JIANGHAN ACADEMIC ›› 2018, Vol. 37 ›› Issue (1): 14-21.doi: 10.16388/j.cnki.cn42-1843/c.2018.01.002

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Exploring the Principles of Agricultural Law in the Paradigm of Economic Law

LI Changjian, SUN Fubo   

  1. College of Humanities and Social Sciences, Huazhong Agricultural University, Wuhan 430070
  • Received:2018-01-14 Revised:2018-01-14 Online:2018-02-15 Published:2018-01-18

Abstract: Principles are necessary elements in the making of laws and an important demand in law implementation and in preventing distorted legal operation. The principles of the agricultural law are the criteria that must be complied with in agricultural law’s making and enforcement and by legal entities in agricultural activities. As agricultural law is an important part of economic laws and economic sprudence is a new section with its own characteristics in the legal studies, there is not, yet, a consensus on the study of the principles of agricultural law. This paper proposes that the reconstruction of agricultural law’s principles should find answers in economic jurisprudence. The principles should include“sannong’s”(rural areas, farmers, agriculture)interest coordination and protection;“sannong’s”paralleled substantial progress in fairness, efficiency, and security;“sannong’s”sustainable development; application of legal rights and right-responsibility integration;and minimum limitation and maximum promotion.

Key words: agricultural law, economic law, the principles of the agricultural law, the principles of the economic law, “sannong”

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