JIANGHAN ACADEMIC ›› 2008, Vol. 27 ›› Issue (1): 14-18.

• Orignal Article • Previous Articles     Next Articles

Dialectical Consideration of Some Relationsin Structuring Socialistcore Value System

REN Long   

  1. Armed police political college of Shanghai party construction research center Shanghai 200435, China
  • Received:2007-11-15 Online:2008-02-01 Published:2013-12-30

Abstract: Socialist core value system is relatively stable, still it is bound to develop together with the development of the time and people’s social practice. In the practice of ideological construction led by socialist core value system, it is imperative to correctly cognize and deal with the relations between uniformity and diversity, class nature and universality, and critical nature and that of integration.

Key words: socialist society, core value system, dialectical relation

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