Journal of Jianghan University(Natural Science Edition) ›› 2014, Vol. 42 ›› Issue (6): 85-91.

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Scene Path Planning Simulation System Design by Solvable-Space Algorithm

ZHOU Jing1,FU Xuchang2   

  1. 1 .School of Mathematics and Computer Sciences ,Jianghan University,Wuhan 430056,Hubei,China;2.Department of Manufacturing Execution System Devlopment,Hongfujin Percision Industry Company Limited,Wuhan 430204,Hubei ,China
  • Online:2014-12-25 Published:2014-12-26

Abstract: A new particle swarm solvable-space pathfinding algorithm is proposed ,and the VegaPrime(VP)three-dimensionalvisualpathplanningsimulationsystemisachieved. Thealgorithmas ?sumesthateachinitialparticleisapotentiallyviablesolutionandcanreachtheterminalpoint.Dur ?ing the full iterations ,each particle updates its position continually and saves the numbers of pathpoints. Whenthesearch ended,findtheparticlewhosenumberofthepathpointsisfewest,andsetthisparticle ′ soptimalpositionineachiterationasthewayfindingroute.MeanwhileinVPlargemapscene,adding a circular gradient for the rectangular obstacles can easily solve the algorithm′ s de ?fect. The simulation system runs correctly proves the practicality of the algorithm and effectivenessofthesystem.

Key words: solvable-spacealgorithm , scenesimulation , pathplanning , circulargradient

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