
Table of Content

    01 April 2006, Volume 25 Issue 2
    Orignal Article
    Writing History of New Poetry: Possibility and Limitation
    HUANG Xue-min
    2006, 25(2):  11-14. 
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    The comparison of the three books of History of Modern Chinese Poetry, History of Modern Chinese New Poetry and Centurial Evolution of Contemporary Chinese Poetry makes it practicable to have a deep-going discussion about the possibility and limitation brought forth by their different standpoints, study concepts and study methods shown in their different explanations on the same subject of forefinger poems and misty poems. The three books enable readers enter history from different angles and sides, provide a different ambience for reading poems, with the works of poets sticking out, and render the readers a historical insight and the ability to judge.
    Weakening of Local Supervisory Power in Tang Dynasty
    JIN Yang-chun
    2006, 25(2):  92-95. 
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    Supervision was efficient in the earlier stageof the Tang Dynasty, which ensured the control of the central feudal government over the local ones. However, the supervisory system was damaged in middle and later stages the officials assigned to making inspection tours to local places evolved into resident officials and further became chief local officials, who took over both administrative and supervisory powers, and enjoined infringement on and seized the supervisory power from the supervisory organ. The root cause was the fact that the independent organization franework and the mechanism of independent exercise of power by the supervisory organ had been damaged.
    Social Responsibility of Teaching-Tutorial-Catalogued Journals
    ZHANG Xi-an
    2006, 25(2):  108-110. 
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