospectively. Results63 cases of active pulmonary tuberculosis were detected in freshmen of a Wuhan university from 2004 to 2010, and the annual rate was 231. 27/100000, 309. 77/100000, 366. 88/100000, 239. 38/100000, 263. 00/100000, 106. 16/100000, 169. 41/100000, respectively. There were 40 cases of boys, 23 cases of girls, and the sex ratio of pervalence was 1∶0. 58. ConclusionAs there are higher pervalence ratio of pulmonary tuberculosis in freshmen, the university should pay attention to tuberculosis special inspection in freshmen examination. The patients should be treated and managed normatively. At the same time, comprehensive measures should be taken to prevent the spread of tuberculosis in the university.
    The Influencing Factors on Compliance and Nursing Intervention ofBiPAP Assisted Ventilation in Treatment of AECOPD
    FENG Qiong,XU Man-li,MENG Qing-hua
    2012, 40(1):  95-97. 
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    ObjectiveTo investigate the factors affecting the compliance of the patients with AECOPD ventilated by BiPAP and study the efficacy of corresponding nursing intervention measures. Methods120 inpatients with AECOPD treated by requisite BiPAP in the department of respiratory medicine during January 2010 - March 2011 were selected. The influencing factors and the recognitive degree of patients′ family for using BiPAP assisted ventilation were studied. Furthermore, the recognitive degree changes of patients′ family and the compliance changes of patients were compared before and after the nursing intervention. ResultsBefore using BIPAP,the percentage of those who worried about the safety of ventilator, who feared it, who took its cost into account,who worried about the high cost from buying it, who doubted the future possible dependence on it, was 34.17%, 26.67%, 18.33%, 33.33% and 12.50%, respectively. As for the family members,the proportion of agreement, uncertainty and disagreement was 58.33%, 16.67% and 24.17%,respectively. Besides, the rate of patients′compliance was 47.50%. However, after the nursing intervention, the proportion of agreement,uncertainty and disagreement was 94.17%, 2.50% and 3.33%, respectively, while the rate of patients′compliance rose to 93.30%. To compare before nursing intervention with after it, the difference of patients′ compliance and the recognitive degree of their family on BiPAP ventilation were statistically significance 单位 P<0.05). Furthermore, the improvement of family recognitive degree was correlated with patients′ compliance significantly 单位 r=0.56). ConclusionThe compliance of patients with AECOPD ventilated by BiPAP was associated with multiple factors. The individual nursing intervention measures could improve the patients′ compliance obviously.
    A Survey of Serum Uric Acid, Cystatin C and CreatinineLevels in Essential Hypertension
    ZHANG Hong-bo
    2012, 40(1):  98-100. 
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    ObjectiveTo survey serum uric acid单位 UA), cystatin C单位 Cys C) and creatinine单位 Cr) levels in patients with essential hypertension单位 EH), and study its clinical significance. MethodsUA and Cr were measured by enzymatic method with automatic biochemistry analyzer,Cys C was measured by nephelometry with specific protein aparatus. Results88 cases were accompanied with hyperuricemia 单位 HUA) in 200 patients with EH. Their mean Cys C value单位 1.12±0.14) mg/L and mean Cr value单位 141.5±93.5) μmol/L were higher than those in the patients without HUA significantly单位 P<0.05), and increased with the growth of age and stages of hypertension. However, the rising rate of Cr value was lower than Cys C and HUA incidence单位 P<0.05). ConclusionCys C and Cr values have close relation with HUA in patients with EH. UA and Cys C values rise before Cr value. UA is an early manifestation of impairment of renal function in patients with EH.
    Comparison of Efficacy Between Proximal Femur Plate Locking and Improved Needle External Fixator Technique in Treatment of Intertrochanteric Fracture
    ZHAO Hong-sheng,ZHANG Jian-jun,XIAO Dong,JING Guang-wu
    2012, 40(1):  101-103. 
