江汉学术 ›› 2021, Vol. 40 ›› Issue (4): 63-72.doi: 10.16388/j.cnki.cn42-1843/c.2021.04.007

• 教育部名栏_现当代诗学研究 • 上一篇    下一篇



  1. 南洋理工大学 中文系,新加坡 639798
  • 收稿日期:2020-12-10 出版日期:2021-08-15 发布日期:2021-05-19
  • 作者简介:卢筱雯,女,台湾台北人,新加坡南洋理工大学中文系讲师,博士,E-mail:vivian64212000@hotmail.com。

Migration and Identity:On the Sense of Home in Hong Ying’s Diaspora Poems

LU Xiaowen   

  1. Department of Chinese Language and Literature,Nanyang Technological University,Singapore 639798
  • Received:2020-12-10 Online:2021-08-15 Published:2021-05-19

摘要: 在当今的离散讨论中,身份认同的诘问、“家”在何处的命题伴随着全球化加剧移动的速度,移民对文化、社会的认知不再仅局限于单一面向,逐渐扩张为男女性别的冲突、个体价值的探索,甚至是后殖民的问题与研究。华裔离散诗人、作家作为中西方的沟通桥梁,为异质文化下的离散经验提供许多案例,特别是中国移民女作家以独特的双边视野建立写作框架,一方面构筑着“家园的想象”,另一方面则在世界文学中努力找寻自我的定位。她们以游走的女性诗人、作家身份与已知的文化、历史进行揉合,而女性的柔情也在双重归属下隐含着多重意义。虹影通过对恪守东方女性特质的书写,试图在境外找寻“家”的意义,又在流浪的旅程中与过去和解,进而重构想像的家园。

关键词: 离散, 虹影, 当代诗歌, 当代女诗人, 华裔作家, 家园书写, 新移民

Abstract: In contemporary discussions on diaspora,interrogation on identity and the proposition where one’s home is are increasingly changing as globalization intensifies. Immigrants’perception of culture and society is no longer limited on one single dimension but gradually expands to cover gender clash between the male and female,discovery of individual value,and even problems and research of post-colonization. Overseas Chinese diaspora poets and writers,being a bridge between China and the West,have provided many cases of diaspora experience in heterogeneous cultures. Chinese emigrant women writers, in particular,have established their writing frameworks from a unique bilateral perspective. On the one hand,they are constructing“an imagination of home,”but on the other they endeavor to find their own location in world literature. They blend themselves with the known culture and history as migrant women poets and writers,and their female tenderness has a multiple implication for their double affiliation. In her writings scrupulously abiding by oriental femininity,Hong Ying attempts to search for the meaning of“home”and reconstructs an imaginative home by reconciling with the past in the migratory journey.

Key words: diaspora, Hong Ying;Contemporary poetry, contemporary poetess;overseas Chinese writer, home writing, new immigrant
