江汉学术 ›› 2024, Vol. 43 ›› Issue (1): 16-24.doi: 10.16388/j.cnki.cn42-1843/c.2024.01.002

• 社会学 • 上一篇    



  1. 暨南大学 人文学院,广东 珠海 519000
  • 收稿日期:2023-07-15 出版日期:2024-02-15 发布日期:2024-01-30
  • 作者简介:张朝华,男,湖南武冈人,暨南大学人文学院教授,E-mail:tzngg@jnu.edu.cn;张紫薇,女,广东梅州人,暨南大学人文学院硕士生,E-mail:1054276703@qq.com。
  • 基金资助:

Face Production and Social Deprivation:The Bipolar Dilemma of Marriage in Southern Rural China

ZHANG Zhaohua,ZHANG Ziwe   

  1. School of Humanities,Jinan University,Zhuhai Guangdong 519000
  • Received:2023-07-15 Online:2024-02-15 Published:2024-01-30

摘要: 随着新型城镇化的稳步推进和城乡关系的变化,南方农村出现了早婚和“剩男”的婚姻困境。一方面,性别比例失衡导致的男多女少意味着部分男性“无婚可结”;另一方面,在家长的默许甚至撮合下,农村部分青年提早步入婚姻历程,成为稚嫩的父母。把农村婚姻市场的特殊形态放到粤北村庄的整体关联中考察,在经济分化与社会分层的结构性压力下,中下层群体试图利用婚姻缔结完成阶层跨越,婚配压力的层层传导最终引发了下层弱势男性的婚姻困境。然而,乡村社会的发展变化并没有改变农村熟人社会的基本形态,面子依然是一种重要的社会性评价,一方面,面子危机直接将宗族与个体荣辱相连接;另一方面,面子文化又对社区内生活的熟人群体进行行为约束,保障社区的同质性。家庭根据婚姻市场变化进行婚姻策略调整,子代婚姻的缔结并不完全为了符合家庭利益,也有确保面子再生产的需要。

关键词: 农村婚姻, 婚姻市场, 社会剥夺, 面子文化, 婚姻策略, 婚姻家庭

Abstract: With a new type of urbanization unfolding and the urban-rural relations changing,a marriage dilemma,the coexistence of early marriage and“leftover men,”has appeared in southern rural China. Due to the gender imbalance,it is possible some men cannot find a woman to marry;on the other hand,with the acquiescence or even the maneuver of parents,some young people in rural areas get married before the legal marriageable age and become immature parents. The study explores the special form of rural marriage market in perspective to the overall village relationship of northern Guangdong. Under the structural pressure of economic differentiation and social stratification,the middle and lower groups try to use marriage to rise to a higher stratum;as the marriage pressure is transmitted downward at all levels,the lower-group men become the most vulnerable in the marriage market. However,the basic form of rural acquaintance society has not been changed with the development of rural society,and face is still an important dimension of social evaluation. On the one hand,a face crisis directly connects individual honor and disgrace with the clan;on the other hand,the face culture restrains the behavior of the acquaintances in the community and guarantees the homogeneity of the community. Families adjust their marriage strategies according to the changes in the marriage market. The conclusion of offspring marriage is not entirely for the benefit of the family,but also for the need of face reproduction.

Key words: rural marriage, marriage market, social deprivation, face culture, marital strategy, marriage and family
