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    Application Research on Passenger Flow Real-time Detection of Subway Station Platform Based on Deep
    WU Junyan,LIU Xia,LI Yazhuo*
    Journal of Jianghan University (Natural Science Edition)    2023, 51 (5): 67-74.   DOI: 10.16389/j.cnki.cn42-1737/n.2023.05.009
    Abstract94)      PDF (6653KB)(253)       Save
    In this paper,YOLO-V5,a target detection algorithm based on deep learning, was combined with DeepSORT,a multi- target tracking algorithm,to achieve real- time detection and statistics of pedestrian flow information at the platform level of subway stations. Firstly,to reduce the problem of false detection and missed detection caused by pedestrians' mutual occlusion,the traditional pedestrian whole-body detection was changed to pedestrian head and shoulder detection. Then,the ReID model in DeepSORT was trained to extract only the head and shoulder features of pedestrians,to reduce the problem of inaccurate counting caused by frequent switching of pedestrian IDs in the tracking process.Finally,the optimized pedestrian detection and tracking model was applied to the subway platform level passenger flow detection, and different passenger flow information was extracted and counted according to the actual application scenario. The results showed that the model could effectively detect the degree of platform congestion,and count the number of people going up and down at the entrance and exit of the platform. The accuracy rate was 86% and the average FPS was 35,which could meet the application requirements of realtime detection of passenger flow information.
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    Waterlogging Tolerance Evaluation of Different Wheat Varieties at Filling Stage in the Area Along the Huaihe River
    WANG Rongyuan1 ,CHEN Juan1 ,YAN Suhui1 ,ZHOU Yongjin2 ,WU Wenge2 ,LI Wenyang*1
    Journal of Jianghan University (Natural Science Edition)    2023, 51 (5): 32-40.   DOI: 10.16389/j.cnki.cn42-1737/n.2023.05.004
    Abstract27)      PDF (1690KB)(153)       Save
    The grain yield and quality traits of different wheat varieties were analyzed to provide a theoretical reference for screening waterlogging tolerance varieties suitable for planting in the area along the Huaihe River. In the field experiment,34 wheat varieties were selected as materials,which were treated with normal precipitation during the whole growth period and waterlogging stress during the filling period. Seven main yield and quality indexes including spike number,grain number per spike,grain weight,grain yield,wet gluten, protein content,and starch content were determined. The subordinative function method was used to calculate the waterlogging tolerance coefficient of each index,and the comprehensive waterlogging tolerance ability of each wheat variety was evaluated by cluster analysis. Under waterlogging stress,the grain weight and grain yield of wheat decreased greatly,and the trait indexes decreased significantly. Based on the variation coefficient of the waterlogging tolerance coefficient,the inhibitory effect of waterlogging stress on wheat yield and quality traits at the filling stage was grain weight > wet gluten > protein content > grain yield > grain number per spike > starch content > spike number. The average membership value of waterlogging tolerance was extremely significantly positively correlated with grain weight and starch content,extremely significantly positively correlated with waterlogging tolerance coefficient of grain weight, wet gluten, protein content, and starch content, and significantly positively correlated with waterlogging tolerance coefficient of yield. Through cluster analysis,34 wheat varieties were divided into three types:waterlogging tolerance, intermediate, and sensitive. The number of materials was 22,10,and 2,respectively, accounting for the tested materials,64. 71%,29. 41%,and 5. 88%,respectively. Grain weight and grain yield can be used as the preferred indexes for evaluating the waterlogging tolerance of wheat. Yangmai 13,Yangmai 22,and Ningmai 13 can be used as reference resources for wheat waterlogging tolerance cultivation and breeding.
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    Model Predictive Control Without Weighting Factor for Permanent Magnet Synchronous Motor
    ZU Ran,HUANG Yanhui,LI Min
    Journal of Jianghan University (Natural Science Edition)    2023, 51 (6): 89-96.   DOI: 10.16389/j.cnki.cn42-1737/n.2023.06.012
    Abstract14)      PDF (4709KB)(115)       Save
    A torque and flux control strategy with cascaded evaluation functions' optimization for electric drive systems was presented based on model predictive control (MPC). According to the evaluation function values of the previous step,an intuitive decisionmaking logic for the sequence of evaluation function execution was adopted in an online selfadjustable manner. Compared with the traditional method of a single evaluation function,this method did not require adjustment and calculation of weighting factors. The effectiveness and overall performance of the proposed system were verified through experiments.
