Journal of Jianghan University(Natural Science Edition) ›› 2014, Vol. 42 ›› Issue (6): 92-96.

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Characteristics Analysis of Public Bus Transportation Network in Wuhanvia Complex Networks

TU Lilan ,DING Junjun ,WANG Zijun,PAN Bingbing,HUANGBoxue   

  1. College of Science,Wuhan University of Science and Technology,Wuhan 430065,Hubei,China
  • Online:2014-12-25 Published:2014-12-26

Abstract: Based on the theory of complex networks and according to the Gephi software ,an adja?centsitenetwork,aroutenetworkandapublictransitnetworkareestablishedforthebustransporta ?tion systems in Wuhan ,and the topological structures are proposed and several static geometric pa?rameters for these three networks are obtained. Furthermore,topological characteristics which char ?acterizethesethreenetworksareanalysed.Accordingtothedataofthesethreenetworks,itcanfindthat the bus transportation system can meet the current demands. But there are also some problemswhich include uneven distribution,too long waiting time and unable to transfer for some individualsite.Finally ,proposessomesuggestionsonoptimization.

Key words: complex networks , Gephi software, public transportation network in Wuhan , topologi?calcharacteristics

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