Journal of Jianghan University(Natural Science Edition) ›› 2014, Vol. 42 ›› Issue (2): 83-87.

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Microsatellite DNA Analysis of Cloned Xinong Saanen Dairy Goat

LI Changleia,MA Baomiaob,LIU Weia,CHEN Xiaoqinga,YI Huilinga,SHU Xijia*   

  1. a. School of Medicine;b. Wuhan Institutes of Biomedical Sciences,Jianghan University,Wuhan 430056,Hubei,China
  • Online:2014-04-25 Published:2014-05-15
  • Contact: SHU Xiji

Abstract: Objective To identify two Xinong Saanen dairy goats whom were obtained through somatic cell cloning technology with microsatellite DNA technology. Methods Extracting genomic DNA of two cloned Xinong Saanen dairy goats,two recipient Xinong Saanen dairy goats,donor Xinong Saanen dairy goat and two control group Xinong Saanen goats,then microsatellite DNA analysis was performed with microsatellite DNA sequences which were amplified from five pairs significant different polymorphic primer. Results Genotype of two Xinong Saanen dairy goats are the same as the donor cells,but the microsatellite DNA polymorphism of recipient goat and control group goat are different from the above mentioned. Conclusion Genomic DNA of two Xinong Saanen dairy goats come from the donor cells.

Key words: somatic cell, cloned Xinong Saanen dairy goat, microsatellite DNA analysis, electrophoresis, silver staining

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