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    Optimization of Wireless Sensor Network Deployment with Improved Artificial Hummingbird Algorithm
    ZHANG Chao1,YANG Yi2
    Journal of Jianghan University (Natural Science Edition)    2023, 51 (5): 75-86.   DOI: 10.16389/j.cnki.cn42-1737/n.2023.05.010
    Abstract68)      PDF (4353KB)(104)       Save
    The artificial hummingbird algorithm is prone to fall into local minima and convergence stagnation when solving high-dimensional complex optimization problems. Therefore,an improved artificial hummingbird algorithm(IAHA)was proposed to optimize wireless sensor network deployment. Firstly,the tangent function transformation of the distance between individual hummingbirds and the optimal hummingbird was performed,and a new foraging strategy was proposed with the optimal hummingbird position as the base and the transformed distance as the flight scale. Secondly,the optimal hummingbird information was perturbed using the Cauchy distribution during the migratory foraging phase,and the perturbation result was assigned to the worst hummingbird,replacing the random assignment method of the original algorithm. Numerical experiments on 12 benchmark functions demonstrated that the IAHA outperformed the six comparison algorithms significantly in terms of finding the best performance. Simulation experiments of wireless sensor network deployment optimization were conducted on four monitoring areas,and the results showed that the average coverage rate obtained by IAHA was higher than that of the comparison algorithm,and the sensors were evenly distributed,which was suitable for solving the wireless sensor network deployment optimization problem.
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    Content and Leaching Characteristics of Toxic and Harmful Metals in Waste Printed Circuit Boards
    TAN Fang1 ,ZHANG Zixun1 ,FEI Ruofan2 ,ZHENG Ziwei1 ,LIU Yanlin1 ,SU Haojie1
    Journal of Jianghan University (Natural Science Edition)    2023, 51 (5): 47-53.   DOI: 10.16389/j.cnki.cn42-1737/n.2023.05.006
    Abstract70)      PDF (2178KB)(101)       Save
    Focusing on the environmental risk issues of heavy metals contained in discarded printed circuit boards(PCBs),the content of eight main toxic and harmful metals in PCBs of automobiles,televisions,and routers was analyzed. Furthermore,the occurrence forms and leaching characteristics of metals were analyzed and evaluated. The experimental results showed that the content of various metal substances in the circuit board varied greatly within the experimental range,with the content of Fe,Cu,Pb,Cr,Sb,Sn,Cd,and As ranging from 0. 015 - 294. 9 mg/g. Although the content of Cd and As was relatively low,their toxicity was relatively high. The main occurrence form of Cu,As,Sn,and Sb in circuit boards was a residual state,with a low ecological risk level. Pb mainly existed in acidsoluble and oxidized states,while Fe,Cr,and Cd existed in four forms:exchangeable and weakly acid-soluble,reducible,oxidizable,and residue states,with a high ecological risk level. Cd,Cr,Cu,As,Fe,Sb,and Sn were leached under environmental conditions simulating neutral and acidic rainfall and landfill leachate. The leaching rate of Pb was high in the simulated landfill leachate leaching experiment. The leaching rate of As was higher in simulated neutral and acidic rainfall. The concentrations of Cd,Cr,Cu,As,Fe,Sb,and Sn in the leaching solution under various environmental conditions exceeded the limit of general chemical indexes of rank Ⅲ of GB/T 14848—2017.
