江汉学术 ›› 2022, Vol. 41 ›› Issue (5): 73-83.doi: 10.16388/j.cnki.cn42-1843/c.2022.05.007

• 社会学 • 上一篇    下一篇


吴 静   

  1. 江汉大 学商学院,武汉 430056
  • 收稿日期:2022-05-16 出版日期:2022-10-15 发布日期:2022-09-21
  • 作者简介:吴 静,女,湖北武汉人,江汉大学商学院副教授,Email:jingwu@jhun.edu.cn。
  • 基金资助:

Problem and Prospect:Exploration of China’s Urban Mode for Supporting the Elderly

WU Jing   

  1. Business School,Jianghan University,Wuhan 430056
  • Received:2022-05-16 Online:2022-10-15 Published:2022-09-21

摘要: 通过对武汉市二十多家养老机构、社区老年人服务中心和生活小区的实地调研,结合对412位60岁以上老人的问卷调查和访谈,对比分析了武汉市居家养老、社区老年人服务中心和各种不同类型养老机构的运营状况和不同养老模式满足老年人养老需求的现状。研究发现,随着年龄的增长老年人考虑入住养老院的意愿逐渐增强;男性较女性更不愿入住养老院;和子女同住的老人最不愿考虑将来入住养老院,而空巢老人最愿意入住养老院;与互联网社会融入程度越高的老人越不想入住养老院。研究还发现,社区老年人服务中心提供的服务同质化严重,无法真正满足老年人的多样化需求,即使是最受欢迎的文体活动,经常参与的老人也只占50%,基本不能提供老年人需要的精神慰藉服务。受老年人可支配收入水平的限制,养老机构存在高档的空床率高、低档的一床难求的情况。

关键词: 养老模式, 居家养老, 社区养老, 机构养老, 养老需求, 老龄社会, 老龄问题

Abstract: The research in Wuhan covers over 20 institutions providing for the elderly,community old-age service centers,and residential communities,including questionnaires and interviews of 412 people aged above 60. It compares and analyzes the operation performances of various types of institutions providing for the aged,as well as the current situations of different old-age care modes in satisfying the demands of the aged population for old-age care. It is discovered that the willingness of the aged population to live in nursing homes gradually increases as they grow older;compared with the female,the male is more reluctant to live in the nursing home;those living with their offspring are the least willing to consider living in the nursing home in the future,while those who live alone are the most willing to go to the nursing home;and that those who are highly integrated in the Internet society are the least willing to go to the nursing home. It is also discovered that services provided by community old-age service centers are highly homogenous and cannot truly satisfy the diversified demands of the old colony. Even their most welcomed cultural and sports activities can only attract 50 percent of the population to participate frequently,and the centers can barely provide the kind of spiritual consolation services needed by the elderly. Restricted by the disposable income level of the elderly,upscale beds in old-age care institutions are often unwanted,but down-scale beds are hard to find.

Key words: the pattern of providing for the aged, home-based care for the aged;community support for the elderly, institution support for the elderly, demands for old-age care;aging society, aging problem
