JIANGHAN ACADEMIC ›› 2017, Vol. 36 ›› Issue (2): 47-56.doi: 10.16388/j.cnki.cn42-1843/c.2017.02.006

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Trying to Break Away from Nightmares between“Interior Monologue”and“Free Association”——A Comparative Study of Niu Han’ s Sleepwalking

QIU Jinghua   

  1. Strait Literary Development Research Center,Fujian Federation of Literary and Art Circles,Fuzhou 350025
  • Received:2017-03-19 Revised:2017-03-19 Online:2017-04-15 Published:2017-03-22

Abstract: Researchers highly appreciate Niu Han’ s representative work Sleepwalking,but they differ in opinions about its first and third editions. The writer of this paper agrees that whilst the third edition is a revised text of the first,each has its own independent artistic life,creating a unique and singular intertexture.Both editions share his personal modern style,a style of his situational poetry mingled with Eliot’ s modern elements. The third edition is another process of artistic creation and the dramatic narrator naturally tells a different situation of sleepwalk. The first edition,using“interior monologue”,creates a surreal dream world;it is metaphorical and the contrast of“sleepwalk”and“dream wake”makes a structure of irony. To avoid“the weight loss of sufferings”,the third edition increases the“sober”rational narration in“interior monologue”and“free association”and makes it more difficult to get away from the nightmare before“sleepwalking”and gives more“sense of pain”to the devastated life during“sleepwalking” .

Key words: Niu Han, Sleepwalking, modern poetry, situational poetry, interior monologue, free association

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