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    Research Progress on the Effect of Temperature Stress on Wheat Grain Weight
    WENG Ying1 ,WANG Pengna1 ,DAI Wenci1 ,CHEN Tiantian1 ,LIU Qianqian1 , QI Liu1 ,ZHENG Baoqiang1 ,LI Jincai1,2 ,CHEN Xiang*1
    Journal of Jianghan University (Natural Science Edition)    2023, 51 (5): 5-13.   DOI: 10.16389/j.cnki.cn42-1737/n.2023.05.001
    Abstract56)      PDF (1397KB)(86)       Save
    Temperature is one of the most important factors affecting the growth and development of wheat and the formation of yield quality. The effect of temperature stress on wheat grain weight is closely related to the stress occurrence period,stress intensity,stress duration, and wheat variety resistance. Source, sink, and flow are important factors determining wheat yield. Temperature stress affects the functioning of the source,sink,and flow organs of wheat,resulting in a dysregulation of the ″ source-sink″ and ultimately a reduction in grain weight. To improve wheat yield ,it is necessary to strengthen the ″source″,expand the ″sink″,and smooth the ″flow″. This research reviewed the regulatory mechanisms of wheat grain weight formation under temperature adversity stress,mainly including the effects of temperature adversity on wheat's source,sink,and flow organs. The regulation effect of different cultivation measures on wheat resistance to temperature stress was analyzed from the aspects of variety,sowing date and density,water and fertilizer operation, and chemical regulators, which provided theoretical support for disaster prevention and reduction and sustainable high-quality development of wheat production.
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    Image Segmentation Using U-Net3+ Based on Manhattan Distance Self-attention Mechanism
    ZHANG Zhiwei,YE Xi,YANG Zhihong
    Journal of Jianghan University (Natural Science Edition)    2024, 52 (2): 56-67.   DOI: 10.16389/j.cnki.cn42-1737/n.2024.02.007
    Abstract82)      PDF (5893KB)(85)       Save
    In response to the problem that the current mainstream image segmentation algorithms have poor discrimination ability of pixels with similar features but different categories on the segmentation boundary,which affects segmentation accuracy,this paper designed a U-Net3+ segmentation algorithm based on the Manhattan distance selfattention mechanism. Large-scale contextual information relationships were modeled by focusing on the degree of difference in information representation between different feature points,thereby the network′s ability was enhanced to distinguish pixels with similar features but different categories and learn global relationships. Then,different scale features are fused through the full-scale jump connection structure of U-Net3+ ,providing more scale contextual information for the network,making the segmentation network balance detailed information and global relationships,thereby improving the segmentation effect. Finally,this paper used the COVID-19 CT dataset to conduct experimental tests on the algorithm. The results showed that after the introduction of the Manhattan-distance-based self-attention mechanism,the Dice and IoU metrics of U-Net3+ were improved by 2. 79% and 3. 17% respectively,compared with the U-Net3+ using the multiple self-attention mechanism improved by 1. 06% and 1. 02%,Which proves the algorithm to be of certain effectiveness and superiority.
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    Effects of Nitrogen Fertilizer on Yield and Quality of Different Types of Wheat and Differences in Regulation
    WEI Peng1,2 ,ZHANG Peiwen1 ,LI Wenyang1 ,YAN Suhui*1
    Journal of Jianghan University (Natural Science Edition)    2023, 51 (5): 24-31.   DOI: 10.16389/j.cnki.cn42-1737/n.2023.05.003
    Abstract102)      PDF (1316KB)(83)       Save
    To find out the effect of nitrogen fertilizer on the yield and quality of different sensitive wheat and its related components,two types of wheat varieties,nitrogen-sensitive and nitrogen-insensitive,were used as materials,and a random block design was used to set two pure nitrogen application of 180 kg/hm2 (N1)and 240 kg/hm2 (N2),the variation of wheat yield,quality and related components of different types of wheat under different nitrogen levels were studied. The results showed that nitrogen fertilizer mainly affected wheat yield by affecting the number of ears and thousand kernel weight. Compared with low nitrogen levels,the yield of nitrogen-sensitive wheat decreased by 19. 82% under high nitrogen levels and the yield of nitrogen-insensitive wheat decreased by 2. 62%. High nitrogen was not conducive to the improvement of nitrogen-sensitive wheat yield and had relatively little effect on nitrogen-insensitive wheat yield. Under different nitrogen levels,the test weight, hardness,and flour extraction rate had no significant difference,and the crude protein content,wet gluten content,and sedimentation value had significant differences. Compared with the low nitrogen level,the high nitrogen level was conducive to the increase of the crude protein content,wet gluten content,and sedimentation value of wheat grains,the increased range of nitrogen-sensitive varieties was 8. 04%,7. 55%,and 15. 84%,the increase rate of nitrogen-insensitive varieties was 3. 38%,3. 23%,and 3. 39%,respectively,and the increase in nitrogen-sensitive varieties was significantly higher than that of nitrogeninsensitive varieties. This study also showed that the RVA viscosity parameters of wheat starch under different nitrogen levels had significant differences. With the increase of nitrogen application,the peak viscosity,trough viscosity,final viscosity,and dilution value of wheat starch all decreased significantly. It can be seen that in terms of wheat yield and quality,the response of nitrogen-sensitive varieties to nitrogen fertilizer is greater than that of nitrogeninsensitive varieties. The effect of nitrogen fertilizer on wheat quality is mainly on the quality of secondary processing,and the quality of wheat primary processing is small.
