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    01 October 2010, Volume 29 Issue 5
    A Psychical Analysis of Fake Actions ——Fabled Reading Notes of Zhai Yongming’s Poetry
    ZHANG Guang-xin
    2010, 29(5):  11-16. 
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    From the aspect of political aesthetics, Zhai Yongming’s early poetry was with the shade of fake actions. By collecting, distinguishing and picking up the elements of fake actions, the embryological significance of the fake actions could be figured out, and their use value, exchange value and even the process of their disappearance could be examined. We could recognize how the elements of the fake actions, which were almost referred to as characteristics of Zhai Yongming’s poetry writing, were related with the contemporary world and served instructions and summons from the language principle. By using and discarding those fake actions, the poet found a way to make her poetry perfect, and express her pursuit of writing deep into the era.
    Deep Aesthetic Psychology and Aesthetic Phenomenon
    ZHANG Yu-neng
    2010, 29(5):  24-30. 
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    Human aesthetic phenomena vary greatly and also have many in common. Though the causes that form the differences and similarities are very complex, a fundamental one is difference and similarities concerning deep aesthetic psychology. However, the aesthetic consciousness is with differences and similarities of nation, class, times, region and individuality, which are external direction of internal impel power of aesthetic consciousness, and also externality of human deep aesthetic psychology.
    Metaphor of “Mental Illness” and Salvation of “Other” ——Interpretation of Yan Geling’s Novel Renhuan
    WANG Miao
    2010, 29(5):  39-42. 
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    Yan Geling’s novel, Renhuan was republished, being renamed as Is Psychiatrist in. The matter of renaming conveys a wealth of cultural information. It shows that the novel is not only a text about the “metaphor of disease”, but also an experimental text of reconstructing identity of an overseas Chinese writer. The novel presents the efforts and consideration of Yan Geling, as an overseas Chinese Writer, for the “cultural treatment” from the “others”, and tries to penetrate into the deep part of history from the point of the relationship between “speech and right”, which is the significance of the novel.
    On the Assortment and Sequencing of “Fu ”in Han Su:Yiwenzhi ——Also on The Elegies of Chu Not Being Seleted from the Kind of Quyguan “Fu”
    YIN Jiang
    2010, 29(5):  43-47. 
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    The Assortment and sequencing of the works about Fu in Hansu:Yiwenzhi are arranged according to categories, distinguishing one from another according to quality for the purpose of assorting, so not in disorder. The arrangement of the works of Mei Chen, Dongfang Shuo, Yang Xiong et al could find rational explanation. The assortment and sequencing not only were in line with the general editing styles, but also were influenced by the contemporary academic view, value standard and critical methods, which reflected modest academic atmosphere of Han Dynasty. The Elegies of Chu is far from The Songs of Quyuan of HansuYiwenzhi:shifulue. In addition, the study of the assortment and sequencing of Fu in Hansu:Yiwenzhi is helpful in knowing about works in The Elegies of Chu as the information about origin and description in Dongfang Shuo’s Qijian.
    The Author of Jin Ping Mei Could not be Li Kaixian or Jia Sanjin
    LIU Ming
    2010, 29(5):  48-50. 
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    Among the names of Li Kaixian’s and Jia Sanjin’s forefathers, many were homographic or homophonic with the names of humble characters and anti-heroes in Jin Ping Mei. If the author of Jin Pin Mei really is Li Kaixian or Jia Sanjin, they could never do so in that ancient time stereotyping to taboo. In addition, it seems that the author is unfamiliar with the geographic conditions of Tai Mountains. Thus, a deduction can be made that the author of Jin Ping Mei can not be Li Kaixian or Jia Sanjin.
    The Western Contemporary Philosophic Principles: Defining and Composing ——the Second Research of The Western Contemporary Philosophic Principles
    ZHANG Fa
    2010, 29(5):  56-60. 
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    There exist three kinds of thinking concerning the western contemporary philosophic principles, i. e. thinking of discipline, thinking of the important issues and thinking of significance. The important issues forms the basic framework of philosophy, and the language analysis and the significant pursuit for the important issues also become elements of the basic structure.
    The Original Imagination and the Finitude of Dasein ——On Heidegger’s Interpretation of Kant’s Transcendental Imagination
    JIN Bao
    2010, 29(5):  61-66. 
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    The transcendental imagination is of great importance in the Kant's Philosophy, on which Kant hesitated and conflicted greatly. As transcendental imagination of a “game space” between sensibility and intellectuality possesses original identity of time, the imagination and the time constitute essence of subject, so Heidegger discovered a shelter for his ideology in Kant philosophy, impelling finitude of knowledge into finitude of existent, and then started Ontological dimension of finite subject.
    On the Strain of Theory and the Tactics of the Time of Marxist Sinicization
    CHEN Yi-shou
    2010, 29(5):  70-76. 
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    In the period of increasing problems in entering the initial stage of socialism, Marxist sinicization meets, from higher starting point, the challenge of many areas, deep level and great difficulties. The originality, challenge and risk of the great practice strengthen the course-directing and paradigm-proving. The paradigm-query, value-opposing, form-rejecting and ideology-challenging in the urgency and reality of the problem interpretation produce the internal strain of theory innovation. To sense the reality objectively, to analyze the problems scientifically, to recognize problems consciously and to seek tactics of the time are dynamic mechanism of self-transcendence of Marxist sinicization.
    The Establishment of the American Consulate in Tihua and its Attempt to Split Xinjiang
    JIA Chun-yang
    2010, 29(5):  82-85. 
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    The establishment of American consulate in Tihua was the product of sudden changes of the international situation and the great changes in Xinjian situation. It was also a mirror of the American policy on China. The consulate had carried out a series of secret activities, including activities of splitting Xinjiang. The establishment of American consulate in Tihua and the civilities of splitting Xinjiang signified the starting point of the American policy on the problems of “East Turkish independence movement”.
    On the Aspect Mark “Zai” of Danjiang Dialect and its Origin
    SU Jun-bo
    2010, 29(5):  91-95. 
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    In many Chinese dialects, the aspect mark “zai” is originated from “zai zhe (na) li”, which can be proved by the mark in Danjiang dialect. In Danjiang dialect, the sentence-final aspect mark “zai” is the abbreviation of “zai li” in the end of the verb structure, not from “zai” indicating existence. Grammaticalized “zai zhe (na)li” in the end of the verb phrases indicates continuance, and is in common with grammaticalized “zai zhe (na) li”in front of verbs in origin, which are the result of grammaticalization of prepositional object in their own positions.