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    15 February 2018, Volume 37 Issue 1
    2018, 37(1):  2-4. 
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    The Value Orientation of Judicial System Reform and its Practical Approach:Based on the Reflection on the Pilot Reform
    ZHOU Heng
    2018, 37(1):  5-13.  doi:10.16388/j.cnki.cn42-1843/c.2018.01.001
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    In the past few years, to solve the problem of judicial unfairness and low judicial credibility, China has launched a new round of judicial institutional reform around justice, efficiency, and the value of human rights. The reform was first carried out in pilot areas. At the time when the reform is being extended to the whole country, serious reflection on the experience gained in the pilot stage is necessary so as to better facilitate its further deepening. Currently, lack of the top-level implemental plans, low social consensus, grassroots judicial personnel’s inactive attitude, and oversimplified and“Westernized”conception in the process are becoming obstacles in the reform. China’s judicial reform, therefore, must strengthen top-level designs, enhance the social consensus through the establishment of mechanism for idea expression, stimulate grassroots judicial personnel’s enthusiasm in the reform through the establishment of an occupational security system, and unswervingly firmly adhere to its own initiatives.
    Exploring the Principles of Agricultural Law in the Paradigm of Economic Law
    LI Changjian, SUN Fubo
    2018, 37(1):  14-21.  doi:10.16388/j.cnki.cn42-1843/c.2018.01.002
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    Principles are necessary elements in the making of laws and an important demand in law implementation and in preventing distorted legal operation. The principles of the agricultural law are the criteria that must be complied with in agricultural law’s making and enforcement and by legal entities in agricultural activities. As agricultural law is an important part of economic laws and economic sprudence is a new section with its own characteristics in the legal studies, there is not, yet, a consensus on the study of the principles of agricultural law. This paper proposes that the reconstruction of agricultural law’s principles should find answers in economic jurisprudence. The principles should include“sannong’s”(rural areas, farmers, agriculture)interest coordination and protection;“sannong’s”paralleled substantial progress in fairness, efficiency, and security;“sannong’s”sustainable development; application of legal rights and right-responsibility integration;and minimum limitation and maximum promotion.
    “High Payment to Restrain Corruption”or“High Salary to Encourage Corruption”:Based on Chinese Securities Market Empirical Evidence
    LIN Chuan,CAO Guohua
    2018, 37(1):  22-31.  doi:10.16388/j.cnki.cn42-1843/c.2018.01.003
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    In recent years,“anti-corruption”has been an important topic in the field of Chinese economy.This paper empirically examines the relationships between senior executives?? payment and the probability of their corruption, based on a sample of 1,415 listed companies in China’s Shanghai and Shenzhen A share markets in 2007—2014. The study found that, different relationships exist between their high payments and overt corruption or hidden corruption. In the aspect of overt corruption, the correlation between payment and corruption is significantly negative, which suggests high payment restrains corruption, or in an other word, the higher the payment, the lower the probability of overt corruption. And in hidden corruption, the correlation is significantly positive , which means high payment encourages corruption, or, the higher the payment, the higher the probability of hidden corruption. The study also found that compared with non-state-owned enterprises, the phenomenon of ‘high payment restraining corruption’is more evident in state-owned enterprises.
    A Review and the Prospect of Enterprise Political Strategy’s Research Work
    HE Xiaobin , CHE Xiaozhu
    2018, 37(1):  32-40.  doi:10.16388/j.cnki.cn42-1843/c.2018.01.004
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    Abstract:Enterprise political strategy, as part of enterprises’ non-market strategies, has drawn increasing attention from researchers and scholars for more than ten years. This article reviews the research literature on enterprise political strategy from home and abroad in this period. It is found that the components, categories, and factors of enterprise political strategy have been extensively studied while the process and mechanism of the strategy formation and how the strategy affects enterprises’ performance have been little researched. This article believes that a single perspective is not sufficient to explain the relationship between enterprise political strategy and enterprises’ performance and the setup of their institutional environment. To resolve the argument about the relationship between the strategy and the value of enterprises, we need to introduce a co-evolutionary perspective to comprehensively and systematically understand the interaction between enterprise political strategy and the enterprises, their stakeholders, and the macro-environment. Finally, this article proposes a frame work of future corporate political strategy research: to use a procedural perspective to study the formation and mechanism of enterprise (especially new ventures) strategy; to analyze enterprise market strategy and political strategy in the same framework; and to use the co-evolutionary perspective to construct an interactive model for new ventures’ political strategy and institutional environment.
    “Silence”in Modern Taiwan Poetry:Declarative Presentation in Luo Renling’s Poetry
    ZHENG Huiru
    2018, 37(1):  41-47.  doi:10.16388/j.cnki.cn42-1843/c.2018.01.005
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    Like the black hole, silence takes the readers to the boundless poetic universe. In modern poetry, si? lence is presented in imagery and declaratives. It often refers the readers to the indication and signification they find between the lines; the estimable silence in reading lies in the fun experienced among the floating signifiers. Silence is the main feature of Taiwanese poet Luo Renling.“Quietness”,“muteness”,“calmness”,“peacefulness”, and“serenity”are the key words that frequently appear in her poetry; the disturbing world and the popular poetic trends can hardly shake her composed philosophical qualities. If calculated by the proportion of declarative statements and imagery expressions used, silence is presented in at least three manners:1. imagery expressions integrate narration if not dominating it; 2. severed but still connected imagery expressions of imaginary death are used in describing survival, allowing the experience of life and death on the paper to condense into reality; 3. declarative statements are almost all buried in imagery expressions that seem to contain propositions seen from their sentence patterns, grammatical structures, and interactive imageries.
