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    28 October 2016, Volume 44 Issue 5
    Comparative Study of Phosphinate Flame Retardants with Different Number of Alkyl Groups
    CHEN Jia,LIU Xueqing,LIU Jiyan
    2016, 44(5):  389-392.  doi:10.16389/j.cnki.cn42-1737/n.2016.05.001
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    The properties of aluminum phosphinate,aluminum methylphosphinate and aluminum methylcyclohexylphosphinate and their flame retardant polymer for epoxy resin had been studied in this paper. The results turned out that aluminum methylcyclohexylphosphinate flame retaradnt with two alkyl groups had the highest thermal stability,aluminum methylphosphinate with a single alkyl group exhibited the best thermal expansion,while aluminum phosphinate flame retardant free of alkyl group showed the poorest compatibility with epoxy resin which resulting in the worst flame retardant property and mechanical property of the composites.
    Preparation of Composite Fibers of Alginate Based Polypyrrole
    YE Hong,YE Miao,PENG Xianghong,LI Yongjie,HUANG Feng
    2016, 44(5):  393-396.  doi:10.16389/j.cnki.cn42-1737/n.2016.05.002
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    Sodium alginate is a kind of naturally polymer with a lot of source. Alginate based fibers were prepared with wet spin method,with calcium chloride,hydrochloric acid and manganese chloride as solidification liquid solution,the fiber products including the calcium alginate,alginic acid,manganese alginate fibers. The diameter of alginate based fibers was 22-45 μm with groove structure. The alginate/polypyrrole composite fibers had been prepared with pyrrole monomer polymerization on the surface of alginate based fibers in the KMnO4 solution. The alginate/polypyrrole composite fibers with 50-56 μm diameters had layer and granular polypyrrole. The specific capacitances of alginate/polypyrrole film were from 1. 0×10-2 to 3. 0×10-2 F/g. Such fibers owning biodegradability and plenty sources might provide possibitity of the energy storage device in the field of the one-off electronic products.
    Ruin Probability and Asymptotic Estimation of a Weibull Distribution Model
    XU Lu,WANG Baoning,WANG Yi
    2016, 44(5):  397-401.  doi:10.16389/j.cnki.cn42-1737/n.2016.05.003
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    The Weibull distribution is widely applied in repeated claim of quantized life-insurance model,but also is the theoretical basis of reliability analysis and life-insurance model;meanwhile,the Weibull distribution is the extension of exponential distribution. This paper used the knowledge of classical probability theory and mathematics risk theory,towards the insurance problem which the individual claim sum obeyed the Weibull distribution,with establishment of reasonable mathematics model,deduced the explicit expression of ultimate ruin probability,and obtained its asymptotic estimation.
    Requirement Study of Optimal Control of Movable Boundary High-Order System
    WU Qunmei
    2016, 44(5):  402-406.  doi:10.16389/j.cnki.cn42-1737/n.2016.05.004
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    The problem of optimization is to find out the solution of extreme value,the calculus of variations is a kind of method to solve the functional extreme value. According to functional extreme theorems of second derivative at movable boundary condition,the author extends the functional extreme value problem of high-order derivative at movable boundary condition,then the author gives out the necessary condition and the proof of optimal control of high-order system with movable boundary.
    Precise Large Deviations of Sum of Random Variables in Binary Weighted Dependent Model
    YU Haifang,WU Zhihua,WANG Chunguang,LIU Ming
    2016, 44(5):  407-410.  doi:10.16389/j.cnki.cn42-1737/n.2016.05.005
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    The precise large deviations of the sequences of the sum of random variables can accurately depict the limit state of tail probability,and in many fields have important researching and using value. This paper studies the precise large deviations of the sum of random variables with the long tail in the binary weighted dependent model,and obtains two results about the non-random weighted sum Sn and random weighted sum SNt .
    Positive Integral Solutions of a Class of Equation Involving Euler Function
    GUO Rui,ZHAO Xiqing
    2016, 44(5):  411-421.  doi:10.16389/j.cnki.cn42-1737/n.2016.05.006
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    Let φ(n) be Euler function,this paper studied the solvability of equation φ( xyz )=10( φ( x )+φ( y )+φ( z ) ) ,and 398 positive integer solutions are obtained with the elementary method.
    Effect of Levo-Tetrahydropalmatine on Methamphetamine-Seeking Behavior Induced by Conditioned Cues in Rats
    GONG Xiaokang,YUE Kai,MA Baomiao,GAN Yongping,JIN Guozhang,LI Chaoying
    2016, 44(5):  422-426.  doi:10.16389/j.cnki.cn42-1737/n.2016.05.007
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    Objective To investigate effects of levo-tetrahydropalmatine(l-THP)on the reinstatement of methamphetamine induced by conditioned cues in rats. Methods Rats were trained to self-administer methamphetamine under fixed ratio 1(FR1)scheduler until stable responding was established. Following withdrawal(14d),rats randomly divided into four groups. Each group respectively received one doses of l-THP treatment(0,1. 25,2. 50,5. 00 mg/kg,i. p.)and cues-induced methamphetamine seeking behavior was recorded. Results As compared with 0 mg/kg l-THP pretreatment group, l-THP(1. 25,2. 50,5. 00 mg/kg,i. p.)pretreatment group significantly decreased the number of active nose poke( P < 0. 01). In contrast,inactive nose poke had no significantly difference(all P > 0. 05).Conclusion l-THP(1. 25,2. 50,5. 00 mg/kg,i. p.)can inhibit the reinstatement of methamphetamine induced by cues in rats.