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    Journal of Jianghan University (Natural Science Edition)    2023, 51 (5): 2-4.  
    Abstract36)      PDF (3497KB)(78)       Save
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    U-Net3+ Medical Image Segmentation Algorithm Based on Improved Channel Multi-head Attention Mechanism
    ZHANG Quanxin,YE Xi,YANG Zhihong,XIANG Qing
    Journal of Jianghan University (Natural Science Edition)    2024, 52 (3): 51-61.   DOI: 10.16389/j.cnki.cn42-1737/n.2024.03.006
    Abstract51)      PDF (8738KB)(77)       Save
    Medical image segmentation is one of the current research hotspots,and the segmentation accuracy significantly impacts the subsequent medical diagnosis. In this paper, we proposed an improved U-Net3+ image segmentation algorithm that incorporated a channel attention mechanism to address the shortcomings of most current medical image segmentation techniques that can not fully utilize and fuse multi-scale feature information. Based on the global jump connection structure of U-Net3+ ,a new channel attention mechanism was designed and embedded into the decoding path of the U-Net3+ network to help the segmentation network adjust the training weights of important information when stitching the global feature map to fuse the global feature information efficiently. Finally,the model was compared and evaluated on two classical medical image segmentation datasets, and the average Dice coefficients reached 74. 31% and 77. 16%,respectively,were 3. 01% and 2. 98% higher than the original U-Net3+ Dice coefficients. The experimental results show that the improved network model effectively improves the segmentation accuracy of medical images.
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    Molecule Detection of Main Quality Genes in 151 Wheat Lines
    ZHANG Hong1 ,WANG Xin*1 ,QIAN Luqiao1 ,JIN Yangang2 ,YANG Yongle2 ,XIA Zhonghua2
    Journal of Jianghan University (Natural Science Edition)    2023, 51 (5): 14-23.   DOI: 10.16389/j.cnki.cn42-1737/n.2023.05.002
    Abstract45)      PDF (1597KB)(68)       Save
    To clarify the distribution of quality genes in 151 wheat varieties (lines) of Jiangsu Ruihua Agricultural Science and Technology Co. ,Ltd. ,molecular markers were used to detect high molecular weight glutenin subunit(HMW-GS),PPO activity,and 1B/1R ectopic lines. The results showed that the gene frequencies of HMW-GS Ax2, Dx5,By8,and Bx7 were 1. 32%,17. 22%,70. 20% and 89. 40%,respectively. The gene frequencies of Ax2 + Dx5,Ax2 + By8,and Ax2 + Bx7 were all 0. 66%,and the gene frequencies of Dx5 + By8,Dx5 + Bx7,and By8 + Bx7 were 7. 28%,14. 57% and 62. 25%,respectively. The frequency of polyphenol oxidase(PPO)activity-related genes Ppo-A1b and Ppo-D1a was 45. 70% and 25. 83%,double low PPO activity allele PpoA1b + Ppo-D1a was an excellent allele,with a frequency of 8. 60%. The distribution frequency of 1B/1R was 86. 75%. Only 2 materials were carrying low PPO activity allelic variation combinations and non-1B/1R ectopic lines at the same time,with a frequency of 1. 32%. Only one material was carrying an allelic variation combination of glutenin subunit Bx7 and low PPO activity at the same time,which was a non-1B/1R ectopic line,and it could be used as wheat breeding material.
