江汉大学学报(自然科学版) ›› 2017, Vol. 45 ›› Issue (4): 317-322.doi: 10.16389/j.cnki.cn42-1737/n.2017.04.004

• 豆类植物研究 • 上一篇    下一篇



  1. 1. 江汉大学 生命科学学院;湖北省豆类(蔬菜)植物工程技术研究中心,湖北 武汉 430056;2. 北京工商大学 理工学院,北京 100048
  • 出版日期:2017-08-28 发布日期:2017-09-01
  • 通讯作者: 陈禅友
  • 作者简介:陈高(1989—),男,助理实验师,硕士,研究方向:植物细胞工程。
  • 基金资助:
    农业部948 项目(2011-G1-17);湖北省科技平台项目(鄂科技通[2011]第101 号);武汉市科技攻关项目(201250499145-11)

Dynamic Changes of Anti-Nutritional Factors in Common Beans on Different Growth Periods

CHEN Gao1,WU Hua2,DAI Xiangde1,LIU Tong1,CHEN Chanyou*1   

  1. 1. School of Life Sciences,Jianghan University;Hubei Province Engineering Research Center for Legume Plants,Wuhan 430056,Hubei,China;2. School of Science and Technology,Beijing Technology and Business University,Beijing 100048,China
  • Online:2017-08-28 Published:2017-09-01
  • Contact: CHEN Chanyou

摘要: 凝集素、皂苷、植酸和胰蛋白酶抑制剂是菜豆中主要的抗营养因子。以矮生和蔓生两种生长习性的菜豆豆荚为材料,测定了其6个发育时期抗营养因子的变化规律。结果表明:两个品种的豆荚发育期,植物凝集素含量及胰蛋白酶抑制剂活性均呈上升趋势,在21~28 d 达到峰值。矮生及蔓生菜豆凝集素含量分别从0. 35 mg/g和0. 36 mg/g上升到0. 92 mg/g和0. 54 mg/g,胰蛋白酶抑制剂活性分别从0. 18 TIU/g和0. 50 TIU/g上升到5. 02 TIU/g 和4. 68 TIU/g;而皂苷和植酸含量均呈下降趋势,矮生和蔓生菜豆皂苷含量分别从55. 21 mg/g和43. 33 mg/g 下降到18. 90 mg/g 和11. 79 mg/g;植酸含量分别从15. 07 mg/g 和14. 57 mg/g 下降到14. 33 mg/g 和12. 19 mg/g。综合形态发育及抗营养因子的变化规律发现,花后14~21 d 豆荚趋于成熟,抗营养因子含量较低,食用较佳;花后28 d籽粒发育饱满,抗营养因子含量较高,食用此时期豆荚及籽粒时应充分烹饪,降低抗营养因子的影响,提高营养价值。

关键词: 菜豆, 抗营养因子, 植物凝集素, 皂苷, 胰蛋白酶抑制剂, 植酸

Abstract: Lectin,saponins,phytic acid and trypsin inhibitor are main anti- nutritional factors in common beans. Dynamic changes of these anti-nutritional factors were studied by determining their levels in dwarf and trail common bean pods on 6 growth periods. The results showed that levels of lectin and trypsin inhibitors increased during the whole growth periods in both common bean varieties,reached the peak at 21-28 days. For lectin from 0. 35 mg/g to 0. 92 mg/g and from 0. 36 mg/g to 0. 54 mg/g,and for trypsin inhibitor from 0. 18 TIU/g to 5. 02 TIU/g and from 0. 50 TIU/g to 4. 68 TIU/g,in dwarf and trail common beans respectively. Levels of saponins and phytic acid showed a general downward trend,with the former decreased from 55. 21 mg/g to 18. 90 mg/g in dwarf common beans and from 43. 33 mg/g to 11. 79 mg/g in trail ones,and the latter from 15. 07 mg/g to 14. 33 mg/g in dwarf common beans and from 14. 57 mg/g to 12. 19 mg/g in trail ones. 14-21 days after blossom,both common beans were of appropriate ripeness and contained relatively lower anti-nutritional factors,and were fit for harvest. 28 days after blossom,both common beans were fully ripened with high levels of anti-nutritional factors,and needed thorough cooking before served.

Key words: commom bean, anti-nutritional factors, lectin, saponins, trypsin inhibitor, phytic acid
