江汉学术 ›› 2024, Vol. 43 ›› Issue (2): 109-117.doi: 10.16388/j.cnki.cn42-1843/c.2024.02.011

• 法律专栏_法治中国建设的新视域与新话语 • 上一篇    



  1. 北京交通大学 法学院,北京 100044
  • 收稿日期:2023-07-01 出版日期:2024-04-15 发布日期:2024-04-01
  • 作者简介:范志勇,男,河北衡水人,北京交通大学法学院副教授,博士,E-mail:bjfanzhiyong@163.com。
  • 基金资助:
    北京社科重大项目“ 贯彻习近平法治思想推进综合交通治理体系治理能力现代化问题研究” (22LLFXA026)

The Procedures-through Path of Pre-reorganization System Construction in China

FAN Zhiyong   

  1. Law School,Beijing Jiaotong University,Beijing 10044
  • Received:2023-07-01 Online:2024-04-15 Published:2024-04-01

摘要: 预重整旨在整合庭外重组与重整程序的优势,其价值目标的实现有赖于采取程序贯通的认知视角。考察预重整制度的起源与目标,借鉴域外通行的预重整规则,我国应当建构贯通庭外重组与司法重整程序的预重整制度,而非当前地方实践探索的预重整司法程序,后者模糊了预重整与重整的边界,架空了重整制度的价值,不利于预重整制度功能的发挥。在程序贯通路径下确立的预重整规范,应当包括完全预重整与部分预重整,明确预重整中的信息披露标准,使预重整中的重整准备工作成果尽量得到法院在重整程序中审查的机会。预重整中的辅助机构不应具备破产管理人的法律地位,但基于提升预重整与后续重整工作质效的考虑,立法应强化辅助机关向重整中管理人的转化。

关键词: 破产程序, 破产重整, 预重整, 庭外重组, 司法实践

Abstract: Pre-reorganization aims to integrate the advantages of out-of-court reorganization and reorganization procedure. Its value goal can be realized by adopting the cognitive perspective of integrating different procedures. Based on the origin and goal of the pre-reorganization system,as well as the common pre-reorganization rules followed in other countries,China should construct a pre-reorganization system that integrates the out-of-court reorganization and judicial reorganization procedures,rather than the prereorganization judicial procedures currently experimented in certain regions. The pre-reorganization judicial procedures in experimentation blurs the boundary between prereorganization and reorganization,hollows out the value of reorganization system,and is not conducive to the function of prereorganization system. The pre-reorganization rules established by the procedures-through path should include full prereorganization and partial pre-reorganization,and clarify the information disclosure standards of the prereorganization,so that the achievements of the preparatory work in the pre-reorganization can be reviewed as far as possible by the court in the reorganization proceedings. Auxiliary institutions in pre-reorganization should not have the legal status of bankruptcy administrator. However,in order to improve the quality and efficiency of pre-reorganization and subsequent reorganization, legislation should strengthen the transformation of auxiliary organs into administrators in reorganization.

Key words: bankruptcy proceedings, bankruptcy reorganization, pre-reorganization, reorganization out of court, juridical practice
