Related to Justifiability of New Poetry:The Skills Founding of New Poetry
LEI Wu--ling
2013, 32(5):
280 )
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As to the word skill like in skill of new poetry,when used by the poetor by poetry critic,in new poetry or in classical poetry,the way of using it and its denotation are obviously different.Poet may use it from a genetic point of view,while poetry critic maybe from the perspective of hermeneutics:in an already completed work,to identify,analyze,summarize the author’s special way to use material,that ingenious ways with individual personality characteristics,and makes interpretation.In classical poems,it is personal athletic invention under common rules while in new poetry,included in the individual’s latent poetry aesthetics and ideas among.The biggest characteristic of new poetry is that without a clear set of formal rules and,therefore,without a set of skills.Poetry skill is a neutral technical word,an objective tool that does not involve value judgments,different people canuse the same skill for their own poetry ideology.Poetry skill is like weaponry,like a tool.But if with deeper analysis,you may find that its public and private nature is not absolute,yet with its limits.New poetry skill focuses on the invention and imagination of structure and form which review contents;Poetry skill is not just a tool,but also a manifestation of personality and style.Skill is not out of content,but discovery under the pressure of the contents expression,which comes from the understanding of world and life.