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    12 June 2011, Volume 28 Issue 3
    Network Technology and Shift of Political Power
    WANG Fang-li
    2011, 28(3):  22-25. 
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    As a new form of technology, it is acknowledged by all that network technology has made the shift to the political power in the process of interaction between the technology and social life. Network has made dual effects on the power shift, which thus is presented with new characteristics as knowledge, flattening and decentralization. The shift has created a good opportunity for the political power back to the society.
    “To Convert Knowledge into Intelligence”:
    Basic Demand to Construct Marxist Study-Type Party
    LU Kuan
    2011, 28(3):  26-30. 
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    To construct Marxist study-type Party is an important strategic plan made in the Fourth Session of the Party’s Seventeenth congress about strengthening and improving party’s construction. Now, to construct Marxist study-type Party faces three problems and challenges, i.e.not studying seriously, not believing seriously and not using seriously. “To convert knowledge into intelligence” is the only way in solving the problems, conquering challenges and in constructing Marxist study-type Party. “To convert knowledge into intelligence” is a process of internalization and qualitative change. The process is with spheres, and is realized by researching, internalization and practicing. In constructing Marxist study-type Party, researching and reading are a precondition, internalization is a key and Practicing is the goal.
    A Disscussim on Ye Jianying’s Thought of
    Modernization of the Armed Forces
    DONG Lv
    2011, 28(3):  39-41. 
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    As one of the founders of the armed forces, Ye Jianying was not only a great revolutionist, but also an outstanding military theorist, who had taken important posts for several times and made great contribution to founding, developing and strengthening the people’s army. After long time military practice, Ye Jianying had formed rich thought of modernization of the armed forces, as correctly handling relationship between enriching the country and strengthening the armed forces, sticking to the principle of strengthening the armed forces scientifically, paying attention to keeping the nature of the armed forces, stressing coordinated development among all the services and arms, and implementing concept of people oriented in directing armed forces. At present, re-studying Ye Jinaying’s thought about modernization of the armed forces is with important value and enlightenment to constructing a modernized people’s army.
    A Review of Karl Popper’s Theory of Democracy
    XIE Guang-kuan
    2011, 28(3):  42-46. 
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    In twentieth century, Karl Popper was one of the most influential thinkers not only in philosophy of science, but also in political theory. He systemically discussed the theory of democracy and made many new arguments from the view of critical rationalism. Popper converted the fundamental problem of politics from “who should rule?” to “how can we so organize political institutions that bad or incompetent rulers can be prevented from doing too much damage?”, revealed the paradox of traditional democracy theory, insisted that the essential difference between democracy and tyranny was that democracy makes it possible to get rid of a government without bloodshed, argued that democracy is valuable because it can protect individuals' freedom, and believed that the two-party system is better than proportional representation and seems to be the best form of democracy. This article reviewed Popper's theory of democracy and made some comments.
    Rising by Transformation, Breakthrough by Innovation
    ——Thinking on the Development Stratege of TV Industry
    in the Provincial Capital under the New Situation
    HU Yu-di
    2011, 28(3):  54-59. 
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    On the background of “triple networks” integration, the TV industry in the provincial capital is confronted with more limited and ambiguous future. But the capital stations can take advantage of politics, economy and culture concerning the location, and obtain a better chance for rising in future competition of channel quality. They can take advantage of location to collect high level personnel, project and produce good programs in contents so as to catch the viewers. At the same time, they can make a proper separation between producing and broadcasting from the height of satisfying broadcasting demands by raising the channel quality to fit the needs of multi-medium as network, mobile phones and mobile TVs. They should pay attention to the comprehensive utilization of resources and capital. They should re-start the industry by being in large-scale, and capitalization, and in running the business in a way of marketing and enlarging socializing production.
    Case Study of Industrial Structure Readjustment
    and Economic Increase in Wuhan
    ——Based on the Data from 1978 to 2009
    WANG Chao-yang
    2011, 28(3):  60-63. 
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    The result of the case study about Wuhan industrial structure readjustment and economic increase shows that the output increase of the second industry makes greatest contribution to Wuhan economic increase, while that of the third industry is the fastest as far as the increasing speed of the contribution to the economic increase is concerned. Wuhan government should strengthen the development of the second industry, optimize its industrial structure, guide the enterprises to a way of new-type industry and at the same time powerfully develop the service industry, especially the modern service industry which is closely related with industrial development so as to consolidate focus taking agriculture as national economic foundation, develop modern city ecological agriculture, strengthen readjustment of agricultural industrial structure and accelerate the pace of agricultural industrialization.
    Study of Construction and Regional Integration of
    Tourist Industrial Cluster in Wuhan Urban Circle
    SU Su
    2011, 28(3):  64-67. 
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    The development of tourist industry in the form of cluster is an effective pattern in strengthening competition of the regional tourist industry. Wuhan urban circle is with good condition in developing tourist industrial cluster, which can construct and develop tourist industrial cluster by relying on the characteristics of tourist resources, integrating tourist industrial elements, and strengthening regional tourist cooperation to promote regional integration and cooperative development of tourism in Wuhan urban circle and to raise competitiveness of tourist industry, thus to bring forth the development of regional economy.
    Relying on Method of Problem Teaching
    and Raising Effects of “Four real” Moral Education
    JIANG Ling-ling
    2011, 28(3):  95-99. 
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    In order to achieve satisfactory teaching quality in classroom teaching, teaching method should be geared to characteristics of the course. The specialty of the teaching task of ideological and political lessons, its teaching contents and teaching goal demand the teacher to adopt a respective teaching method. “Problem teaching method” takes problem raising and solving as a centre, and is with the characteristics of stimulating activeness, educating in recreation and studying for application, which meets the internal needs of ideological and political lessons in promoting “function of moral education”, is in line with the objective law of cognitive development of the students’ ideological conception and is the effective way to “four real” height.
    A New Probe into Concept of Value about Resource Exploiting
    and Utilizing of Ideological and Political Education in Universities
    YANG Xiu-yun, ZHONG Pei-jun
    2011, 28(3):  104-107. 
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    Ideological and political education of Universities needs guidance and maintenance by scientific, healthy and positive concept of value. The concept of value as people oriented and lenience with strictness, innovation and advanced determination, sublating tradition and using external source, stressing science and striving for efficacy, and words with deeds and self-improvement is the requirements and guidance for developing and utilizing the resource of university ideological and political education.