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    28 August 2016, Volume 44 Issue 4
    Comparison of Waterlogging Tolerance of Cowpea in Seed Germination Stage and Seedling Stage
    ZHANG Fengyin,GUO Rui,CHEN Chanyou
    2016, 44(4):  293-296.  doi:10.16389/j.cnki.cn42-1737/n.2016.04.001
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    Objective Waterlogging tolerance of seed germination stage and seedling stage in cowpea(Vigna unguiculata )were compared,to guide the practice of seeds sowing. Methods The germination cowpea seeds and cowpea seedlings were soaked in water with different time(12,24,36,48,60,72 h),and their responses to hypoxia stress were studied. Results (1)As the flooding time prolonged,the germination of seed decreased. When the cowpea in germination stage was flooded over 36 h,the seedling rate was zero,but when the cowpea in seedling stage was flooded less than 72 h,no seedling death was observed;(2)Under flooding stress,the growth of cowpea seedlings was inhibited,and the damage of root was the most serious. Conclusion The wet resistant ability of cowpea in seedling stage was stronger than that in germination stage. The waterlogging in germination stage influence the germination and cause rotting away of seeds,it is important to choose the seeding enviroment and time.
    Effects of Removing Leaves and Pods on Flowers Abscission Rate,Podding Rate and Yield of Cowpea
    WANG Yanjie,HU Zhihui,GUO Rui,CHEN Chanyou
    2016, 44(4):  297-304.  doi:10.16389/j.cnki.cn42-1737/n.2016.04.002
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    With removing leaves and pods at flourishing podding stage, we studied the flower abscission rate,podding rate and yield of cowpea,meanwhile,we measured the photosynthetic parameters,chlorophyll fluorescence parameters and concentration of chlorophyll,processing stepwise regression analysis. The results showed:at flourishing podding stage,the flower abscission rate of 1/2 leaf removing was the highest,and the other treatments were higher than that of the CK. More removing leaves,lower podding rate,otherwise,higher podding rate;yields from high to low were control > 1/3 leaf removing > 1/4 leaf removing > 1/2 leaf removing. At flourishing podding stage,removed leaves and pods at the same time,podding rates from high to low were 1/4 leaf removing and 1/4 pod removing >1/4 leaf removing and 1/3 pod removing > 1/3 leaf removing and 1/4 pod removing > control > 1/3 leaf removing and 1/3 pod removing. The yields from high to low were 1/4 leaf removing and 1/4 podremoving > control > 1/3 leaf removing and 1/4 pod removing >1/4 leaf removing and 1/3 pod removing > 1/3 leaf removing and 1/3 pod removing. Stepwise regression showed:Fv/Fm could monitor abscission rate with equation y1 =97. 77 - 58. 21x1 . Fv/Fm and PRI could monitor podding rate with equation y2 =4. 06+68. 03x1 +197. 74x2 .Chlorophyll,abscission rate and podding rate could monitor yield with equation y3 =4 268. 13+253. 52x3 -48.10x4 -5. 50x5 .
    Effects of EMS Treatment on Physiological-Biochemical Characteristics of Seed Germination and LD50 in Cowpea
    ZHANG Zhongwu,YANG Youwei,SUN Xincheng
    2016, 44(4):  305-310.  doi:10.16389/j.cnki.cn42-1737/n.2016.04.003
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    In order to obtain the suitable conditions for cowpea chemical mutation,taking cowpea cultivar‘Tianchang 9’and‘Yin-jiang-wang’as experimental material and setting 3 kinds of EMS concentration with 3 treatment time,the effect of seed germination,seedling growth,and major biochemical indexes of seedling were studied. The results showed that the germination energy and germination percentage of cowpea seeds were decreased,whereas the electrical conductivity of their leaching liquid,SOD activities and soluble protein content of seedling were increased with EMS treatment. While seeds were treated with 0. 3%,0. 5% and 0. 9% EMS solution,the induction time of half lethal dose were 4. 41,3. 63,3. 59 h in cultivar‘Tianchang 9’,and 2. 04,1. 03,0. 79 h in cultiva‘r Yin-jiang-wang’,respectively.
    Properties of Divisible P-Semi-Simple BCI-Algebras
    LIU Jun,YAO Chunlin,HE Zhiming
    2016, 44(4):  311-314.  doi:10.16389/j.cnki.cn42-1737/n.2016.04.004
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    In this study,we defined divisibility of P-semi-simple BCI-algebra. Several properties were discussed. The direct product of the divisible P-semi-simple BCI- algebra is the divisible P-semisimple BCI- algebra. Besides,the divisible P-semi-simple BCI- algebra is the direct product of its extended algebra.
