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    01 February 2006, Volume 25 Issue 1
    Orignal Article
    Modern Metropolitan Environment and Modern Poetry
    ZHANG Lin-jie
    2006, 25(1):  11-14. 
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    Modern poetry is the outcome of which the ancient style of poetry tries hard to rescue itself from the crisis to harmonize its relation with the newly appearing townspeople society. But in the modern metropolitan environment, instead of ridding itself from the crisis, it turns out to be less cared for. As a result the adjustment of the body of poets has been made. At the same time modern metropolis offer lucky chances of new development to modern poetry. Not only does it provide the poets with both modern experience more abundant in tensile force and the value measurement to observe life, it also makes it possible for the poems to have a broader visual field in the expression of everyday life.
    Metropolis-Facing Modern New Chinese Poems
    BAO Chang-bao
    2006, 25(1):  15-19. 
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    In the course of progress of new Chinese poems towards urbanization, metropolitan culture becomes an important factor influencing the development of new Chinese poems. At the same time when classical poetry has been continuously dispelled, a completely new discourse system and a poetry structure have been built. In the historical development of new Chinese poems in the 20 th century, people can find the modernizational exploration of new poems conducted by Chinese poets, and their complicated emotional and value stand towards metropolitan culture.
    “Book of Soul” in City
    CHEN Chao
    2006, 25(1):  20-23. 
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    “City” in poetry is not only a metropolitan presentation but also a state of the soul, on the scene of which the poet puts individual life and take its impact on the soul as the object of poetic expression, In the presented view of the city life, the poet’s key centre remains to be the whispered narration of the soul and the feeling and the tangle of intelligenced inguiry. Hence the appropriate appellation for it should be “a book of the soul” in the city. The sensitivity, soft tenacity and occultness of the soul are of the same case with poetry. It is just with such a soul that metropolitan poetry is enabled to shun “the iconic deduction of city sociology” and gain the vitality of life, the soul and the fresh and soft quality of beauty. Metropolitan people and things can in the same and experienced bright knowledge of poets, who can very well deal comprehensively with the intentions of natural and metropolitan languages, the relusive life of the soul and the intervening existence, so as to express the fresh and soft feeling and the force of mixing on the part of the soul of modern people by means of a weird and tricky mix of what is more meaningful and more of the modern way be the new substrata of the imagination taste.
    Consideration Over Object and Method of Ecological Aesthetic Research
    ZHANG Wei
    2006, 25(1):  32-36. 
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    “Scarecrowism” and Logic of Children’s Stories
    CHENG Shi-bo
    2006, 25(1):  62-65. 
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    Lu Xun held that “Scarecrow opens up a path for the creation of China’s own children’s stories”. Later people understood the path as of realism, some even named it as “scarecrowism”. From the point of view either of Lu Xun’s knowledge of children’s literature or of the inner characteristics of Scarecrow, the anthology of children’s stories, such a statement can well be derived.Just because of this, Scarecrow, which is full of strong realistic spirit,can not be taken as ordinary children’s stories. For what it follows is the logic of reason, not that of emotion. Besides, it is short of the necessary act nature in children’s stories. Over emphasis on “scarecrowism” has, to a great degree, prevented the creative imagination of childrens stories from stretching. Such should now be sensibly regarded.
    All Aspects of Word Marks in Titles
    LIU Yun,LI Han
    2006, 25(1):  83-87. 
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    Word mark is an important technique of chapteralization. In the aspect of parts of speech, the marks of Chinese title words fall into the two types of the verb property and the noun property. In the aspect of structure, title marks are classified under the three types of a modifier together with the word it modifies, verb plus object and parallel marks. In the aspect of position are the prepositive, postpositive and middle title marks. And in the aspect of frequency are the three types of special——purposed, dual——purposed and borrowed title marks.
    On the Relationship between Intellectual Property Law and Unfair Competition Law
    CHEN Xi
    2006, 25(1):  110-116. 
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    Under the circumstances of the intellectual economy, intellectual property law and unfair competition law play a more and more important role in the society. So, correctly understanding the relationship between them becomes more necessary and immediate. Because of the lack of this kind of relationship, China《Unfair Competition Law》needs more revise and perfect.