    The Medium of Sense · Rational Body :An Aesthetic Analysis of Wearable Device
    WANG Yanan
    2018, 37(1):  87-93.  doi:10.16388/j.cnki.cn42-1843/c.2018.01.011
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    Wearable device, as a representative of artificial intelligence, not only highlights the development of technology, but also has aesthetical significance as ornaments, and the data collected by the device can also be regarded as the object of aesthetics. The wearable device has extended human senses as a medium attached to human bodies and then has the characteristics of the human body. Its sensing technology and receiving device have become part of the body, presenting an aesthetic, symbiotic, dynamic relationship. The wearable device enhanced human’s contact and experience with the world and themselves, allowing them to experience both the real life and the virtual world. In this era of body carnival, rather than wild rejoice, the attachment of wearable device to human bodies has brought about physical rationality, which is different from instrumental rationality. Human beings must uplift their subjective consciousness and pursue rational knowledge about their health and wellbeing above the design concept of smart wearable device and the concept of wearing it.
    Inspirations of Amartya Sen’s Theory of Poverty and Its Methodology
    REN Fuxin
    2018, 37(1):  94-100.  doi:10.16388/j.cnki.cn42-1843/c.2018.01.012
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    Putting aside the traditional supply-demand model in the study of poverty, Amartya Sen, based on empirical study, put forward his entitlement theory and defines poverty as the result of entitlement failure rather than just insufficient income. In his Poverty and Famine, he used the entitlement method to study hunger and poverty, but this approach was still confined within the economic field. He then put forward the view of ethical development——“development as freedom”. This view, from the actual freedom people have, uses“feasible capabilities”to measure human development, paying attention to the wellbeing of the people at the bottom of the society. Sen’s theory has opened the multidimensional perspective of research on poverty and it has strong practical significance to solving China’s property problem.
    On the Basis of Chuang Tzu’s“the Unity of Beauty and Ugliness”:“Tao”and“Qi”
    ZHOU Jie
    2018, 37(1):  107-112.  doi:10.16388/j.cnki.cn42-1843/c.2018.01.014
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    Chuang Tzu??s“Tao”thought is the inheritance and development of Lao-tzu’s“Taoism”, regarding“Tao”as the essence of the world.“Tao”exists before all things and there is no beginning and ending. It is intangible but causes the generation of everything. Although“Qi”is less detailed than“Tao”in Chuang Tzu,through the discussion throughout the book, one finds that“Qi”is the material foundation of all things.“Tao”is the internal driving force that pushes and guides the flow and circulation of“Qi”, which form the image of things. Everything thereby is what it is and each has its own attribute.“Qi”, propelled, guided, and regulated by“Tao”, creates this real world full of varieties. According to this ontological view,“Tao”generates all things through“Qi”, so“ the world is nothing but‘Qi’”. Also because of this, everything exists in a different form: it can be completed or destroyed; beautiful or ugly; big or small; acceptable or unacceptable; reasonable or unreasonable. From the point of view of“Tao”, they are the same. This is the foundation of Chuang Tzu’s ontological theory that explains the unity of beauty and ugliness.
    The Mainland and Taiwan’s Different Semantic Visual Representations in Heteromorphic Synonyms
    XU Lei,HOU Mingrui
    2018, 37(1):  113-119.  doi:10.16388/j.cnki.cn42-1843/c.2018.01.015
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    The two sides of the strait, although separated by only a narrow strip of water, were out of touch for a long time because of historical and political reasons. As a result, the two sides have many differences in politics, economy, culture, and education. As language is the most important part of social activities, the differences must have influenced the language. Language is also the major tool for communication. In the past years, the two sides have had frequent exchanges and interactions, and the influence of language differences on such exchanges are becoming more conspicuous. The language difference is mainly reflected in the vocabulary, which is a most sensitive and prompt reflex of social development among other language elements. From the perspective of semantics and morphology, the vocabulary difference exists in heteromorphic synonyms and homographs, particularly the former. The difference in heteromorphic synonyms is categorized in two types: difference within the same language and the difference in loan words. The difference in semantic visual representations of loan words is more obvious.
    A Multi-feature Comparative Analysis of Fiction and Biographies
    LIU Yanchun,WANG Xiaofan
    2018, 37(1):  120-128.  doi:10.16388/j.cnki.cn42-1843/c.2018.01.016
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    Based on the Modern Chinese General Balance Corpus (developed by the National Language Committee), using Biber multi-feature approach and EmEdito, ROST PreLang, and SPSS software, this paper has made a quantitative comparison of 63 language features between fiction and biographies, and has given functional explanations in connection with their situation characteristics. The result reveals: there are significant differences in 51 linguistic features between fiction and biographies; as two lower branches of literature registers, the 20 top high-frequency words used in these two registers are highly overlapped with the Chinese highfrequency words list, and there is no special vocabulary dedicated to these two registers; the relationship among top high-frequency words, rare words and the coverage of the word types also conforms to the basic rules presented in general registers. The same channel and production environment result in standard language used both in fiction and biographies; while different topics, scenes, relations of participants and purpose of communication lead to the differences in situation-dependent, written styles, interactions, involvement and emotions,and these five dimensions differences have been presented by the frequency differences of more than 50 language features in these two registers.