    Functional Part of Linear Additive Models and Its Estimation
    BAI Yongxin,DUAN Xianghui
    2016, 44(4):  315-320.  doi:10.16389/j.cnki.cn42-1737/n.2016.04.005
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    For functional regression model,a more general semi-parameteric model are proposed,this model can overcome the disdvantage of parametric model and nonparametric model,and obtain more robust estimate. We study the parameter estimation problem in functional part of the linear additive models and the asymptotic properties of estimators,it promotes the relevant results in the existing literature simultaneously.
    Solution of Arithmetic Function Equation φ2(n) =S(n8)
    XU Hongxin , ZHAO Xiqing , ZHANG Lixia
    2016, 44(4):  321-326.  doi:10.16389/j.cnki.cn42-1737/n.2016.04.006
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    The solvability of equation φ2(n) =S(n8) was studied and the only positive integer solutions n =189, 243, 343,375, 378, 486, 500, 686, 750, 867, 1 156, 1 734 of the equation were proved with the property of φ2(n), φ(n),S(n) , the elementary number theory methods and the C++ programs.
    A Study for Static Simulation System of 500 kV Extra High Voltage Power Transmission Lines
    GAO Ruwu,GAO Houlei,YOU Zhicheng
    2016, 44(4):  327-333.  doi:10.16389/j.cnki.cn42-1737/n.2016.04.007
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    As a significant carrier on the construction of modern power system,the physical analysis of extra high voltage(EHV)transmission line is important on the operations and the faults of transmission lines. Therefore,EHV transmission line is crucial to studies on relay protection,the safety and the stability of the parallel operation of power system. Through seeking for the variation of physical parameters amid the state change of power system stimulated by physical components,the static simulation system provides a scientific basis for studies on the characteristics of line faults and the stability of power system. On the basis of the combination of computer simulation technology and basic physical components,the system can truly reflect the various operations of the transmission lines. Especially,the system can simulate any possible fault of the transmission lines and guarantee the action situations during the course of fault simulation, providing an experimental test before the commissioning of newly developed protection.
    Design and Implementation of Multichannel Detector for Multicore Cable
    HUANG Xun,ZHANG Qingyu,ZHANG Xueguo
    2016, 44(4):  334-338.  doi:10.16389/j.cnki.cn42-1737/n.2016.04.008
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    In order to test high density multicore cable more conveniently and overcome a difficulty on insitu testing of high density multicore cable,a multichannel detector was designed. Detecting electric circuit extended multichannel with ADG706,each channel accomplished data communication and sampling with time division multiplexing. The channel settling time and the max sampling rate were calculated. The hardware and software designing illustration were given and communication interface were discussed. The applications showed that this detector could be applied to high density multicore cable for undamaged and unmoved test. Test omission could be avoided and test accuracy could be improved with the detector.
    Design of Combustible Gas Alarm System Based on AVR MCU
    TAN Cuilan
    2016, 44(4):  339-346.  doi:10.16389/j.cnki.cn42-1737/n.2016.04.009
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    Intelligent combustible gas alarm system is designed based on AVR series microcontroller and catalytic type gas sensor of NAP-100AC. The system is composed of combustible gas controller and detector,NAP-100AC is employed to convert chemical signal into electric signal and this signal will be amplified by circuit,and the detector calculated out the gas concentration of current test area by sampling the output of amplified circuit. Controller communicated with detector by RS-485 bus. The calibration of the detector and the concentration calculation method are introduced in detail,and the reliability of the algorithm is testified by data. The system can monitor the combustible gas concentration within 0%LEL -100%LEL range,and it has the function of dynamic display,alarm and history data query. The system has broad application prospects in the field of urban combustible gas monitoring and industrial combustible gas leaking detection.
    Different Methods for Extracting Water Chestnut Peel Polyphenols and Activity of Removal of DPPH Free Radical
    GUO Yanhua,ZHANG Yumin,XU Guoquan
    2016, 44(4):  347-352.  doi:10.16389/j.cnki.cn42-1737/n.2016.04.010
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    Water chestnut peel polyphenols were extracted with different methods,Its ability to remove DPPH free radical was determinated. The water chestnut peel polyphenol antioxidant activity with different extracting methods were determinated by half inhibitory concentration( IC50 ). The results show that the water chestunt peel polyphenols from the several different methods have strong antioxidant capability,they are stronger than that of the control. The water chestnut peel polyphenol antioxidant activity is relatively stronger extracted with ethanol—ammonium sulphate aqueous two-phase system of microwave processing ,the extracting conditions are :ethanol-water ratio 0. 5 ,(NH42SO4 dosage 0. 30g/mL,microwave power 288 W,extracting time 8 min,under these conditions,it can obtain stable aqueous two-phase system and high water chestnut peel polyphenol content.
