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    15 August 2016, Volume 35 Issue 4
    2016, 35(4):  2-4. 
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    Migrant Workers’ Choice of Location for Their Business Start - ups
    LUO Tao
    2016, 35(4):  12-18.  doi:10.16388/j.cnki.cn42-1843/c.2016.04.002
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    In the process of migrant workers’decision making on whether to return home or stay in the immigrant city to start up their own businesses,there is a game playing over different interests among the migrant workers,workplace government,and their hometown government. To study the influence of both governments’ policies on the migrant workers’ selection of entrepreneurial location, this paper has constructed a dynamic game model of the two governments,the workers and hometown government,as well as the workers and the workplace government. Using the dynamic game theory,the paper has analyzed the relationship among the three parties. The result of the study suggests that both governments’dominant strategy is to give supportive policies to attract competent migrant workers to stay and start their businesses. Compared with the developed districts,the hometown government is at a disadvantage but its supportive policies may successively attract migrant workers to stay home since they can take the local advantages. On the other hand,the workplace has better market,information,and resources for start-ups. The dominant supportive policies are also encouraging to good migrant workers. So,both governments should foster their strengths when they make supportive policies and provide necessary conditions for the new entrepreneurs and help them reduce the cost.
    Re-research on the Chinese Stock Market’s Volatility and“Leverage Effect”——From the Perspective of Nonlinear Stage Test with GARCH Models
    PAN Xiquan
    2016, 35(4):  19-29.  doi:10.16388/j.cnki.cn42-1843/c.2016.04.003
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    On the basis of Bai-Perron multiple structural mutation test from the nonlinear perspective,this thesis used GARCH models to re-research on the volatility and“leverage effect”of the Chinese stock market.The research finds:(1)in the sample period,structural mutation took place twice and once on the Shanghai and Shenzhen stock markets respectively:Feb. 1,2005 and Oct. 16,2007 in Shanghai and Oct. 31,2007 in Shenzhen;(2) the volatility and“leverage effect”before and after the structural mutation varied greatly either in the Shanghai Stock Exchange or Shenzhen,but the general characteristics of the Shanghai and Shenzhen markets had some similarities,especially in the last sample period after structural mutation in October 2007:both markets had no risk premiums but there was a significant asymmetrical“leverage effect” and bad news would give investors a greater impact than good news;(3)further research of the same sample period found,there was a significant coupling effect between Shanghai and Shenzhen’s stock price indexes but not between their yield sequences.
    Empirical Study on Enterprises’ Interior Labor Dispute Resolving Systems
    FAN Wei
    2016, 35(4):  30-37.  doi:10.16388/j.cnki.cn42-1843/c.2016.04.004
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    Resolving labor disputes,an important part of enterprises’human resource management,has experienced a process from interior to exterior resolution. However,China’s current laws and the enterprises HRM practices place more attention to exterior resolution,and neglect the importance of interior resolution.Based on an empirical study by questionnaires on the establishment and implementation of interior labor dispute resolving systems in Chinese enterprises,the article reveals the current situation and the problems in interior labor dispute resolving systems,and analyzes the causes underlying these problems. The article also proposes that China should optimize the interior labor dispute resolving systems in enterprises by standardized and balanced legal institutions,humanized management based on equal treatment,and systematized and targeted regulations.
    Empirical Analysis of Causes and Solution of Problems in Custody Enforcement in China
    LIU Zhengfeng
    2016, 35(4):  38-48.  doi:10.16388/j.cnki.cn42-1843/c.2016.04.005
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    General rules aiming at the property enforcement are not completely appropriate for custody enforcement. The ambiguity on the normative level and the judicial circle’s property-enforcement centralism together have substantially nullified the right of custody in the Chinese legal system. Rash adoption of the discretion-centered system has resulted in chaotic differences among local courts when comprehending and applying coercive measures,which inextricably undermine predictability of right and even damage the pillars of the rule of law system. Getting rid of the directed thinking of property enforcement is a prerequisite for the construction of a reasonable custody enforcement mechanism. The particularity of custody enforcement warrants a special treatment of general coercive measures and the hierarchy among them. The best interest of children is the primary consideration in the enforcement process,but not the absolute and unconditional one. A mechanism oriented toward the“last-resort”principle and a professional family court system is the main goal of reform in China.
    Du Ye’s Penghu Dream——Based on the Collection of Poems Penghu Dreams Have Spread Their Wings
    ZHENG Zhenwei
    2016, 35(4):  69-77.  doi:10.16388/j.cnki.cn42-1843/c.2016.04.009
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    Du Ye,a prolific poet born in Jiayi but regarding Penghu as his native place,has a special and unintelligible perception about Penghu. Penghu Dreams Have Spread Their Wings published in 2009 is a collection of his poems depicting Penghu. From his views about life and expectations towards himself revealed in his other writings,one can see that the poet feels extremely lonely and disesteemed;borrowing Bachelard’s material imagination of water,one finds that he imagined his posthumous life as a course of a journey. Loneliness seems to be connected to dreams and for the dreams the poet lives in the happiness of the world with Penghu as his spiritual paradise. His writings,however,also reflect his imagination of life as a labyrinth.In this depiction of a place,the writer’s intense perception of Penghu,a humanistic space,ostensibly comes from his deep affection for his grandfather,but interpreted by poetics of dreams,the poet,from the Penghu dreams,finds the freedom of a childhood dreamer and the childhood is awakened by sweet smells. Penghu in the dreams is forever young and gives the writer a sense of happiness;the poet finds the indwelling,feminine,immense comfort from the depth of fantasy.
