Journal of Jianghan University(Natural Science Edition) ›› 2014, Vol. 42 ›› Issue (6): 9-14.

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Research Progress of Chemical Composition Analysis Technology for Atmospheric Particulates

TAN Jing ,LIU Qiongyu* ,JIANG Junting ,LIAihua   

  1. Jianghan University, Wuhan 430056, Hubei, China
  • Online:2014-12-25 Published:2014-12-26
  • Contact: LIU Qiongyu

Abstract: The research progress of off-line and on-line analysis technology in chemical compositions analysis of atmospheric particles are discussed. The sampling technology and sample pretreatment technology of atmospheric particulates are compared.The off-line analysis technology,including atomic absorption spectrometry (AAS ),inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry(ICP-MS),X-ray fluorescence spectrometer(XRF ),ion chromatography(IC ),gas chromatography-masss pectrometry (GC-MS),thermal optical carbonanalyzer(TOT/TOR)are discussed deeply. The developing tendency of on-line analysis technology in chemical compositions analysis of at mospheric particulates is forecasted. The on-line analysis technology including water-soluble ions,OC/EC ,chemical composition,particle mass concentration ,single particle feature monitoring are also expounded. The research provides a scientific basis for chemical compositions analysis of at mospheric particles and controlling of mist.

Key words: atmosphericparticles, chemicalcomposition, off-lineanalysis, on-lineanalysis

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