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    01 June 2008, Volume 27 Issue 3
    Orignal Article
    Literary Axiology of Neo-Kantianism
    ZHANG Yu-neng
    2008, 27(3):  32-35. 
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    Literary axiology of Neo-Kantianism has mainly been developed into an embryonic form by Riekert. Its main points are: Firstly literature and art are valuable cultural objects, secondly the value of literature and art lies in the relation of the aesthetic value between subject and object,thirdly the value of literature, and art is determined by aesthetic, audio-visual image and lastly the value of literature and art inevitably reveals the meaning and its dynamic nature but not the linear development. It produced a direct effect on Western axiology in 20th century.
    From Sociology and Genealogy to Gender Poetics:Feminism Reflected in The World Below
    JIANG Cheng-zhi, LI Jian
    2008, 27(3):  36-40. 
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    Feminist point of view is emphasized in appraising a literary work by feminist literary criticism, which attempts not only to establish through the systematic study of the theme, structural, art and narrative style of the feminist works, the system of “Gender Poetics”, but also theoretically to subvert with a pioneering cultural stand and a critical spirit the deep-rooted patriarchal tradition in literary creation. The World Below by Sue Miller is a typical example, which, from the altitude of sociology and poetics, profoundly reflects the effects and changes taken place when feminism goes deep into the field of literature.
    Lu Zhai Lang was Not by Guan Hanqing
    LIU HONG-qiang
    2008, 27(3):  47-49. 
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    People in previous times held the erroneous view that Lu Zhai Lang was written by Guan Hanqing. The main cause for the mistake was their confusion of the editions. Virtually Lu Zhai Lang was written by an unknown author. The following are the evidence:Pen Er Man of Mai Wang Guan edition didn’t carry Lu Zhai Lang, Zhang Qian became Lu’s servant, two identical names one for a scoundrel the other for a premier, as well as 3 other unacceptable points.
    Technology Alienates Human Nature
    LU Ben-lu,CHEN Kun-ming
    2008, 27(3):  66-70. 
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    Occidental Marxism is an academic trend of thought, which grew up rapidly after world war Ⅱ. In the trend, the thought of “technological rational critique” is of reason and value. They attacked the instrumentalization of technological ration and its pragmatist tendency. But they imputed the harm resulted from the capitalist exploitation of science and technology to science and technology selves. Such should be disapproved of. The relations between man and nature, of science and technology with the environment should be handled properly so as to finally achieve the harmonious development of man and nature, and the sustainable development of social economy.
    Harmonious Pragmatics Features of Chinese Respectful Terms
    ZHOU Xiao-juan
    2008, 27(3):  92-94. 
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    Harmony is the foundation of polite language. In the practical application of “symmetrical and asymmetrical”“normal and flexible”, Chinese respectful terms fully demonstrate the harmonious spirit of the Chinese nation.