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    28 April 2016, Volume 44 Issue 2
    A Fluorescent Sensor for Recognition of Copper Cation and Fluoride Anion Based on Benzothiadiazole Derivative
    YU Yanhua,SHU Tingting,HU Biao,YU Bingjie,LUO Huixiu,ZHANG Dongdong,CHEN Junjie
    2016, 44(2):  101-107.  doi:10.16389/j.cnki.cn42-1737/n.2016.02.001
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    In this paper,a fluorescent probe based on TMS-ethynyl triazolyl benzothiadiazole derivative (BTD)was developed for recognition of copper cation(Cu2+)and fluoride anion(F-). Sensing behavior of this probe towards anions and cations was monitored by UV-visible and fluorescent spectroscopies in acetonitrile. Among tested anions,only F- induced a decrease in absorption band with a blue shift from 390 nm to 383 nm. Concomitantly,a fluorescence quenching with a blue shift from 496 nm to 488 nm. Among tested cations,Cu2+ led to a decreased absorption band with a red shift and a significant decrease in fluorescent intensity. Interestingly,the fluorescence emission of BTD was highly sensitive to a combination of Cu2+and F- in a sequence dependent manner.
    Research Progress of Polyimide Modified with Graphene and Its Derivative
    WANG Dan,YAN Hui,LI Zhenlin,ZHANG Xueping,FAN Heping
    2016, 44(2):  108-113.  doi:10.16389/j.cnki.cn42-1737/n.2016.02.002
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    The polyimide provides high thermal stability,mechanical properties,electrical properties and chemical stability. Graphene which exhibits excellent physical properties and chemical properties is an excellent reinforcing material of composite. Filling of graphene into polyimide to make composite can improve the properties of polyimide composite to a large extent,which can meet the requirements of the high- tech product manufacture on material property. This paper presented a review of the research progress of polyimide modified with graphene and its derivative at home and abroad in recent years,and discussed emphatically on the preparation and modify methods of graphene,preparation method and properties of graphene-polyimide composite. Finally we prospected the development tendency of application of graphene-polyimide composite.
    Application of Improved Artificial Bee Colony Algorithm in Image Watermark
    GONG Chengqing,HE Wenhua
    2016, 44(2):  114-118.  doi:10.16389/j.cnki.cn42-1737/n.2016.02.003
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    In order to optimize the fidelity and robustness,this paper transforms the digital image watermark into a multi-object problem. Aiming at the problem that the traditional artificial bee colony algorithm is slow convergence speed and easy to fall into local optimal solution,an improved artificial bee colony algorithm is proposed and applied to the digital image watermark processing. The algorithm takes the food source intensity factor and the neighborhood factor into account to update the food source and improve the convergence speed. It uses the DCT to decompose the original image,embeds the watermark into the original image and extracts the watermark blindly. Experimental results show that,the algorithm has a good fidelity and robustness.
    Detection and Recognition of Traffic Signs Based on HSV Vision Model and Shape Features
    CHEN Yixin,YE Feng,XIAO Feng,LI Qingnan
    2016, 44(2):  119-125.  doi:10.16389/j.cnki.cn42-1737/n.2016.02.004
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    A detection and recognition method of traffic signs is implemented with MATLAB based on traffic signs′ color and shape features. This method consists of four parts which are image segmentation based on HSV color space,detection and affine transformation correction based on geometry features,extraction of eigenvector with Gabor filter,classification and recognition with support vector machine (SVM). Experimental results show that the proposed method can reduce projecting distortion,accurately classify and identify traffic signs.
    Design of Bar Code Automatic Printing System Based on LabVIEW
    ZHOU Xianfei,LI Min,YANG Huiwei
    2016, 44(2):  126-130.  doi:10.16389/j.cnki.cn42-1737/n.2016.02.005
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    In automotive industry,each equipment comes from different suppliers,it needs bar codes to distinguish the products. Towards the automatic printing of bar codes after testing of headlight product,the paper realizes the automation of testing process. This paper presents MCU for DAQ and labVIEV for upper computer softwave,to realize the automatic printing of bar codes tested,it can change the bar codes in upper computer for differen products. The system has automation function,and has good stability proved by field use.
    SAR Images Target Recognition Algorithm Based on Deep Learning Neural Network
    LIANG Xin,XU Hui
    2016, 44(2):  131-136.  doi:10.16389/j.cnki.cn42-1737/n.2016.02.006
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    A new effective target recognition method for SAR images is proposed. First of all,take the improved enhanced Lee filtering and HOG transformation for feature extraction of SAR images,then through a hybrid neural network by cascading RBM and GRNN combination to operate object segmentation and target recognition of SAR images. Using MATLAB algorithm simulation of the test image database,in this paper,the method of object recognition based on the deep learning neural network algorithm can obviously increase the recognition rate,and accuracy reaches 97%.
