江汉学术 ›› 2017, Vol. 36 ›› Issue (2): 35-46.doi: 10.16388/j.cnki.cn42-1843/c.2017.02.005

• 教育部名栏_现当代诗学研究 • 上一篇    下一篇

以自身施喻: 当代汉语诗歌中的精神疾病诗学

[德]彭吉蒂(文)1, 时 霄(译)2, 江承志(校订)3   

  1. 1香港城市大学 亚洲及国际学系, 香港 999077;2中国人民大学 文学院, 北京 100872;3武汉大学 外国语言文学学院, 武汉 430072
  • 收稿日期:2017-03-07 修回日期:2017-03-07 出版日期:2017-04-15 发布日期:2017-03-22
  • 作者简介:彭吉蒂(Birgit Bunzel Linder), 女, 德国奥伯豪森人, 香港城市大学亚洲及国际学系助理教授, 博士;译者简介: 时 霄, 男, 山东滨州人, 中国人民大学文学院博士生;校订者简介: 江承志, 男, 湖北武汉人, 武汉大学外国语言文学学院副教授, 博士。

Metaphors Unto Themselves: Mental Illness Poetics in Chinese Poetry

[Germany]Birgit Bunzel Linder1, (translation)Shi Xiao2, (revise)Jiang Chengzhi3   

  1. 1City University of Hong Kong Department of Asian and International Studies,Hong Kong 999077;2Renmin University of China School of Liberal Arts,Beijing 100872;3Wuhan University School of Foreign Languages and Literature,Wuhan 430072
  • Received:2017-03-07 Revised:2017-03-07 Online:2017-04-15 Published:2017-03-22

摘要: 疾病、 受苦、 疼痛与创伤常常带来边缘性经验, 并提供一个让人类能意识到自身囿限与脆弱的语境。以疯狂为主题的文学——精神疾病或心理创伤在小说人物和诗歌话语中的再现——清晰地描写了此类经验, 通过不同的形式、 隐喻和结构, 并能够表达主体的痛苦与集体的创伤, 传达病痛的经历, 为健康、 疾病与身份等更广阔的语境提供个人与社会的洞见。就食指、 温洁而言(其他人很可能也是如此), 书写疾病之诗的快乐与其说来自于对主体感受的表达, 不如说在于一种对技巧和形式的追寻, 即追寻如何将个人经验整合进集体, 无论是悲苦的经验,还是独特的诗词传统。食指和温洁勇敢地写诗来表达其自身的病苦, 因此也成就了反诸自身的隐喻, 即关于自身之乖悖、 健康、 身体与心灵之脆弱、 寻找归宿的身份之痛苦挣扎的隐喻。

关键词: 食指, 郭路生, 温洁, 汉语诗歌, 精神疾病, 疾病诗学, 疾病隐喻

Abstract: Illness,suffering,pain,and trauma often lead to borderline experiences(Grenzerfahrungen),an environment within which we become conscious of our own limitations and vulnerabilities. Literary madness—the representation of fictional characters and of the poetic voice suffering from mental illness or psychic trauma—artfully articulates such experiences. Through a variety of forms,metaphors,and structures,it can express subjective pain and collective trauma,relay the experience of illness,and offer individual and social insight into the larger contexts of health,disease,and identity. Moreover,I argue that in Guo Lusheng and Wen Jie’ s cases(and very likely many other cases as well),the delight of writing poetry about one’ s illness lies less in the attempt at expressing a subjective experience than in finding the devices and forms that integrate individual experience into a collective one,be that one of sorrow and suffering,or of a specific lyrical tradition and versification. There are other Chinese poets who occasionally write about madness or mental illness from various perspectives,but Guo Lusheng and Wen Jie have written poetry that courageously represents their suffering and have become metaphors unto themselves: metaphors of discord within themselves,of the vulnerability of health,body,and mind,and of a sharpened identity struggle in the quest for belonging.

Key words: Shi Zhi;Guo Lusheng, Wen Jie, Modern Chinese Poetry, Mental Illness, the poetics of illness, Illness as Metaphor
