江汉学术 ›› 2025, Vol. 44 ›› Issue (1): 16-26.doi: 10.16388/j.cnki.cn42-1843/c.2025.01.002

• 社会学 • 上一篇    



  1. 暨南大学 人文学院,广东 珠海 519000
  • 收稿日期:2024-10-31 出版日期:2025-02-15 发布日期:2025-01-08
  • 作者简介:张朝华,男,湖南武冈人,暨南大学人文学院教授,E-mail:tzngg@jnu.edu.cn;周子越,女,广东东莞人,暨南大学人文学院硕士生,E-mail:534295538@qq.com;庞嘉慧,女,广东遂溪人,暨南大学人文学院硕士生,E-mail:1834386849@qq.com。
  • 基金资助:
    国家社会科学基金项目“共同富裕背景下提升低收入人口获得感的实现机制研究”(22BSH031);国家社会科学基金项目“新就业形态劳动者就业质量测度、前因组态及对策研究”(23BGL151);广东省社科基金项目“社会评价、自我认同对农村中职学生学业行为的影响研究”(GD22CSH08);广东省科技创新战略专项资金项目“做大做 强特色产业与新型农业经营体系重构:来自沿海Z市水产养殖业的证据”(pdjh2024a056)

Reinventing Rights in Change: The Price-changing Logic of High Betrothal Gift and Its Influencing Factors

ZHANG Zhaohua,ZHOU Ziyue,PANG Jiahui   

  1. College of Humanities,Jinan University,Zhuhai Guangdong 519070
  • Received:2024-10-31 Online:2025-02-15 Published:2025-01-08

摘要: 农村高价彩礼治理是乡村振兴中“乡风文明”建设的重要一环。通过对农村婚恋女性的半结构访谈,基于“制度文化—道德嵌入—交易成本”的分析框架,提出高价彩礼转变是女性权利在城镇化变迁中重塑的结果,即新型城镇化带来通婚圈扩展,致使农村女性在彩礼商议中经历“冲突—被动脱嵌”或“增权—主动脱嵌”两个过程,由此高价彩礼转变更为可能。彩礼议价中的交易成本分化造就了三种易价逻辑,分别为关系维护的考虑、女性对婚后风险的预期管理以及家庭权利的主动交换。在不同的彩礼归属形式之下,高价彩礼转变的逻辑具有异质性。基于以上机制与逻辑,代际责任、彩礼的处置以及女性婚恋权利应被考虑作为彩礼治理着眼点。

关键词: 农村婚姻, 彩礼, 交易成本, 女性权利, 婚姻市场

Abstract: The governance of high betrothal gifts in rural areas is an important part of the civilization construction of rural conventions in rural revitalization. A semi-structured interview is done among rural female in marriage stage which is analyzed in framework of“institutional culture—moral embedding—transaction cost.”This paper proposes that the trend of high betrothal gift is the result of the reshaping of women’s rights in the process of urbanization. New urbanization has expanded marriage circles;in the process,rural women experience two processes in the negotiation of betrothal gifts:the“conflict—passive deembedding”process or the“empowerment—active deembedding process.”Thus it is more likely for them to demand high betrothal gifts. The differentiation of transaction cost in betrothal gift bargains creates three kinds of price-exchanging logic: the consideration of relationship maintenance, women’s anticipation and management of marriage risk,and the active exchange of family rights. Since a bride’s betrothal gift and dowry can be controlled by different parties,the logic of the change of high betrothal gift and dowry is heterogeneous. Based on the above mechanism and logic,the governance of betrothal gift should focus on intergenerational responsibility,disposal of betrothal gift and dowry,and women’s marriage rights.

Key words: rural marriage, betrothal gift, trade cost, women’s rights, marriage market
