JIANGHAN ACADEMIC ›› 2017, Vol. 36 ›› Issue (6): 35-41.doi: 10.16388/j.cnki.cn42-1843/c.2017.06.005

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How Will the Principle of Presuming Innocent Convince the Public:A Study Based on the Nie Shubin Case

MIN Fengjing   

  1. School of Law, Southwest University of Political science and Law, Chongqing, 401120
  • Received:2017-07-05 Revised:2017-07-05 Online:2017-12-15 Published:2017-11-13

Abstract: After the Nie Shubin case was retried and announced not guilty of criminal charges, some people still have such views as“only legally innocent but guilty in fact and Nie might be the murderer”; these views reflect that the principle of presuming the accused innocent unless he is proven guilty cannot completely convince the public. In a country where the objective truth is tirelessly sought, the real criminal having not yet been brought to justice can be the superficial cause of the failure to convince the public, the fundamental cause is people’s misinterpretation of the principle. This paper suggests that to make acquittals based on presumption of innocence convincing, more work should be done to interpret the law to the public through individual law cases and the principle of presuming innocent be written into the criminal procedure law when it is amended.

Key words: Nie Shubin, Nie Subin case, presuming innocent, criminal procedure

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