JIANGHAN ACADEMIC ›› 2016, Vol. 35 ›› Issue (3): 68-75.doi: 10.16388/j.cnki.cn42-1843/c.2016.03.009

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Philosophical Vision and Maternal Love——The Uniqueness of Zheng Min’ s Poetry during the 1940s

QIU Jinghua   

  1. Research Center of Straits Development of Literature & Art,Fujian Provincial Federation of Literary and Art Circles,Fuzhou,350025
  • Received:2016-05-07 Revised:2016-05-07 Online:2016-06-15 Published:2016-05-25

Abstract: It is generally agreed that Zheng Min has inherited FengZhi and Rilke’ s tradition of mixing philosophy into poetry and uplifted the tradition to a metaphysical height. But,this simplified generalization fails to reveal Zheng’s uniqueness and richness.Since she was a student,she has never tried to confine herself to the ivory tower and stay away from realities;on the contrary,the internationalized education of and the wisdom of the great academic masters at Southwestern Associated University cultivated young Zheng’ s concern about the destiny of the human beings and her philosophical vision. After graduation,her job of international news translation gave her opportunities to observe and reflect on important historical events happening in the world and to give her response in the form of poetry. Her sonnets,which were filled with philosophical vision,maternal love,and feminine feelings and imagination,constitutes her poetic uniqueness during the 1940s. Careful perusal of Zheng’ s sonnets will help readers understand the process of the formation and development of their uniqueness. Zheng’ s early poems,as they did not reflect the Anti-Japanese War,were not quite accepted and appreciated by her contemporaries,but their concern about human beings’common destiny and expectation of world civilization have been gaining the recognition of history and time. Zheng Min herself is also a welldeserved poet prophet.

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