Journal of Jianghan University (Natural Science Edition) ›› 2024, Vol. 52 ›› Issue (1): 28-36.doi: 10.16389/j.cnki.cn42-1737/n.2024.01.003

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Effects of Low-temperature on Wheat Grain Setting Characterisics and the Mitigation Effect of Top-dressing Nitrogen Fertilizer at the Jointing Stage

ZHANG Shiya1,TAN Zhi1,LI Haojie1,YONG Yudong1,ZHOU Wenyin1,LI Wenyang1,LIU Liangbai2,LIU Fei2,YAN Suhui*1   

  1. 1. College of Agriculture,Anhui Science and Technology University,Fengyang 233100,Anhui,China; 2. Anhui Huacheng Seed Industry Co. ,Ltd. Suzhou 234000,Anhui,China
  • Published:2024-02-28
  • Contact: YAN Suhui

Abstract: To clarify the effect of nitrogen fertilizer on the number of filled grains and grain weight of low- temperature wheat at the jointing stage,a pot experiment was carried out with wheat variety HC3366 as the material. Low- temperature stress treatments for 5 days(LT-T1) and 10 days (LT-T2) were carried out at the jointing stage,with natural temperature as control(CK-LT),and nitrogen fertilizer(LT-N)was applied on the end of low- temperature stress(LT-N). The spike traits,spikelet development,and floret development of potted wheat were compared and analyzed. The results showed that compared with CK-LT,with the extension of low- temperature time,the decrease of spike number,grain number per spike,grain weight,total spikelet number,and total floret number under LT treatment gradually increased;the number of top-fruiting florets,basefruiting florets, strong-fruiting florets, and weak-fruiting florets all decreased significantly,and among them,the number of base-fruiting florets and weak-fruiting florets decreased the most. Compared with LT,with the extension of low- temperature time,the increase of grain number per spike,spike number,grain weight,total spikelet number,and total floret number under LT-N treatment gradually increased;the number of top-fruiting florets, base-fruiting florets, strong-fruiting florets, and weak-fruiting florets all increased,and among them,the number of base-fruiting florets and weakfruiting florets increased the most. In summary,low temperature at the jointing stage mainly reduced the number of base-fruiting florets and weak-fruiting florets,reduced the seed setting rate of florets,and then reduced the number of grains per spike and the weight of weak grains. Top-dressing nitrogen fertilizer after low- temperature mainly increased the number of base-fruiting florets and weak-fruiting florets,increased the seed setting rate of base-fruiting florets and weak-fruiting florets,and increased the contribution rate of base-fruiting florets and weak-fruiting florets to grain number per spike, thereby increasing grain number per spike and weak grain weight,and reducing yield loss caused by low- temperature stress.

Key words: wheat, low- temperature stress, nitrogen fertilizer, jointing stage, number of filled grains

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