江汉学术 ›› 2016, Vol. 35 ›› Issue (6): 45-53.doi: 10.16388/j.cnki.cn42-1843/c.2016.06.005

• 教育部名栏_现当代诗学研究 • 上一篇    下一篇

回归期台湾新诗史里的抒情之声——以张错、 席慕蓉、 方娥真与温瑞安为例


  1. 淡江大学 中国文学学系, 台湾 新北 25137
  • 收稿日期:2016-07-15 修回日期:2016-07-15 出版日期:2016-12-15 发布日期:2016-12-01
  • 作者简介:杨宗翰, 男, 台湾台北人, 台湾淡江大学中国文学学系助理教授, 博士。

Lyrics in Taiwan’ s New Poetry History during the Returning Period——Zhang Cuo,Xi Murong,Fang Ezhen,and Wen Ruian as Examples

Yang Zonghan   

  1. Department of Chinese Literature,Tamkang University,New Taipei 25197,Taiwan
  • Received:2016-07-15 Revised:2016-07-15 Online:2016-12-15 Published:2016-12-01

摘要: 台湾新诗史回归期(1972—1983)以正视现实、 肯定明朗、 关怀乡土、 拥抱民族为主要特征。其成因则与诗作风格丕变、 文学论战四起、 诗社诗刊涌现、 空前外交变局四点密切相关。彼时诗人积极思考自我身份及过往诗潮流弊, 扬弃了 “世界性”“超现实性”“纯粹性” 等现代主义主张, 改朝 “民族性”“社会性”“世俗性” 等现实主义路线发展, 进行书写与行动的双重实践。以抒情诗见长的张错(1943— )、 席慕蓉(1943— )、 方娥真(1954— )与温瑞安(1954—)四位就身份而言, 可能都算某种意义上的 “外人”。但在文学史书写上, 四人毫无疑问都该被纳入 “台湾文学 ‘之内’”, 构成回归期台湾新诗史极为重要的环节。文学界普遍认为 “温是侠骨、 方是柔肠”, 在文学表现上方往往也被视为温的附属品。其实方娥真的诗作产量不逊于温瑞安, 意象营造、 文字功力与节奏控制更在温之上。上述这种说法所反映的往往不是诗作风格, 而是尊卑位阶, 亦即视女性为他者(the other)或附属品, 以呈现男性的自我(self)及优势位置。

关键词: 女性诗人, 抒情, 抒情性, 新诗史, 张错, 席慕蓉, 方娥真, 温瑞安

Abstract: The returning period of Taiwan’ s new poetry history(1972—1983)was characteristic of facing the reality,confirming clarity,caring about the mainland,and being patriotic. This is closely related to the drastic change of poetic style,the hot literary debates,the booming of poets societies and poetry periodicals,and the sudden overturn of diplomatic situation. During that period,poets were seriously considering their own identities and the past poetry abuses,decided to sublate such opinions of "cosmopolitanism","surrealism",and "purity",and chose the realistic line that emphasized "nationality","sociality" and "secularity". They practiced their ideas both in their writings and actions. The lyric poets Zhang Cuo(1943— ),Xi Murong(1943— ),Fang Ezhen (1954— ),and Wen Ruian(1954— ) were considered in a sense as "outsiders",but in literary history,they should definitely be included in "’ insiders’of Taiwan literature",constituting an extremely important link in Taiwan’ s new poetry history during the returning period. Within the literary circle, Wen was generally considered "chivalrous" whilst Fang "tender", and in literary expression,Fang was regarded as Wen’ s appendage. In fact,Fang Ezhen’ s production of poetry is no less than Wen Ruian and is better in image building ,writing skill,and rhythm control. Those prejudices were simply based on ranks and gender,intended to present males’selves and their superior position.

Key words: female poet, lyric, lyrical new poetry history, Zhang Cuo, Xi Murong, Fang Ezhen, Wen Ruian
