江汉学术 ›› 2011, Vol. 30 ›› Issue (6): 13-18.

• 现当代诗学研究 • 上一篇    下一篇



  1. 河南大学文学院,河南开封475001
  • 收稿日期:2011-08-10 出版日期:2011-12-01 发布日期:2014-01-02
  • 作者简介:李海英(1977-),女,河南尉氏人,河南大学文学院博士研究生,研究方向:中国现当代文学研究

“Composition of Language Started in the Kitchen …” ——A Brief Comment on the Language Shift of Duoduo’s Poems

LI Hai-ying   

  1. College of Chinese Language and Literature, He’nan University, Kaifeng 475001, Henan
  • Received:2011-08-10 Online:2011-12-01 Published:2014-01-02

摘要: 多多自创作伊始就非常注重对语言的思考,创作早期他关注语言的神性本质、自主性等本体问题。侨居国外期间,他把语言看作是一种心灵之“光”(aura),积极地探索语言的无意识结构与诗与人与环境的关系。新世纪归国后多多则把对语言的思考与历史、生命、死亡、诗歌等多方面联系起来,对语言自身的内在力量有了更深的诗性体验。通过分析多多在不同时期对诗歌语言的思考和言说可探讨语言与诗人的关系及此关系对其创作的影响,并在诗人的思考中进行再思考。

关键词: 多多诗歌, 语言的流变, 本体性, 无意识结构, 诗性体验

Abstract: Duoduo has paid special attention to reflection on language even at the starting stage of his poetry creation. At this stage, he showed great concern about identity problems of deiform nature and egoism. During his staying in the other countries, he took reflection on language as “aura” of souls, and actively probed into the relationships between the unconscious structure of language and human beings and environment. Since his returning to China in the new century, Duoduo has c-related many aspects as history, lives, death, poetry and etc. with the reflection on language and has had significant poetic experience about internal power inside language itself. By analyzing Duoduo’s reflection on language and speech at different times, the relationship between language and poets and its influence on their creation can be probed into and re-reflection can be made on the poets’ reflection.

Key words: Duoduo’s poems, language shift, identity, unconscious structure, poetic experience
