江汉大学学报(自然科学版) ›› 2018, Vol. 46 ›› Issue (4): 363-367.doi: 10.16389/j.cnki.cn42-1737/n.2018.04.012

• 土木工程 • 上一篇    下一篇



  1. 中铁大桥局集团武汉置业发展有限公司,湖北 武汉 430056
  • 出版日期:2018-08-28 发布日期:2018-08-31
  • 作者简介:徐畅(1980—),男,工程师,硕士,研究方向:建筑结构及批量精装修。

Application of Pre-Strategy in Batch Finishing of Super High Rise Residential Building

XU Chang   

  1. China Railway Major Bridge Engineering Group Wuhan Real Estate Development Co. ,Ltd.,Wuhan 430056,Hubei,China
  • Online:2018-08-28 Published:2018-08-31

摘要: 文章结合武汉市汉阳区中铁·世纪金桥超高层住宅项目批量精装的案例,介绍了传统批量精装修存在的问题,即在实施过程中低效、费力、不经济等缺陷。对传统批量精装修和精装方案前置进行比较,在案例中引入前置策略的应用,解决了传统批量精装中的不足。对精装前置应用中应注意的问题进行讨论。该研究适应了新形势建筑市场对精装工程的要求,为房地产开发公司实施批量精装项目提供了经济有效的方法和途径。

关键词: 前置策略, 批量精装, 建筑设计

Abstract: Combined with the case of batch finishing of ultra high rise residential buildings project(golden bridge of the central iron century of Hanyang District in Wuhan),the author discussed the problems in traditional batch finishing,it had the defects such as inefficiency,need or use great effort,diseconomy. The traditional batch finishing and pre-strategy finishing were compared in this article. Then the author introduced the pre- strategy application into the real case,to solve the disadvantages of traditional batch finishing,and discussed the problems that need to pay attention on application of pre-strategy finishing. The application adapted to the situation of building market of fine finishing project,it provided an economical and effective way for real estate development companies to implement finishing projects.

Key words: pre-strategy, batch finishing, construction design