    Synthesis of 9-fluorenecarboxylic Acid
    XUE Fei,HUANG Peng,LI Zhongming
    2016, 44(4):  353-359.  doi:10.16389/j.cnki.cn42-1737/n.2016.04.011
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    In this paper, with benzilic acid as raw materials, 9- fluorenecarboxylic acid was synthesized,The effects of reaction time,reaction temperature,the type and amount of catalyst,solvent type were studied. The product was characterized by IR,HPLC and NMR . The suitable economical and energy efficient synthesis conditions were as follows:the reaction time 2. 5 h,the quality ratio of raw material and solvent with 1∶13,the molar ratio of raw material and catalyst with 1∶3,the reaction temperature was controlled at reflux.
    Application and Exploration of Gradient Mode Teaching in Reform of Polymer Materials Processing Experiment
    HU Chenglong,CHEN Shaoyun,ZHANG Yuanfang,LIU Xueqing,LIU Jiyan
    2016, 44(4):  360-363.  doi:10.16389/j.cnki.cn42-1737/n.2016.04.012
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    Practice teaching of gradient mode based on the practical ability,which is carried out by the curriculum theory with experimental instruments. In this teaching mode, students must learn experimental instruments and design experiment scheme to cultivate autonomous learning ability and practice ability,also enhancing the comprehensive ability of students. The purpose of this paper is to explore course approaches and strategies in polymer materials processing experiment for implementation of practical teaching in gradient mode. The college implemented the reform in education through reasonable arranging the experiment content and the teaching method combining theory with practice. Thus,students′ interest in studying the course of polymer materials processing experiment is cultivated and the practical ability is independently improved.
    Application of AR Technology in Intangible Cultural Heritage and Cultural Tourism Industry
    WEI Sanqiang,WANG Bing
    2016, 44(4):  364-368.  doi:10.16389/j.cnki.cn42-1737/n.2016.04.013
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    Under the background of industrial convergence development for "animation +internet",the application value of AR technology in intangible cultural heritage(ICH)and cultural tourism industry is expounded,ICH development technology route based on AR technology is specified,ICH resources development and operation strategy based on AR technology are proposed:to make AR network interactive platform,to enter the field of science education,to develop derivative products,to protect and inherit ICH,so as to provide implementation pattern and technical reference for application of AR technology in ICH and cultural tourism industry.
    Research on Teaching Resources Management Platform Based on Mobile Network
    ZHU Ping
    2016, 44(4):  369-376.  doi:10.16389/j.cnki.cn42-1737/n.2016.04.014
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    The perfection of mobile network and the wide application of the smart mobile platform promote the development of various applications based on the mobile network. The teaching resources management platform based on the mobile network can facilitate people to obtain the teaching resources at any time to learn. Based on the analysis of the requirements of teaching resources management platform,this paper analyzes its overall structure design and function design.
    Application of Data Mining in Computer Grade Examinations in Sports Colleges and Universities
    LIU Zhongqing
    2016, 44(4):  377-381.  doi:10.16389/j.cnki.cn42-1737/n.2016.04.015
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    In order to improve the level of computer grade examinations of students in sports colleges and universities,Weka software and Apriori are used to do data mining on the data including the courses of computer basic one and basic two with students′ usually test scores and usually test times,the results in the final exam,computer grade test scores of some classes in Chengdu Sport Institute,thus some beneficial analysis results are obtained to improve the teaching effect of computer basic course.
    Matching Method of Paleontology Code Based on Edit Distance Algorithm
    ZHANG Jia,LIANG Shaohua
    2016, 44(4):  382-384.  doi:10.16389/j.cnki.cn42-1737/n.2016.04.016
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    In order to import paleontology code of external laboratory tasks,matching method of paleontology code based on edit distance algorithm is designed. While matching a paleontology code,the first step is to calculate the string similarity between the paleontology code and each code in local paleontology code database,then it is recommended to the user to choose according to the similarity from high to low. In order to improve the matching efficiency in a matching process,the local codes with the edit distance value 0 is the best matching result and end the match process. In addition,to cache matching result of experimenters selection for later matching process. The practice results show that the similarity between the paleontology codes can be calculated by the method based on edit distance,and achieve the expected purpose.