Life Multiplication:One Original Text and Five Target Texts
WANG Jian-zhao
Translation activity is by no means what people generally think to be an equivalent change between languages.Besides what commonly referred to as “language environment”,it also includes such information or code as cultures,regions,times,etc.And in the practical course of translation,the translater’s personal temperament,accomplishment,interest and experience may carry some personal-natured“meaning notation” and “word explanation” to the source text,hence causing various degrees of deviations,deformations and even corrections in the target text,and resulting in different-degreed shrinkage or expansion of the elements in the source text.
Institute of Foreign Literature,Chinese Academy of Social Sciences,Beijing 100732,China. Life Multiplication:One Original Text and Five Target Texts[J]. JIANGHAN ACADEMIC, 2010, 29(3): 16-19.