    A Comparative Study on Diagnostic Value of Low Dose MSCTA and Routine DSA for Bronchial Artery Disease
    WANG Xiaoyan,XIAO Jiwei,WAN Yulei,PENG Lun
    2016, 44(5):  427-431.  doi:10.16389/j.cnki.cn42-1737/n.2016.05.008
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    Objective To investigate the diagnostic value of dual-low dose bronchial arterial multislice computed tomography angiography (MSCTA) in hemoptysis patients underwent therapeutic embolization preoperatively. Methods A retrospective analysis of 39 cases of hemoptysis patients was carried out. Enrolled patients received dual- low dose (low dose of contrast agent and low dose of radiation dose) bronchial artery CT angiography(CTA) examination and routine digital subtraction angiography(DSA)examination,and were further divided into CTA group and DSA group to make a comparative study. Results There were 104 and 107 branches of the bronchial arteries found by CTA examination and intraoperative DSA examination,respectively. With the findings of DSA as standard,the diagnostic coincidence rates of CTA detected bronchial arteries of normal origin,minor feeding arteries of anomalous origin,and anomalous pulmonary lesions supplied by the bronchial artery were 100%,89% and 100%,respectively.Conclusion Dual -low dose bronchial arterial MSCTA examination has high sensitivity in detecting bronchial artery,and ideal enhancement effect of the collateral feeding artery that can clearly display lesions in the area of the pulmonary. Radiation dose in patients with dual-low dose bronchial arterial CTA examination is considerably lower than that of DSA. The patient′s comfort is improved.
    Progress in Study of Interaction Between Inflammation and Tumor
    FAN Limei,LIU Yunyi,PAN Yu,DENG Ying,XU Jinhua
    2016, 44(5):  432-437.  doi:10.16389/j.cnki.cn42-1737/n.2016.05.009
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    The inflammatory response not only induces the initiation of tumor,but also promotes tumor development and metastasis. Recent data have shown that inflammation, especially chronic inflammation,induces ROS production and consequently causes oxidative stress response,resulting in DNA damage and repair- inhibition after cellular damage. The accumulation of damage can induce mutations in tumor suppressor genes and finally cause tumorigenesis. Meanwhile,there are many inflammatory cells and inflammatory factors in the tumor micro-environment,induce angiogenesis and tumor progression through up-regulation of the expression of multiple cytokines and chemokines. In addition,some drugs targeting the tumor micro-environment have been shown to be effective in tumor treatments,indicating that inflammation is closely related to tumor occurrence and development. This review summarizes the relationship between inflammation and tumor,with the aim of providing a new treatment option for tumor.
    Construction and Practice of MIMP Integrative Experiment Teaching System
    FENG Jinmei,SONG Wenjian,HU Song,ZHANG Zehua,HUANG Lixia,QIU Wenhong,LIU Kai,YUAN Fahu
    2016, 44(5):  438-443.  doi:10.16389/j.cnki.cn42-1737/n.2016.05.010
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    Improvement of experimental teaching is not only important to train medical students for their ability to practice and to innovate,but also an important goal of experiment teaching reform in medical colleges and universities. Aimed to improve the teaching efficiency and quality of the experiment teaching and cultivate talents with innovation and practice abilities,we integrated the experimental contents of three courses (including medical microbiology, medical parasitology, and medical immunology)into one independent new course,named pathogenic biology and immunology integrative experiment (MIMP) for students in clinical medicine speciatty. We adjusted the undergraduate education plan,integrated the experimental contents,rewrote the experimental textbooks,recombined the experimental teaching resources and enriched the teaching staff, reformed the experimental teaching methods and means,and innovated the examination system and course evaluation system. Therefore,we constructed and practiced the MIMP integrative experimental system,and the system works well with a perfect effect.
