江汉大学学报(自然科学版) ›› 2022, Vol. 50 ›› Issue (6): 5-12.doi: 10.16389/j.cnki.cn42-1737/n.2022.06.001

• 豆类植物研究 • 上一篇    下一篇

适期追肥对‘江大紫豇1 号’豇豆叶片光谱参数及产量的影响


  1. 江汉大学 生命科学学院,湖北省豆类(蔬菜)植物工程技术研究中心,湖北 武汉 430056
  • 发布日期:2022-12-19
  • 作者简介:胡志辉(1973— ),男,研究员,研究方向:植物栽培生理与遗传育种。
  • 基金资助:
    湖北省科技厅2022 年乡村振兴科技支撑项目(XCZXKJ2022000018);湖北省教育厅百校联百县——高校服务乡村振兴科技支撑行动计划项目(BXLBX0366)

Effect of Suitable Topdressing on Leaves Spectral Parameters and Yield of Cowpea ′Jiang Da Zi Jiang 1 Hao′

HU Zhihui,ZHANG Mengqi,WANG Yawen,WANG Yanjie,GONG Zuyun,WU Chunxing   

  1. School of Life Sciences,Hubei Province Engineering Research Center for Legume Plant,Jianghan University,Wuhan 430056,Hubei,China
  • Published:2022-12-19

摘要: 以‘ 江大紫豇1 号’豇豆为试验材料,比较不同追肥时期对豇豆植物光谱参数、叶片色素含量及产量的影响,追肥时期设计为只施用基肥(CK)、现蕾期追肥(Q1)、盛花期追肥(Q2)和盛荚期追肥(Q3)等4 个施肥试验处理。每隔7 d 测定豇豆叶片的叶绿素光谱参数(CRI1、WBI、PRI、PSRI、NDVI)。盛花期追肥前一周测定叶片类胡萝卜素含量和叶绿素总量。终收期按照小区实际产量折算为每亩(667 m2)产量。结果表明:‘ 江大紫豇1 号’豇豆各处理的类胡萝卜素反射指数(CRI1)均呈先大幅上升然后缓慢降低的变化趋势,Q3 处理测定值比CK 升高70. 74%,差异显著(P < 0. 05);CK、Q1、Q2 等处理的水分指数(WBI)均呈先上升后下降再上升的变化趋势,而Q3 处理测定值比CK 升高12. 61%,差异显著(P < 0. 05);各处理的反射指数(PRI)均呈先上升然后下降直至平缓的变化趋势,Q3 处理测定值比CK 升高11. 29%,差异显著(P < 0. 05);各处理的植被衰老反射率指数(PSRI)均呈先上升再下降后上升的变化趋势,Q3 比CK 降低13. 22%,差异显著(P < 0. 05);Q3 处理的归一化植被指数(NDVI)比CK 升高11. 51%,差异显著(P < 0. 05)。Q1 和Q2 的叶绿素含量和类胡萝卜素含量均显著高于其他处理(P < 0. 05)。3 种追肥处理以盛荚期追肥处理产量最高,达到1 150. 95 kg/667 m2。结合‘江大紫豇1 号’豇豆不同时期追肥处理的光谱参数、色素含量和产量分析,确定其追肥的最佳时期为盛荚期。

关键词: 豇豆, 追肥, 光谱参数, 色素, 产量

Abstract: Using ′Jiang Da Zi Jiang 1 Hao′ as the test material,base fertilizer(CK),present bud topdressing (Q1),full flowering topdressing (Q2),and full pod topdressing (Q3)were applied to compare the effects of different topdressing periods on cowpea plant spectral parameters, leaf pigments content, and yield. The cowpea leaves′ chlorophyll spectral parameters(CRI1,WBI,PRI,PSRI,NDVI)were measured at every 7 d intervals. One week before the full flowering period of topdressing,the leaf carotenoid content and the total chlorophyll amount were determined. The final harvest period of yield was converted into yield per 667 m2 according to the actual output of the area. The results showed that the carotenoid reflection index(CRI1)of ′Jiang Da Zi Jiang 1 Hao′ all increased first and then slowly decreased. The measured value of Q3 treatment was higher than that of CK by 70. 74%,and the difference was significant(P < 0. 05). The water index(WBI)of CK,Q1 and Q2 treatments showed a trend of increasing firstly,then decreasing,and then growing. However,the measured value of Q3 treatment increased by 12. 61% compared with CK,and the difference was significant(P < 0. 05). All treatments′ reflection index(PRI)increased first and then decreased until flat. The measured value of Q3 increased by 11. 29% compared with CK,and the difference was significant(P < 0. 05). The vegetation aging reflectance index (PSRI) of all treatments showed a trend of rising first and then falling and then rising. The measured value of Q3 decreased by 13. 22% compared with CK,and the difference was significant(P < 0. 05). The normalized vegetation index(NDVI)of Q3 increased by 11. 51% compared with CK,and the difference was significant (P <0. 05). The chlorophyll and carotenoid contents of Q1 and Q2 were higher than other treatments, with significant differences (P < 0. 05). Among the three topdressing treatments,the Q3 yield was the highest,reaching 1 150. 95 kg/667 m2. Based on the analysis of the spectral parameters,pigments content,and yield of cowpea in different periods,the best period of topdressing was the full pod period.

Key words: cowpea, topdressing, spectral parameters, pigment, yield