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    Clinical Research Progress of Fatty Pancreas
    DING Sanxiu1 ,DING Xiangwu*2
    Journal of Jianghan University (Natural Science Edition)    2023, 51 (6): 40-46.   DOI: 10.16389/j.cnki.cn42-1737/n.2023.06.006
    Abstract92)      PDF (1242KB)(68)       Save
    Both fat replacement and fat infiltration can lead to fatty pancreas(FP),and in recent years,research on fatty pancreas has gradually increased,but its pathogenesis and diagnostic criteria are still unclear. Fat accumulation in the pancreas can affect metabolic function and increase the risk of diabetes,non-alcoholic fatty liver disease,coronary heart disease,pancreatitis,pancreatic cancer,and postoperative pancreatic fistula. The clinical manifestations of the fatty pancreas are not typical,so ultrasound,computed tomography (CT),magnetic resonance(MR),and other techniques are used to diagnose it in clinical practice. At present,endoscopic ultrasound(EUS)and quantitative CT(QCT)have also made new progress in the diagnosis of fatty pancreas. FP is mostly treated with weightreducing and lipid-lowering drugs,but its prognosis is unclear. This article reviewed the research progress on the epidemiology,related diseases,diagnosis,and treatment of FP at home and abroad,to provide new ideas for exploring the diagnosis,evaluation of disease severity,and intervention of the disease course of FP.
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    Study on Angiogenesis Effect and Mechanism of Fistular Onion Bulb on Myocardial Infarction in Rats
    LUO Yujia,LEI Jie,ZHU Wei,DUAN Gangfeng*
    Journal of Jianghan University (Natural Science Edition)    2023, 51 (5): 60-66.   DOI: 10.16389/j.cnki.cn42-1737/n.2023.05.008
    Abstract40)      PDF (1631KB)(64)       Save
    Objective To probe the function and mechanism of the fistular onion bulb(FOB)in promoting angiogenesis on myocardial infarction in rats. MethodsRandomly dividing the rats into 4 groups(10 in each group):the FOB group,the Shexiang Baoxin pill group,the model group,and the sham operation group. After one week of adaptive feeding,the model of left anterior descending coronary artery ligation was performed. The quantity and density of microvascular in the margin of myocardial infarction were observed by CD34 immunohistochemical staining. Serum TGF-β content was detected by ELISA. The protein levels of MEK and ERK in the left ventricular myocardium of rats were detected by Western Blot. The mRNA expression levels of MEK and ERK in the edge of myocardial infarction were detected by RT-PCR. ResultsCompared with the model group,The MVD value of CD34 staining in The FOB group and the Shexiang Baoxin pill group was significantly increased(P < 0. 01). The MVD value in The FOB group was lower than that in the Shexiang Baoxin pill group(P < 0. 01). Compared with the model group,the level of serum TGF-β in the FOB group was significantly increased(P < 0. 01),and the level of TGF-β in the Shexiang Baoxin pill group was also increased(P < 0. 05). The protein expression levels of MEK and ERK were increased,and the amplification factor of MEK and ERK mRNA was significantly increased (P < 0. 01). Compared with the Shexiang Baoxin pill group,the ERK protein expression level,and the ERK mRNA amplification multiple were lower in the FOB group(P < 0. 01, P < 0. 05),and the MEK protein expression level had no significant difference(P > 0. 05). ConclusionThe FOB can promote the angiogenesis of myocardial infarction and increase the number of neovascularization at the edge of myocardial infarction. The mechanism may be related to the up-regulation of serum TGF- β level and the expression of the MEK/ERK signaling pathway.
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    Journal of Jianghan University (Natural Science Edition)    2023, 51 (6): 2-4.  
