江汉学术 ›› 2022, Vol. 41 ›› Issue (6): 112-120.doi: 10.16388/j.cnki.cn42-1843/c.20221114.001

• 文学 语言 • 上一篇    下一篇


纪 梅   

  1. 郑州航空工业管理学院 文法学院,郑州 450046
  • 收稿日期:2022-06-01 出版日期:2022-12-15 发布日期:2022-11-25
  • 作者简介:纪梅,女,河南杞县人,郑州航空工业管理学院文法学院讲师,河南大学文学院博士后,E-mail:jimei1986@126.com。

The Decline of Classic“Mountains and Waters”and the Emerging of Modern“Landscape”

JI Mei   

  1. School of Humanity and Law,Zhengzhou University of Aeronautics,Zhengzhou 450046
  • Received:2022-06-01 Online:2022-12-15 Published:2022-11-25

摘要: 山水文化和作为词语的“风景”同时滥觞于东晋,拥有相似的涵义,在某些语境中可以互通换用。不过,二者在内涵侧重和概念外延上又存在细微和深刻的差别,正是这种差别,使得中国古人更为青睐山水而轻视风景,也是同样的原因,导致20世纪之后特别是1990年以来,随着生态环境、 生活方式、感物方式等因素的变化,诗人和艺术家在审美意识、写作习惯等方面逐渐以现代性的风景取代或更新了古典性的山水概念。

关键词: 山水, 风景, 自然, 生态环境, 审美观念

Abstract: Both the Chinese culture of mountains and waters and the word“landscape”originated in the East Jin Dynasty. With similar meanings,they are interchangeable in certain contexts. Yet,there are some subtle but profound differences in their connotative focuses and conceptual denotations. Such disparities underlie ancient Chinese people’s preference of mountains and waters to landscape;and for the same reason,since the 20th century and especially after 1990,Chinese poets and artists have gradually substituted,or renewed,their classical concept of mountains and waters with the modern concept of landscape in their aesthetic awareness,writing habits and other aspects,as their ecological environment,life style,and mode of feeling things have been changing.

Key words: mountains and waters, landscape, nature, ecological environment, aesthetic idea
