江汉学术 ›› 2019, Vol. 38 ›› Issue (3): 13-23.doi: 10.16388/j.cnki.cn42-1843/c.2019.03.002

• 法律专栏_法治中国建设的新视域与新话语 • 上一篇    下一篇


张 新   

  1. 华东政法大学研究生教育院,上海 200042
  • 收稿日期:2019-01-10 出版日期:2019-06-15 发布日期:2019-05-27
  • 作者简介:张新,男,河南信阳人,华东政法大学研究生教育院博士生,德国波恩大学访问学者。
  • 基金资助:

Evasion of Law:the Concept and its Essence in the Private Law:Legislative Choice During China’s Compilation of Civil Code

ZHANG Xin   

  1. Graduate School,East China University of Political Science and Law,Shanghai 200042
  • Received:2019-01-10 Online:2019-06-15 Published:2019-05-27

摘要: 法律规避概念起源于罗马法,历经千余年的历史演进,充分体现了与法律解释间的互动关系。法律规避概念存在广义、狭义之分,广义概念指当事人通过从事不违反规范文义之禁止或不符合规范法定内容的行为,实现与直接违法或满足法定要求方可实现之相同或类似经济上之结果;狭义概念则增添违反规范意旨之要求。法律规避在我国民法典中存在立法正当性缺失。法律规避本身既不可能亦不必要成为一个独立的法律制度,成为一个独立法律制度的前提是其构成要件和法律效果可得建构,但对于法律规避而言,其没有可能。法律规避亦不足以成为一个独立的法律规定,其仅系对一种客观现象的描述,伴随着此种现象,法律适用者必须审查既有法律规范之目的是否可得贯彻,即运用类推适用方法检验是否存在法律漏洞,并经由该手段进行漏洞填补,以贯彻立法目的,妥当应对法律规避问题。

关键词: 民法总则, 法律规避, 法律解释, 类推适用, 法律续造

Abstract: Through over a thousand years’evolution,the concept of evasion of law,which originates from the Roman Law,has fully embodied an interaction between legal interpretations. It has broad and narrow senses. The broad sense refers to the litigant’s achievement of the same or similar economic goal,which can normally be achieved by violating the law or by satisfying certain legal requirements,though actions that do not violate the standard textual meaning of bans or through actions that do not accord with standard legal content;the narrow sense has an additional violation of normative intention. Evasion of law lacks legislative legitimacy in China’s civil code. It is impossible and unnecessary to become an independent legal system,the preconditions of which are that its constituent elements and legal effect can be established. Evasion of law is not sufficient to become a legal regulation;it can only be a description of an objective phenomenon. With this phenomenon,the law users must examine whether the goals of the existing legal norms can be implemented,that is,use analogy to examine if there are legal loopholes and fill up them to achieve the legislative goals while properly responding to evasion of law.

Key words: general provisions of civil law, evasion of law, legal interpretation, application by analogy, law renewal
