Journal of Jianghan University(Natural Science Edition) ›› 2013, Vol. 41 ›› Issue (6): 56-59.

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Mechanical Vibration Monitoring System for Water Turbine Based on Sun SPOT Wireless Sensor Network

XIE Xing-wang,LIU Hao   

  1. School of Mechanical and Electronical Engineering,Wuhan Donghu University,Wuhan 430212,Hubei,China
  • Online:2013-12-12 Published:2014-01-09

Abstract: A set of mechanical vibration monitoring system(MVMS)for water turbine is designed using the SunSPOT wireless sensor network(WSN)hardware and software platform. The mechanical vibration data of the water turbine can be collected,transmitted and stored in real time. The computer control center of the hydropower plant analyses these data and then makes accurate judgment. All these can ensure the safe operation of turbine,timely maintenance and reduce the risk of accident. The SunSPOT WSN's hardware structure,6LoWPAN wireless communication protocol(WCP),software development platform based on Java language and SPOT WORLD virtual machine are discussed. In addition,the interface and the class code are introduced which can realize WSN code's data acquisition,transmission and storage.

Key words: SunSPOT, wireless sensor network (WSN), mechanical vibration, water turbine

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