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    01 February 2008, Volume 27 Issue 1
    Orignal Article
    Scientific Development Outlook Is Significant Policyon Development of Institutions of Higher Learning
    YU Mao-cai
    2008, 27(1):  5-9. 
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    For the purpose of commanding the overall situation of the work in institutions of higher learning under scientific development outlook, it is imperative to achieve the topic key of quality-oriented education, to perform the task of quality improvement, to follow the leading construction of subjects to strengthen the critical building of the contingent of teachers and to take reform and creation as the motive force. Such should be ensured by Party building and ideological and political work. In order to implement the outlook from guiding ideology to thinking, the following relations should be correctly handled of the development between long term and short range, between extensive and intensive, between overall and typical, as well as the relations in the respects of features and levels of running the institutions, and the relations between reform, development and stability.
    Implementing Scientific Development Outlook and Self-ExertinglyStructuring Harmonious Campus
    WANG Nan-nan
    2008, 27(1):  10-13. 
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    Scientific development outlook is a significant strategic thinking that should be adhered to and carried out in developing Sinicist socialism. The outlook is scientifically oriented by the 17th National Congress of CPC. Such is also an important historic contribution by the Congress. The first essential of the outlook is development, the core being people orientedness, the fundamental requirements consisting of all-roundedness, harmony and sustainability and the basic process being overall plans with due consideration for all parties concerned. It is a new summarization of the connotation of the outlook, most complete, most profound and most distinctive. The outlook is a concentrated manifestation of Marxist world outlook and methodology on development. It is the guiding ideology for the development of the undertakings of the institutions of higher learning as well as the ideological foundation of structuring a harmonious campus.
    Dialectical Consideration of Some Relationsin Structuring Socialistcore Value System
    REN Long
    2008, 27(1):  14-18. 
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    Socialist core value system is relatively stable, still it is bound to develop together with the development of the time and people’s social practice. In the practice of ideological construction led by socialist core value system, it is imperative to correctly cognize and deal with the relations between uniformity and diversity, class nature and universality, and critical nature and that of integration.
    Origin of Yuan Kejia’s Thought of Poesy
    MA Yong-bo
    2008, 27(1):  35-39. 
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    In their retrospection of the two tendencies of excessive romantic emotions and reality-escaping symbolistic pure poems existing generally in the new poems of China in 1940’s, the Jiuye(nine-leaf) poetic group, willingly taking modernist poesy of the West for reference, brought forward the new comprehensive poetic conception of “reality, symbol and metaphysiscs”, which to a great extent promoted the modernized deepening and development of new poems. To put in order the foreign origin of the poesy thought of Yuan Kejia, the theoretical spokesman, makes it quick and easy to get the features into shape of the spread, acceptance and change of the idea of Western modernist poems in China.
    “Charming Lyric” and “Earth Root”
    CHEN Yan
    2008, 27(1):  40-44. 
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    Whether in translating poems or in poetic review, Wang Zuoliang shows a certain wonderful modern sensitivity and language talent. He is other than a scholar who simply looks into the argumentation of a piece of work and closely examines the art of writing.Virtually, Wang’s language talent and modern sensitivity are derived right from his property of a poet. By looking all-sidedly at the poetic practice on the campus of South-West Associated University and by observing carefully the transformation confronted by modern poetry in 1940’s, one cannot but notice the fact that in finding a new lyric way for the campus poems of the Assicuated University, Wang’s writing of modern poems bears a charm different from others’. With “charming lyric” and “earth root”, he harmoniously demonstrates a unique lyric form.
    On Aesthetic Ecological Solicitude——Concurrently on How to Make Ecological Aesthetics Possible
    MAO Ping
    2008, 27(1):  55-59. 
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    Ecological aestheticsis confronted with the difficulty of being set up as a subject, but aesthetics itself is of particular significance to ecocrisis between human and nature. Such does not lie in the research of aesthetics by way and in the mode of thinking in ecology, but in the fact that aesthetics itself is a kind of ecology, and to some extend a profound one. Aesthetic view of nature is something that makes nature “return to fascination”; art and beautiful things themselves are some kinds of “Sein-lassen”, aestheticsin the sense of existentialism resists man’s technicalized living style and opens up man’s “poetic habitation”, hence fundamentally checks even overcomes the deterioration of the relation between man and nature.
    Study on Focus of Interrogatives in Modern Chinese
    YIN Hong-bo
    2008, 27(1):  92-96. 
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    There are focuses in all yes-or-no questions, but some focuses are difficult to be found without context. If there is only one wh-word in wh-questions, there will be one focus. If more than one, there will be more. And these focuses can be coordinate. In positive and negative questions, the focus always lies in ‘positive X negative X’. In alternative questions, the focus can be a constituent in the clause, and sometimes also the whole clause. If a wh-word is embedded into a special construction, it will be de-focused and the construction will not convey question any longer.