JIANGHAN ACADEMIC ›› 2016, Vol. 35 ›› Issue (1): 5-12.doi: 10.16388/j.cnki.cn42-1843/c.2016.01.001

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Form Interwoven with Content:Rereading Luo Fu’s Death of a Stone Cell

Department of Chinese Literature,Feng Chia University,Taichung,Taiwan,40724   

  1. Department of Chinese Literature,Feng Chia University,Taichung,Taiwan,40724
  • Received:2016-01-05 Revised:2016-01-05 Online:2016-02-15 Published:2016-01-27

Abstract: Luo Fu’s long poem Death of a Stone Cell has a unified form in general;it is composed of 64 verses which are made up of two 5-line stanzas each,640 lines in total. Rather than giving each verse a title,the poet numbers them from 1 to 64. The ending sentences are forceful,whilst the parallelism creates a sense of waiting or perching;commas are used to give emphasis or to combine two sentences to avoid an extra line;the stanzas are filled with epigrams;the form and content are mysteriously intermingled. The set form provides a home to the running and radiating thoughts and the changeable life experiences makes the fixed form less stiff. It is a poem that releases tension amidst intensive subjectivity and extensive sub-consciousness through a traditional form. The 10-line form of verses are not predefined to fit the content nor the vice versa;the entire poem is rather a crystallized product of ideas and images.

Key words: Luo Fu, Death of a Stone Cell , long poem, form, content

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