    Investigation of Greening and Analysis of Plant Landscape in Wuhan Zoo
    DAI Xigang,CAI Chanjing,SHE Chuhua,XU Xiaoyu,LI Sha
    2016, 44(2):  137-143.  doi:10.16389/j.cnki.cn42-1737/n.2016.02.007
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    In this paper,the present situation of greening was investigated and analyzed in Wuhan zoo. The results showed that,there were 126 species of green plants,belongs to 60 families and 107 genera in Wuhan zoo,and dominated by native tree species,which had strong adaptability and good greening effect. There were mainly woody plants,herbs and vines were rarely used in green plants. The survey found that the most prominent problems of the plant landscape in Wuhan zoo were less plant variety and application forms,unreasonable community composition and planting design,ignoring to create native plants environment,etc.. The strategies and recommendations deepening the greening of Wuhan zoo were put forward.
    Research Status,Problems and Prospects on Tissue Culture of Cerasus
    ZHANG Lingling,JIANG Xiwang
    2016, 44(2):  144-150.  doi:10.16389/j.cnki.cn42-1737/n.2016.02.008
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    The research on tissue culture of Cerasus at home and aboard in the nearly 20 years was reviewed,the research species mainly focus on Cerasus campanulata ′Maxim′,C. sabhirtella ,C. avium ,C. vulgaris and so on,the tissue culture methods mainly include bud initiation,regenerate from leaves and immature embryo culture. The influences of explant type,genotype,phytohormone,additives and culture environment on tissue culture of Cerasus were analyzed,the current problems were pointed out and the research prospects were discussed.
    Motherwort Test-Tube Plantlets Callus′ Tissue Culture and Its Determination of Alkaloids
    CHEN Yufeng,TANG Yegang,ZHOU Jie
    2016, 44(2):  151-155.  doi:10.16389/j.cnki.cn42-1737/n.2016.02.009
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    The effects of different 6- BA concentrations on the motherwort seeds′ germination were studied,and the leaves of plantlets which generated from the seeds,were selected as the explants,to explore the suitable conditions of callus induction,using the orthogonal design,the callus′ proliferation conditions and alkaloid content were studied. The results showed that when the concentration of 6-BA was 1. 5 mg/L,the seeds′ germination rate was highest,up to 26. 39%;the suitable medium composition for callus′ induction was MS + 6-BA 2. 0 mg/L + 2,4-D 0. 5 mg/L + sucrose 20 g/L + agar 7 g/L,induction rate reached 80. 00%;the suitable hormone combinations for the callus′ proliferation was 2. 0 mg/L 6- BA+ 0. 3 mg/L 2,4-D,the proliferation rate reached 88. 05%,but the above hormone combinations on callus′ alkaloid content had no significant difference.
    Physiological Resistance Study of Six Kinds of Ornamental Plants Under Ammonia Stress
    CUI Hongshan,JIA Wei
    2016, 44(2):  156-159.  doi:10.16389/j.cnki.cn42-1737/n.2016.02.010
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    The research selected 6 species of plants such as Epipremnumaureum , Sansevieria trifasciata ,Hedera nepalensis var. sinensis ,Maranta leuconeura ,Chlorophytum comosum and Aloe vera var. Chinensis , and used airtight fumigation method to undergo ammonia stress with different concentrations. The leaf green content,malondialdehyde content and the relative electrical conductivity were tested for the above plants. The results showed that under 1,2,4 mg/m3 ammonia concentration stress,the Epipremnum aureum and Hedera nepalensis var. Sinensis had strongest ammonia pollution resistance, medium for Maranta leuconeura and Sansevieria trifasciataLanrentii , the weakest for Chlorophytum comosum and Aloe vera var. Chinensis .
    Effects of IBA and NAA on Hydroponics of Pittosporum Tobira
    XU Xiaoyu,ZHANG Fengyin,CHANG Jiejun
    2016, 44(2):  160-163.  doi:10.16389/j.cnki.cn42-1737/n.2016.02.011
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    Robust branches of Pittosporum tobira under 1 year old were selected as hydroponic cuttings,and concentration of 50,100,200 mg/L of IBA and NAA were compounded to probe the most suitable plant growth regulators and the optimum concentration hydroponics for root growth of Pittosporum tobira. The results showed that the rooting rate of Pittosporum tobira cuttings was promoted by the treatment of IBA 50,200 mg/L,NAA 50,200 mg/L,and the most distinguished treatments were IBA 50 mg/L and NAA 50 mg/L treatment,under which Pittosporum tobira cuttings took root 24 days earlier than the control group. Only NAA 50 mg/L treatment promoted the germination of the cuttings,and there were no obvious effects with other treatments. IBA 50 mg/L ,NAA 50 mg/L could also promote the growth of adventitious roots(amount)of Pittosporum tobira cuttings.