    Abstract31)      PDF (1267KB)(61)       Save
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    Effect of Salt Stress on Growth,Physiological and Biochemical Properties of Sprouting Cuttings of Artemisia selengensis
    XUE Tianyuan,ZHANG Qianqian,WANG Yuhang,HE Sixiao,DONG Yuanhuo,DAI Xigang,ZENG Changli
    Journal of Jianghan University (Natural Science Edition)    2024, 52 (3): 25-31.   DOI: 10.16389/j.cnki.cn42-1737/n.2024.03.003
    Abstract22)      PDF (1239KB)(58)       Save
    The wild and cultivated species of Artemisia selengensis collected from the Xiangkou base in Hannan,Wuhan,China,were subjected to three concentration gradients of 0,20,and 40 mmol/L NaCl solution,with the Hoagland nutrient solution without salt stress as the control. The half-lethal concentration of Artemisia selengensis cuttings was screened out, and the effect of salt stress on growth and physiological indicators of Artemisia selengensis cuttings was studied. The results showed that salt stress significantly reduced the survival rate of cultivated and wild species Artemisia selengensis cuttings compared to the control,with a half-lethal concentration of 53. 40 mmol/L for wild species Artemisia selengensis cuttings and 50. 99 mmol/L for cultivated species Artemisia selengensis cuttings. Under NaCl stress,the plant height,root length,and lateral root number of wild species Artemisia selengensis cuttings were not significantly inhibited and showed a trend of first increasing and then decreasing;the plant height,leaf number,root length,and lateral root number of cultivated species cuttings were significantly inhibited;the CAT,POD,APX,and SOD activities of the wild species Artemisia selengensis cuttings significantly increased under the influence of salt stress,and the MDA and proline contents showed a trend of first decreasing and then increasing;the activities of CAT,POD,APX,and SOD were significantly increased,and the contents of MDA and proline were significantly increased in the cuttings of cultivated Artemisia selengensis with the increase in salt concentration. In contrast,the activities of antioxidant enzymes(CAT,POD,and SOD)in the cuttings of wild species Artemisia selengensis were lower than those of cultivated species Artemisia selengensis. It can be assumed that the cultivated species of Artemisia selengensis are more vulnerable to salt stress and that the wild species of Artemisia selengensis cuttings are more salt tolerant.
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    Design of an Adaptive,Robust,Guaranteed Performance Controller
    XU Wei,XU Junxiao,LI Qiang,WEI Hong
    Journal of Jianghan University (Natural Science Edition)    2024, 52 (3): 62-73.   DOI: 10.16389/j.cnki.cn42-1737/n.2024.03.007
    Abstract11)      PDF (2469KB)(56)       Save
    Based on the linear model of yaw control of rotor-craft flying robots with timevarying uncertainties, this paper discussed the problems in the design method of the controller for mobile robot systems and proposed the design method of an adaptive robust controller. In this method,the adaptive mechanism was introduced into the robust controller design method,and the design problem of the state feedback adaptive robust controller was transformed into an equivalent solvable problem of linear matrix inequalities so that the gain of the robust controller can be adjusted online and the stability of the closed-loop system can be guaranteed. Moreover,the method was compared with the technique of fixed-gain robust controller in the experimental simulation,which showed that the method performed better in the yaw control of flying robots.
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    Research on Refractive Index Measurement of Transparent Liquids Using Optical Loop Interference
    XIONG Xuehui,LIN Heyu,YU Jixiang,WU Linfa,ZHANG Lihui
    Journal of Jianghan University (Natural Science Edition)    2023, 51 (6): 18-24.   DOI: 10.16389/j.cnki.cn42-1737/n.2023.06.003
    Abstract30)      PDF (4007KB)(56)       Save
    The refractive index is an important property of liquid,which is often detected by the optical interference method for transparent liquid. Most methods need to measure the movement of interference fringes,but it is difficult to judge whether it is exactly the integer order fringes movement,which will bring some errors. To solve this problem,this paper proposed a ring interference light path,which realized the interference spot with zero optical path difference and zero angle difference between clockwise and counterclockwise light paths,instead of the conventional interference fringes. The detection principle suitable for this optical path was also designed. After rotating the liquid box at a certain angle,the liquid refractive index can be calculated by measuring the movement of the interference spot. The experimental results showed that the relative error between the measured refractive index of deionized water and the standard value was small. It demonstrates that the design of the experimental optical path and principle are reasonable and reliable,which provides a new method for measuring the refractive index of the liquid.