    On Liang Qichao’s Contribution to the Chinese Autobiographic Literature
    WANG Yujuan
    2016, 35(4):  85-90.  doi:10.16388/j.cnki.cn42-1843/c.2016.04.011
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    Liang Qichao’s“autobiography”is basically a continuation of past historians’understanding:“autobiography”mainly refers to the“preface-styled autobiography”. Although he didn’t break through the limitation the traditional understanding,Liang tried to make a breakthrough in theory and writing practice. In his practice,separating the“autobiography”from the“preface”,Liang tried to reform the traditional“historians’ preface- styled autobiography”,and created a new form of“autobiography”- “ ×× ’s autobiographic note”,which is not only different from“the historians’preface- styled autobiography”represented by Sima Qian’s Taishigong’s Preface,but also different from“the lyrical autobiography”represented by Tao Yuanming’s Stories of Five-willow Gentleman. The biggest characteristic of the“ ××’s autobiographic note”is that it can stand alone and yet retains the content and characteristics of“self-account of one’s life”in the traditional“historians’preface-styled autobiography”. In addition,in theory Liang Qichao found a new biographic style - the autobiographical chronicle,which is most similar to the Western autobiography and predicts the future development of the Chinese autobiography: from“autobiography”to“autobiographical Chronicle”
    Analysis of Ancient and Modern Interpretations of Wang Yangming’s Four-sentence Doctrine
    JIA Qingjun,LI Jing
    2016, 35(4):  97-102.  doi:10.16388/j.cnki.cn42-1843/c.2016.04.013
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    The four-sentence doctrine is essence of Wang Yang-ming’s theory of conscience;interpretations and arguments have never stopped since it came into being. A study of the interpretations helps us learn about the changes of thoughts since ancient times. The ancients interpretations of the doctrine were mainly conducted within the realm of Confucianism;their world outlook and moral outlook were substantially coherent and their debates dwelt on the forms of expression,that is,the discussion over“accomplishment”and“ontology”.Modern scholars’interpretations show a pluralistic trend as their world outlook and moral outlook have changed tremendously. The modern interpretations can be classified as seven theories, namely: accomplishment theory,bi- tier theory,state of mind theory,organism theory or cosmology,negation theory,human desire theory,and cognitive theory.
    From“Inner Sageness”to“Outer Kingship”: A Review of the Confucian Theory of Human Nature
    LIU Yaming
    2016, 35(4):  103-108.  doi:10.16388/j.cnki.cn42-1843/c.2016.04.014
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    “Inner sageness”and“outer kingship”deduce a general logic of the Confucian political theory and practice: the former being the latter’s presupposition and the latter the former’s logic consequence.Compared with the views of human nature of Kant and the Western Christians,the Confucian view of human nature is both lofty and optimistic.The Confucian view,however,lacks the insight into and the vigilance against the dark side of human nature;it advocates the cultivation of the inner sageness and rarely keeps watching the outer institutional powers. This leads to the prevalence of rule of man and rule of virtue conceptions in China’s traditional political practice and the dystocia of the spirit of modern democracy and rule of law. Because of the causal logic connection of the“inner sageness”and the“outer kingship”,the Neo-Confucianist theory of“new outer kingship”deducted from“old inner sageness”is debatable.
    Cognitive Interpretation of Ideology in Political Discourse:An Exploration on Xi Jinping’s Speech
    CHEN Fenghua,SUN Degui
    2016, 35(4):  115-121.  doi:10.16388/j.cnki.cn42-1843/c.2016.04.016
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    The current academic cognitive interpretation of political discourses is confined to subjective and abstract theoretical illustration,ignoring the objective as well as scientific empirical argument support. The political discourse of the speech of Chinese President Xi Jinping,which was delivered at the Commemoration of the 70th Anniversary of the Victory of the Chinese People’s War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression and the World Anti- Fascist War,bears far- reaching insight and tremendous ignificance. Based on the English version of the speech offered by the website of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of PRC,this paper,through the perspective of cognitive metaphor,uses the Wmatrix system,which has a powerful metaphor analytic function,and interprets in depth the process and pattern that the speech’s topic words of high significance and its semantic field build up the cognitive metaphors. The paper finds that the metaphor form constructed by the high- significance nouns,verbs,and adjectives and the metaphor form’s meaning constructed by the semantic field tally with one other.
    On the Imitative Rhetoric in He Zuohuan’s Works
    FENG Guangyi,HE Tingting
    2016, 35(4):  122-128.  doi:10.16388/j.cnki.cn42-1843/c.2016.04.017
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