Journal of Jianghan University(Natural Science Edition) ›› 2012, Vol. 40 ›› Issue (3): 77-82.

• Orignal Article • Previous Articles     Next Articles

2012Impact of HIV Replication by PKA Phosphorylation of HIV NefLEE P.


  1. 1. Department of Medicine,Harvard Medical School,Boston MA 02115,USA;
    2. Department of Medicine,University of California San Francisco,San Francisco CA 94121,USA
  • Received:2012-03-12 Online:2012-06-20 Published:2013-11-07

Abstract: ObjectiveTo study impact of Nef PKA phosphorylation site on HIV replication. MethodsTo mutate Nef Ser9 to alanine in the context of full-length HIVNL4-3 to make a single mutant of HIV DNA, then make viral stock by using either wild-type HIV or the single mutant HIV. Finally using these viral stocks to infect PBMCs. ResultsVirus made from single mutant of Ser9 to alanine lowered HIV replication in resting PBMCs compared to parental virus. ConclusionThis mutation plays a major role in abrogating the Nef effect on HIV replication in unstimulated primary cells. This result suggests that Nef phosphorylation by PKA is an important step in the viral life cycle in resting cells.

Key words: HIV, Nef, phosphorylation, protein kinase A

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