JIANGHAN ACADEMIC ›› 2016, Vol. 35 ›› Issue (6): 45-53.doi: 10.16388/j.cnki.cn42-1843/c.2016.06.005

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Lyrics in Taiwan’ s New Poetry History during the Returning Period——Zhang Cuo,Xi Murong,Fang Ezhen,and Wen Ruian as Examples

Yang Zonghan   

  1. Department of Chinese Literature,Tamkang University,New Taipei 25197,Taiwan
  • Received:2016-07-15 Revised:2016-07-15 Online:2016-12-15 Published:2016-12-01

Abstract: The returning period of Taiwan’ s new poetry history(1972—1983)was characteristic of facing the reality,confirming clarity,caring about the mainland,and being patriotic. This is closely related to the drastic change of poetic style,the hot literary debates,the booming of poets societies and poetry periodicals,and the sudden overturn of diplomatic situation. During that period,poets were seriously considering their own identities and the past poetry abuses,decided to sublate such opinions of "cosmopolitanism","surrealism",and "purity",and chose the realistic line that emphasized "nationality","sociality" and "secularity". They practiced their ideas both in their writings and actions. The lyric poets Zhang Cuo(1943— ),Xi Murong(1943— ),Fang Ezhen (1954— ),and Wen Ruian(1954— ) were considered in a sense as "outsiders",but in literary history,they should definitely be included in "’ insiders’of Taiwan literature",constituting an extremely important link in Taiwan’ s new poetry history during the returning period. Within the literary circle, Wen was generally considered "chivalrous" whilst Fang "tender", and in literary expression,Fang was regarded as Wen’ s appendage. In fact,Fang Ezhen’ s production of poetry is no less than Wen Ruian and is better in image building ,writing skill,and rhythm control. Those prejudices were simply based on ranks and gender,intended to present males’selves and their superior position.

Key words: female poet, lyric, lyrical new poetry history, Zhang Cuo, Xi Murong, Fang Ezhen, Wen Ruian

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