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    Analysis of Productive and Ecological Effectiveness of Planting Peas and Broad Beans in Winter Idle Field
    GUO Rui1 ,CHEN Gao1 ,LAN Hong1 ,HUANG Min1 ,WANG Jianbing 2 ,CHEN Chanyou *1
    Journal of Jianghan University (Natural Science Edition)    2023, 51 (6): 5-10.   DOI: 10.16389/j.cnki.cn42-1737/n.2023.06.001
    Abstract40)      PDF (1239KB)(53)       Save
    Planting peas and broad beans overwinter can add green and reduce carbon dioxide,their fresh pods harvested in the following spring can supply products in the offseason vegetable market,their roots can fix free nitrogen,and their straw returned to the field can improve soil fertility,which has both productive and ecological effectiveness. In this study,the four cultivars of these crops were planted in the winter idle rice field in Dongxihu District of Wuhan City. The yield,photosynthetic characteristics,CO2 absorption,straw weight returning to the field,and their contents of N,P,and K were measured,comparing with the rape and milk vetch cultivated in the same period. The results showed that the yield and net income of pea cultivar WD-001 were higher than the others;the CO2 absorption amount of the broad bean cultivar 'YouzhiDabaipi' was the highest,reaching 941. 32 kg/667m2 during the whole growth period,the N content(129. 16 kg/667m2 ) in its returned straw was significantly higher than that of other cultivars except for milk vetch,the P content (53. 30 kg/667m2 ) was slightly lower than that of milk vetch and rape,the K content (159. 06 kg/667m2 ) was significantly higher than the other cultivars,which had a good carbon reduction effect and fertilizer potential. Therefore,planting peas and broad beans in winter idle fields has both good economic and ecological effectiveness,which is a new mode to make full use of the winter idle fields after the main crops are harvested.
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    Discussion on Measures to Reduce Algae-related Disinfection By-products in Drinking Water in Wuhan
    ZOU Lunfei,XIAO Chen,ZHANG Qiwei* ,ZHENG Qi
    Journal of Jianghan University (Natural Science Edition)    2023, 51 (5): 41-46.   DOI: 10.16389/j.cnki.cn42-1737/n.2023.05.005
    Abstract32)      PDF (1166KB)(53)       Save
    Due to the influence of various factors,the situation of algae in source water in Wuhan has been very serious. One of the main hazards of algae is to increase the amount of disinfection by-products in drinking water. This paper analyzed the distribution of algae in source water in Wuhan and discussed some measures to reduce algae-related disinfection by-products by summarizing the development of algae removal and disinfection technology. Currently,physical algae removal combined with chloramine or chlorine dioxide disinfection should be facilitated to inhibit the formation of algae-related disinfection by-products.
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    Fine-grained Image Classification Based on Mutual Channel Loss Data Augmentation Network
    HU Xiaobin,PENG Taile*
    Journal of Jianghan University (Natural Science Edition)    2023, 51 (6): 63-71.   DOI: 10.16389/j.cnki.cn42-1737/n.2023.06.009
    Abstract24)      PDF (3845KB)(51)       Save
    Finding discriminative local regions corresponding to fine-grained features is the key to solve fine-grained image classification problems. Recently, fine-grained classification by weakly supervised data augmentation network(WS-DAN)has achieved excellent results,but its single cross-entropy loss(CE-Loss)makes the network focus on global discriminative regions and misses some local discriminative regions. To address this problem,this paper proposed a data augmentation network (MC-DAN) based on mutual channel loss(MC-Loss),which could force feature channels belonging to the same class to be more discriminative. Second,a counterfactual attention mechanism(CAL)was introduced to encourage the network to learn more attention information by counterfactual intervention. In addition, an attention module combining spatial attention and channel attention was proposed to better focus on object regions in images. Comprehensive experiments on three public datasets showed that the method could effectively achieve classification.
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