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    01 October 2007, Volume 26 Issue 5
    Orignal Article
    Children Prose Poems Watch World’s Aesthetic Model
    YU Lei
    2007, 26(5):  17-20. 
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    It is not simply by using the visual angles of children or adults that children’s prose poems watch world’s aesthetic model. Usually by mingling children’s visual angle with that of the adults’ and by filtering out the noise and impurity of life by means of children’s vision, poets render life poetic flavour and present the sense that leaves the path of adults’ “accustomed understanding”.Meanwhile, the expansion of the visual angle of grown-ups provide the poems with stateliness and dignity of life, rendering poems philosophical and aesthetic interest and charm.
    Study of Language Harmony
    FENG Guang-yi
    2007, 26(5):  30-34. 
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    Standardizaton of Legal Terms——Department of civil Law and Commercial Law as an Example
    JIA Li-juan
    2007, 26(5):  41-44. 
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    Terminological standardization is the important content of terminological work. With the constant development and deepening of the research on legal language, more and more scholars coms to know the significance of the standardization of legal terms to the research in its field and to the unification of socialist legal system. The selection and nomenclature should: 1. persist in one sense for one term; 2. combine popularity with scientific principle laying emphasis on the latter; and 3. connect national language habit to stability putting stress on the latter. In describing a legal term, attention should be paid to the prescriptive principle as well as that of succinctness. In the course of standardization, it is preferable to classify the terms so as to facilitate the application.
    Cultural Context of the Late-Qing Dynasty andthe Transformation of Novel Criticism Patterns
    HE Gen-min
    2007, 26(5):  54-58. 
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    The patterns of criticism embodied the idea and belief in society and of the intellectuals. The improvement of novel position changed the tradition of the novel pattern. Most of the novels failed to break away from the tradition and the way of tradition culture was still an effective implement for them. The emergece of monographs glittered with brilliance to be glimmered when the tradition was ripped apart. The modern process of the novel concept showed the style and features of how the cultural context was transformed. A group of intellectuals participated in novel criticism indicated the trend of literary criticism in the cultural context in the modern times.
    Man’s Sufferings and God’s Salvation
    WU Xiao-hong
    2007, 26(5):  63-66. 
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    Deng Xiaomang’s collection of literary critics of Journey of the soul profoundly retrospects and criticizes the aphasic phenomenon of national culture in modern literature, wherein his creative understanding of the present philosophical thinking of “language is the homestead of existence”. This understanding is first of all reflected in the discovery of the internal relation of mutual generation between deng’s man’s sufferings and metophysical language meaning, and it is also reflacted in the fact that, in his opinion, language builds up a possible world for human existence, enabling man to start from self dialogue in reaching that between human beings, thus human existence as they are, is achieved.
    World Factors in Military Reform by Westernizers
    YANG Zhen
    2007, 26(5):  71-75. 
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    The military reform by the westernizers in the mid-late 19th century was both the result of the active promotion on the part of a few bureaucratic qentry with the feudal bloc and the outcome of the stimulation and effect of world factors. The cardinal motive force of the reform was the aggression of the big powers against China.And the foreign drillmasters and the western missionaries were an important propelling force of the reform. But the limitations of its main ideology and the objective of the reform itself restricted the space of the effectiveness of world factors.
    Causes of English Mistakes in Frequent Occurrence
    CHAI Mian-an
    2007, 26(5):  79-83. 
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    In China today,the high frequency of English mistakes occurring in different fields has become a sorry disappointment to the construction of a harmonious society.The present article deals with the causes of the actual mistakes of random selection,and corrections based on authoritative publications are also furnished for reference.