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    01 June 2005, Volume 24 Issue 6
    Orignal Article
    Doctrine of “Yin and Yang, Dismal and Cheerful” in Wu Se(Expression of Natural Images) of Liu Xie’s The Literary Mind and the Carving of the Dragon and Starting Point of “Green” Literary Review in China
    TONG Qing-bing
    2005, 24(6):  5-9. 
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    The annotation of the piece of writing of Wu Se in Liu Xie’s The Literary Mind and the Carving of the Dragon in the modern view disagrees with the view that there “exists an error” in Wu Se’s positional layout; it holds the view that the present position of Wu Se implies the idea of juxtaposition between nature and society. The doctrine of “ in and yang , dismal and cheerful” put forth by Wu Se reveals and “isostructural correspondence” and the “sympathy of object and self” between the human psychological world and that of the nature; it also shows that natural scenery is one of the origins of literature. The present article holds that the 3 doctrines of “ yin and yang , dismal and cheerful”, “endless succession” and “sympathetic presents” can be taken as the starting point of “green ” literary review in ancient China.
    Constructive Residential Environment and Natural Ecological Aestheticalization
    GAI Guang
    2005, 24(6):  10-14. 
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    The residential environment is the basic carrier of people’s living homeland. As the two essential factors of people and environment, their harmonious relation is the basic sperational mechanism of the residential environment. The constructive residential environment takes as its basis people’s natural living structure, and makes reference to ecologicalization and artistic aestheticalization so as to gaze straight ahead into the future optimized residential environment. The fusion of ecologicalization and aestheticalization is virtually the structural way of returning to green, which expresses the optimizational principle of the residential environment.
    Neglected Influence ——Translation Conception and Poesy Value of Bian Zhi-lin’s Poetic Collection Selected English Poems
    WANG Xiao
    2005, 24(6):  27-30. 
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    The required conditions and the possible effect of the coming together of the foreign poetic translation and the native poetic practice can by seen by means ofexamining the translater’s conception as shown in Bian Zhi-lin’s collection of poetic translation Selected English Poems, as well as the influence of theconception on modern Chinese poems and on Bian’s own creation. The influence of Selected English Poems is just a superficial characteristic of the influence by foreign poems of China’s new poems.
    Translation of Poems Without Addition and Reduction
    HUANG Can-ran
    2005, 24(6):  34-38. 
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    The basic principle in translation is no addition and no reduction, especially in translating poems. The necessity and possibility of the principle can be deep-goingly researched and discussed by way of specific examples in poetic translation. Besides, attention should also be paid to such aspects as the intelligibility of the language, and the retainment of the original rhythm and intonation, etc.
    Actualization of Word Phrase “X ba” and Its Cultural Connotation
    WANG Na
    2005, 24(6):  66-68. 
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    “X ba” is a popular linguistic cultural phenomenon. As a blending of alienculture with traditional Chinese culture, it meets the psychological demands ofmodern metropolitans on their lookout for whatever is novel and in their pursuitof fashionable taste and high-graded life, whether in linguistic form or in concrete content and style. Being made a morpheme, the borrowed ba becomes a new word-building affix, effecting the change of potential words into actual words in the Chinese language.
    Definitions of Truth Value and Non-Truth-Value ——Concurrently on Problem in Logic Concept Definition
    HUANG Shi-ping
    2005, 24(6):  69-75. 
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    There exists the problem of serious ambiguity in logic concept definitions. This is caused by the fact that in formulating the definition, only one state of the concept of the thing is taken into consideration, neglectful or taking no account of the two absolutely opposite states or the many slightly different states that reflect its objective existence. Therefore, the present article stands for distinguishing the definitions of truth value and non-truth value: in formulating a definition, non-truth-value definition should first be adopted, defining the concept in its general sense; if necessary, truth value definition can then be adopted, distinguishing right from wrong of the concept, so that the definition given will guarrantee in a true and all-round way the various states reflected by the concept.
    Sprouts of Moral World-Saving Thought in Modern Chi na
    ZHAO Yan-cai
    2005, 24(6):  76-82. 
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    Around Opium War I, determined scholars and men of virtue fairly systematically expounded moral world-saving thought. Focusing on the moral “mind”, they advocated bringing power, influence and fame under the control of morality. They attached importance to the “benevolent” virtue, laid stress on sense of honour, exalted paithfulness, righteousness, sincerity and honesty, and highly praised the personality of a noble-characted man. By exposing and criticizing such evils as moral corruption of scholars, inability of good to prevail over evil in social tendencies, ignorance and incompetence, weakness and uselessness, following the old nut and muddling along, arrogance, laziness and timidity, greed for private gains, being utterly devoid of sense of shame, deceiving those above and deluding those below, keeping no promise, and harming the country and injuring the people, and by attaching importance to the specific practices of moral education, unification of “office” and “virtue”, perfecting the mode of official selection, and the combination of morality and law, the tried to get rid of the old habits in order to retrieve degenerate practices and further to attain the aim of “when people are solemn-minded, the power of the country will be forceful.”
    Absorption of Western Socialist Doctrine by Sun Yat-sen’s People’s Livelihood and Revaluation
    YAO Xi-chang
    2005, 24(6):  83-85. 
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    Sun Yat-sen’s people’s livelihood, i.e. his probable ideological deliberationover socialism, formed between A.D. 1890-1911. The western socialist doctrine was the important ideological source of his people’s livelihood, which was practically the aim of value designed by him as modernized socialism in China. It leaves a question open to determine its nature as “subjectively socialism and practically capitalism”.
    New Development of Money-Washing and Countermoney-washing in International Society
    SONG Jie
    2005, 24(6):  89-93. 
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    Money-washing does enormous harm to each member country of the international society. In the wake of economic globalization and development, and with the importance attached to the trouble by every country, especially after the “9·11 Incident”, money-washing comes into close contact with terrorism, the criminals adopting many a new way to wash money. Taking this new trend into consideration, the international society makes an active response and takes a series of new and effective countermeasures.