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    ObjectiveTo compare the efficacy of improved single arm needle external fixator technique and proximal femoral locking plate in treatment of intertrochanteric fracture. Methods92 cases of intertrochanteric fracture patients aged more than 70 were divided into two groups, 49 cases were treated by improved single arm needle external fixator technique, and 43 cases were treated by proximal femur plate locking. There was no significant difference between the two groups in general 单位 P > 0.05). Results92 patients had been followed up during a period of 3 ~ 6 months and the fractures were all healed. According to Harris evaluation criteria, the excellent rates of the improved single arm needle external fixator group and the proximal femur plate locking group reached 89.79% and 90.69%, respectively, and there was no significant difference 单位 P > 0.05). During the operation, the blood loss and average time of the improved single arm needle external fixator group were less than the proximal femur plate locking group, and there was significant difference 单位 P < 0.05). 2 cases of the infection occurred in the improved single arm needle external fixator group, and 4 cases occurred in the proximal femur plate locking group. ConclusionThe improved single arm needle external fixator technique is fit for old and weak patients, which has the properties of reliable fixation, early walking with crutches, short operation time, less blood loss and without reoperation for fixation. Meanwhile, the proximal femur plate locking is suitable for various types of non-serious complications patients with intertrochanteric fractures.
    Clinical Observation of Bifico in Treatment ofInfantile Antibiotic-Associated Diarrhea
    YAN Wei,YI Hai-ruo,LIU Dan
    2012, 40(1):  104-105. 
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    ObjectiveTo observe the curative effect of Bifico on antibiotic-associated diarrhea. Methods120 cases were randomly divided into the treatment group and the control group, and the treatment group cured with oral Bifico on the basis of comprehensive treatment. ResultsThe diarrhea duration of the treatment group was significantly less than the control group. ConclusionThe curative effect of Bifico on antibiotic-associated diarrhea is significant.
    Application Value of HPV 16/18 Detection by in Situ Hybridization in Liquid-based Thin-layer Cytology
    HUANG Xuan,OUYANG Yan-li,CHEN Ying,CHEN Qiong-xia,WANG Cheng-xin,LIU Li-jiang
    2012, 40(1):  106-108. 
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    ObjectiveTo evaluate the application value of liquid-based cytology and HPV 16/18 detection by in situ hybridization in cervical lesions. Methods112 cases were examined with liquid-based thin-layer cytology and stained with HE. According to the classification standard of TBS, the cervical lesions were divided into negative for intraepithelial or malignancy 单位 NILM); atypical squamous cell of undetermined significance单位 ASC-US); Low-grade squamous intraepithelial lesion 单位 LSIL); High-grade squamous intraepithelial lesion 单位 HSIL) and squamous cell carcinoma 单位 SCC). And HPV 16/18 of 112 cases were detected by in situ hybridization. Results① In the 112 cases, 16 cases 单位 14.3%) were NILM; 26 cases 单位 23.2%) were inflammatory; 44 cases 单位 39.3%) were ASC-US; 25 cases 单位 22.3%) were LSIL; 1 case 单位 0.89%) was HSIL. ② With the lesion aggravating, the positive rate of HPV 16/18 increased gradually. And there was a significant difference 单位 P<0.05) between NILM, inflammation and LSIL, HSIL. ③ In cervical cytology, HPV 16/18 positive expression was located in cytoplasm in 5 cervical biopsy specimens. And it was also located in nucleus detected by in situ hybridization in the same specimens. ConclusionsLiquid-based cytology combining with HPV 16/18 detection by in situ hybridization is helpful for testing cervical lesion; cytoplasm HPV 16/18 positive staining may be used as a positive assessment marker in cervical cytology.
    Exploration on the Reform of Open Experiment Teachingand Nursing Teaching
    YANG Guang
    2012, 40(1):  109-111. 
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    In the undergraduate teaching reform of nursing, aiming at training the skillful nursing staff with strong practical abilities and good professional qualities, the reform and innovation of nursing teaching model through the establishment of "whole-day" open laboratory, "situational teaching" mode and cultivating "young school teachers" were carried out. Open experimental teaching can help to promote students′ enthusiasm and initiative to participate the practice. It is an effective way to cultivate students′ practice and innovation ability, improve the quality of students.