Journal of Jianghan University(Natural Science Edition) ›› 2014, Vol. 42 ›› Issue (6): 62-70.

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Exogenous Hyaluronic Acid Reduces R5 -HIVInfection of CD 4+T Cells

LI Peilin   

  1. Departmentof Medicine,University of California SanFrancisco(UCSF),San Francisco CA 94121 ,USA
  • Received:2014-12-26 Revised:2014-12-26 Online:2014-12-25 Published:2014-12-26

Abstract: Objective To study whether exogenous HA can red uce macrophage-tropic (CCR 5 -dependent, R5 )HIV infectivity. Methods In this study,first using TZM-bl cell and unstimulated CD 4+T cells assays to assesswhether exogenous HA can reduce R5 -HIV infectivity. Next treat the un-stimulated CD4+T cells with hyaluroni?dase to study endogenous HA impact on R5 -HIV infectivity. At last measures both exogenous HA, and endogenous HA effect on R5 -HIV binding on CD 4+T cells.Results ( 1 ) 100 μg of exogenous HA treatment can reduce R5 -HIV infectivity on TZM-bl cells and un-stimualted CD 4+T cells (P < 0 . 001 ). (2) Hyaluronidase treatment can enhance HIV infectivity, by adding 100 μg of exogenous HA can reverse the function of hyaluronidase treatment(P<0. 001). (3) 100 μg of exogenous HA can reduce R5-HIV binding to CD4+ T cells, while hyaluronidase treatment can enhance R5-HIV binding to CD4+ T cells (P <0. 001). Conclusion Exogenous HA can reduce R5 -HIV in?fectivity on un-stimulated CD 4+T cells, while hyaluronidase treatment can enhance R 5 -HIV binding to CD 4+T cells,and R5 -HIV infectivity.

Key words: hyaluronicacid(HA) , R5 -HIV, infectivity, CD4+Tcell

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