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    01 October 2004, Volume 23 Issue 5
    Orignal Article
    Criterion of New Poems: Who Is Having the Say?WANG Yi
    2004, 23(5):  5-9. 
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    There are bound to be two gradations implied in the criterion of new poemsthe factual gradation and that of value. Especially on the latter, people may forever be unable to express exactly the criterion of new poems. But people should at least know what factors on earth stipulate the criterion. Just because of the interlock and mutual restraint of these complicated factors, if people really want to establish the criterion, what they may accomplish is simply to involve themselves in the “negotiation” in the community of poetic knowledge, making mutual concessions unconsciously.
    Dislocation of the Evaluation Criterion of Chinese Modern Poems ——Cultural Rumination on the Legitimacy of Chinese Modern Poems
    BAO Chang-bao
    2004, 23(5):  10-14. 
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    Based on the premise of the monism of poems, the evaluation criterion ofChinese modern poems hasn’t been straighten out seriously yet. To express the “new plasma” of modern life, Chinese modern poems have taken a series of searches on “non-poeticization”, which brought them some modern characters. This paper holds that to take the theory of artistic conception of classical poems as the evaluation criterion ofChinese modern poems is dislocated. To establish a legitimate evaluation crit
    Literatured Style in Works by 6th Generation Screen Directors
    ZHAO Mei-fang
    2004, 23(5):  47-49. 
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    In probing into the literatured style of contemporary Chinese movies, the present paper starts with the analysis of cases of the 6th generation screen directors. In the works by the batch of new and vimful directors there appears an obvious turn towards literaturednessThey dare to discard the “epic narration” including righteousness in nomely words. They tend to be elaborate and specific in subject matter, topic and even in perspective, exhibiting a documentary peculiarity of their own. As one of the characterizations of looking for a change of something new in art, literaturedness has injected vigour into the aesthetic style and technique of expression of contemporary Chinese movies.
    Challenge to Moral Purity
    CHENG Chun-lan
    2004, 23(5):  50-52. 
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    Tess of the D’urbervilles is the most famous work of Thomas Hardy , a critical realist in the 19th century Britain. Tessis the heroine of the novel. She is an image of the true, the good and the beautiful and should be cherished by the man .But she is deserted heartlessly. Tess’s tragedy is not only that of a woman but also that of a man.
    Question and Way Out
    PENG Song-qiao
    2004, 23(5):  102-106. 
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    Since the beginning of the 21st century and in the wake of China’s rapid development in economy, culture, education and science and technology, the contemporary higher-school educational idea has undergone a profound change, new specifications required by the time for training talented undergraduates being established. Specialized in Chinese language and literature and fostered in the present training mode, the undergraduates find it hard for them to meet the requirements of the time. It becomes indispensable to have a correct understanding of the history as well as the present situation of the speciality. Only by systematic reforms in educational idea, aim of training the talented, curriculum, criteria of assessment and evaluation, management system of teachers, etc. can those undergraduates be trained who are enabled to meet the requirements of the time.
    Life and Teaching
    XIE Yan-long
    2004, 23(5):  110-116. 
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    Life is the root of humans and the inbeing of education. Teaching contains life, that is to say, teaching is the integrity, experience andgrowth of life, it is the interaction and the transcendence of life. In our country teaching absents itself from life, such as seen in teaching control, paramountcy of scientific rationalism and teaching knowledge standard. Teaching’s ultimate meaning is to improve life quality and incarnate life value. Teaching must regress to life, that meansteaching is dialogue, intercourse, comprehension and symbiosis.