    Analysis of Birds in Wetland in Hubei Province
    XU Guoquan ,DUAN Haisheng
    2016, 44(2):  164-173.  doi:10.16389/j.cnki.cn42-1737/n.2016.02.012
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    This paper adopts the classification system stipulated by J. Mackinnon′s A Field Guide to the Birds of China. Carries out assessment of the species category and the residence pattern of birds in wetland in Hubei province. From the review of literature and the examination of material in our collection,it shows that there are 373 species(13 orders,62 families,198 genus)of birds in wetland of Hubei. Among the 373 wetland birds,99 species(26. 5%)are resident birds;60 species(16. 1%)are migrant birds;105 species(28. 2%)are winter resident birds;57 species(15. 3%)are summer breeders;52 species(13. 9%) are traveler and straggler birds. Among the 373 species,69 species(18. 5%)are swimming birds;92 species(24. 7%)are wading birds;51 species(13. 7%)are raptorial birds;161 species(43. 1%)are beside water birds. Among the 373 species of wetland birds,86 species(23. 1%)belong to the species entirely or mainly distributed in the Oriental region,23 species(6. 2%)belong to the species entirely or mainly distributed in the Palaearctic region,and 264 species(70. 7%) to those distributed in both Oriental and Palaearctic region. The migrant birds or winter resident birds mostly distribute in both region,the proportion reaches 88. 5%;among resident birds or summer breeders,the Oriental region species are 50. 6%,and the Palaearctic region species are 3. 2%.
    Preparation and Properties of AgI Doped Bioactive Glass
    ZHANG Liying,XIE Liyuan,ZHOU Teng,DAI Kailing
    2016, 44(2):  174-178.  doi:10.16389/j.cnki.cn42-1737/n.2016.02.013
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    This paper introduces the preparation of a kind of AgI doped bioactive glass(AgI-BAG),and studies the physicochemical properties of manufactured goods. The results indicated that the AgI-BAG was not easily affected by light,heat,wet and could keep stability at room temperature. After being soaked in Tris-buffer,AgI-BAG could rapidly form hydroxyapatite with good bioactivity.
    Risk Assessment and Treatment of Breast Cancer
    YANG Xiyang,WANG Xuming
    2016, 44(2):  179-183.  doi:10.16389/j.cnki.cn42-1737/n.2016.02.014
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    Breast cancer is becoming a public health problem. Substantial progress has been made in the treatment of breast cancer,but in recent years,the increased risk of women and the difficulty of treatment illustrate the present risk assessment methods are not applicable. Therefore,the introduction of new approaches for risk prediction,and for treatment have become the trend. This paper reviewed the risk prediction model,the risk assessment,and the treatment of breast cancer.
    Effects of miRNA on Drug Resistance in Breast Cancer
    XU Hongfan,WANG Xuming
    2016, 44(2):  184-188.  doi:10.16389/j.cnki.cn42-1737/n.2016.02.015
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    Breast cancer is the most common malignancy in women. Recent studies of miRNA point out,miRNA plays an important role in the development of breast cancer,miRNA also has a role in breast cancer drug resistance. According to statistics,about 70% of breast cancer patients appear chemotherapyresistant during treatment. In this paper,the mechanism of drug resistance of breast cancer and effects of miRNA on drug resistance are reviewed.
    Combined Detection of Urine β2-MG and Inflammatory Factors in Diagnosis of Early Renal Damage in Type-2 Diabetic Patients with Hypertension
    HU Yongjun,PENG Dingfeng,TANG Shaoyong,CHEN Jiao,HUANG Qing
    2016, 44(2):  189-192.  doi:10.16389/j.cnki.cn42-1737/n.2016.02.016
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    Objective To investigate relationships and diagnosis value of urine β2- microglobulin(β2-MG),plasma high sensitive C-reactive protein(hsCRP)and interleukin-6(IL-6)such inflammatory factors in early renal damage of type-2 diabetic patients with hypertension. Methods Urine and plasma samples were collected from 125 type-2 diabetic patients with hypertension and 75 healthy volunteers,and urine β2-MG,hsCRP,IL-6,BUN,SCr,HbAlc of the two groups were tested and compared. Results Urine β2-MG,plasma hsCRP and IL-6 levels of diabetic patients group were higher than those of the healthy group when BUN and SCr were normal range,the difference was statistically significant( P < 0.05).There was a positive correlation between urine β2- MG and plasma hsCRP,IL- 6 of diabetic patients. The higher the HbAlc level, the higher the urine β2 - MG, plasma hsCRP and IL- 6. Conclusion A considerable proportion of diabetic patients with hypertension have low renal function while their BUN,SCr are still normal,Urine β2-MG and plasma hsCRP,IL-6 have a good correlationwith early renal damage of diabetic patients with hypertension. It is suggested that combined detection can benefit the diagnosis of early renal damage in such patients,and is in favor of early intervention.