    Evaluation of Wild Germplasm Resources of Prunella vulgaris L. Based on Rosmarinic Acid Content in Hubei
    DONG Yuanhuo,LIU Hong,XIA Hengjian,LIAO Xin′an,PENG Shimei,FU Liming,YUAN Mengqi,LIAO Kuo
    2016, 44(5):  444-447.  doi:10.16389/j.cnki.cn42-1737/n.2016.05.011
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    Rosmarinic acid content was used to evaluate the wild germplasm resources of Prunella vulgaris L. in Hubei Province. The results showed that:There were P. vulgaris populations discovered in five regions among ten investigated regions. In five wild P. vulgaris varieties,rosmarinic acid content of Qichun wild P. vulgaris variety was highest(0. 28%),higher than the national standard(0. 2%). The other four varieties of wild P. vulgaris ,in addition to rosmarinic acid content of Luotian and Wuhan varieties were in line with national standards,rosmarinic acid content of Xiangyang and Chongyang varieties were lower than national standards, indicating that quality of Qichun wild P. vulgaris variety is relatively better,it is the prior wild germplasm resources of in situ conservation and cultivation.
    Optimization of Extraction Process of Scutellaria barbata Total Alkaloids with Central-Composite-Design Response-Surface Method
    LIU Xin,YANG Xin,ZHANG Li,FANG Zhenfeng,ZHANG Tao
    2016, 44(5):  448-455.  doi:10.16389/j.cnki.cn42-1737/n.2016.05.012
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    Objective To optimize the extraction process of Scutellariabar bata total alkaloids with central- composite- design response- surface method. Methods Five main factors including ethanol volume fraction,extraction time,solid-liquid ratio,extraction temperature,and extraction times on this reflux extraction process were investigated,to screen the influence of various factors on the yield of S. barbata total alkaloid extraction with ultraviolet spectrophotometry. Central composite design was used to design experiments,and SAS was used to establish a prediction model,and response surface method was used to abtain the best extraction process. Results The optimal process conditions were 40. 06 times of 55. 20%ethanol reflux extraction under 85 ℃ for two times,each 113. 29 min. Under the optimal process conditions,the total alkaloid content was 26. 932 9 mg/g,and the deviation of predicted values and measured values were less than 2%. The binomial fitting correlation coefficient was R2 =0. 997 5. Conclusion Central-composite-design response-surface methods is successfully used for the optimization on theextraction process of S. barbatatotal alkaloids,with good predictability and stability.
    Research Progress on β-elemene Content Difference in Different Chrysanthemum and Its Antineoplastic Mechanism
    ZHOU Xiaoye,JIANG Xiwang,ZHEN Hongyan
    2016, 44(5):  456-461.  doi:10.16389/j.cnki.cn42-1737/n.2016.05.013
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    Chrysanthemun,a medicine and food homological plant,has various chemical compositions and pharmacological activities. It is found that β-elemene has been detected from chrysanthemum and shows good antineoplastic activities. This text concludes the discovery and application of β-elemene,and makes a contrast among different chrysanthemum species and cultivars,and summarizes anticancer prospect of β-elemene for laying the foundation of research and exploitation of essential oil of chrysanthemum.
    Evaluation of Ornamental Plant Disposition for Golf Course
    WANG Xi,GU Yi,CHEN Chong,JIANG Xiwang
    2016, 44(5):  462-468.  doi:10.16389/j.cnki.cn42-1737/n.2016.05.014
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    Taking the hanmaster country club for example,the evaluation of plant population and plant disposition had been studied by investigation,classification,sorting and comprehensive evaluation. The results showed that the main species of arbor,shrub and herbage were 10,15 and 3 respectively. In all of them,the Cinnamomum camphora accounted for 56. 63%,had the highest relative frequency,while Prunus serrulata var. lannesiana has the lowest relative frequency,just achieves to 2. 56%. The disposition forms of plants around driving range,fairway,water area,sand trap and vehicle lane were analysed. The Hanmaster country club′ s plant disposition is characterized by its evergreen plants, seasonal beauty,harmony visual effects,outstanding waterscape,as well as its quiet.
    Realization of Online Incremental Learning Algorithm of Support Vector Machine Based on MATLAB
    YANG Zhihong,LONG Tao
    2016, 44(5):  469-473.  doi:10.16389/j.cnki.cn42-1737/n.2016.05.015
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    An online incremental learning algorithm is implemented with MATLAB based on the online training theory of support vector machine. This method uses the unidentified samples as incremental data to train classifier through svmtrain and svmpredict functions of LIBSVM toolkit. The results of handwritten numeral recognition GUI system demonstrate the correctness and effectiveness of the design,moreover,the incremental training can improve the training speed and improve the accuracy of handwritten numeral recognition in the case of taking into account the emergence of new samples.
    Research on Collision Detection Technology in Processing Simulation System of Chinese Herbal Pieces
    GUI Hongbing,ZHANG Jimei
    2016, 44(5):  474-480.  doi:10.16389/j.cnki.cn42-1737/n.2016.05.016
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    The design and implementation of the simulation system of traditional Chinese medicine decoction pieces are based on virtual reality technology,and collision detection is one of the key technologies to realize the virtual reality. The processing simulation system of Chinese herbal pieces is designed with the algorithm based on the maximum pixel segmentation,which is improved by AABB bounding box collision detection algorithm. The experimental results show that the bounding algorithm based on the maximum pixel segmentation reduces the error of collision detection,and improves the immersion of human computer interaction in simulation system.