JIANGHAN ACADEMIC ›› 2016, Vol. 35 ›› Issue (4): 85-90.doi: 10.16388/j.cnki.cn42-1843/c.2016.04.011

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On Liang Qichao’s Contribution to the Chinese Autobiographic Literature

WANG Yujuan   

  1. Humanities School,Central China Normal University,Wuhan 430079
  • Received:2016-06-24 Revised:2016-06-24 Online:2016-08-15 Published:2016-07-11

Abstract: Liang Qichao’s“autobiography”is basically a continuation of past historians’understanding:“autobiography”mainly refers to the“preface-styled autobiography”. Although he didn’t break through the limitation the traditional understanding,Liang tried to make a breakthrough in theory and writing practice. In his practice,separating the“autobiography”from the“preface”,Liang tried to reform the traditional“historians’ preface- styled autobiography”,and created a new form of“autobiography”- “ ×× ’s autobiographic note”,which is not only different from“the historians’preface- styled autobiography”represented by Sima Qian’s Taishigong’s Preface,but also different from“the lyrical autobiography”represented by Tao Yuanming’s Stories of Five-willow Gentleman. The biggest characteristic of the“ ××’s autobiographic note”is that it can stand alone and yet retains the content and characteristics of“self-account of one’s life”in the traditional“historians’preface-styled autobiography”. In addition,in theory Liang Qichao found a new biographic style - the autobiographical chronicle,which is most similar to the Western autobiography and predicts the future development of the Chinese autobiography: from“autobiography”to“autobiographical Chronicle”

Key words: Liang Qichao, My Self- account at the Age of Thirty, autobiography, author’s preface, autobiographical Chronicle, autobiography literature

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