江汉大学学报(自然科学版) ›› 2015, Vol. 43 ›› Issue (3): 270-273.

• 医 学 • 上一篇    下一篇


饶侦宏1, 华先平*2, 王贤明 2, 袁雪芬2, 梅 丽2, 涂朝霞2   

  1. 1. 湖北省丹江口市三官殿办事处卫生院 医技科, 湖北 丹江口 442000;2. 湖北医药学院 附属随州医院, 湖北 随州 441300
  • 出版日期:2015-06-28 发布日期:2015-07-02
  • 通讯作者: 华先平
  • 作者简介:饶侦宏( 1968—), 男 , 主治医师 , 研究方向: 腹部小器官与血管疾病的超声诊断。

Value of CDFI in Diagnosis of Celiac Artery Stenosis

RAO Zhenhong1, HUA Xianping*2, WANG Xianming2, YUAN Xuefen2, MEI Li2, TU Zhaoxia2   

  1. 1. Health Center of Sanguandian Office of Danjiangkou City of Hubei Province, Danjiangkou 442000, Hubei, China;2. Affiliated Suizhou Hospital, Hubei University of Medicine, Suizhou 441300, Hubei, China
  • Online:2015-06-28 Published:2015-07-02

摘要: 目 的 探讨彩色多普勒超声检查在评估腹腔干动脉狭窄中的价值。 方 法 应用彩色多普勒超声诊断仪对腹痛患者的腹腔干动脉进行检查, 观察的内容包括腹腔干起始段管腔有无斑块、 血栓等引起的狭窄 , 测量腹腔干狭窄处收缩期峰值速度( peak systolic velocity, PSV)。 以 30 例门诊常规体检患者为对照组, 彩色多普勒检查对照组腹腔干二维声像改变, 并测量起始段血流 PSV。 结 果 彩色多普勒超声共检出 24 例腹腔干动脉狭窄 ,其中起始段粥样硬化斑块 16 例 , 血栓栓塞 7 例 , 孤立性夹层动脉瘤并血栓形成 1 例 。 狭窄处血流 PSV 最高为420 cm/s, 最低为 228 cm/s, 平均为( 304. 52 ± 53. 75) cm/s。 对照组腹腔干起始段血流 PSV 最高为 178 cm/s, 最低为81 cm/s, 平均为( 113. 33 ± 19. 70) cm/s。 狭窄组患者腹腔干狭窄处血流速度明显高于对照组起始段血流速度, 差异有统计学意义( t =16. 242, P < 0. 000 1)。 结 论 彩色多普勒超声检查对腹腔干狭窄诊断价值较高 , 能够准确显示腹腔干狭窄的部位、 狭窄程度和血流动力学的改变, 对腹痛患者的病因筛选有重要的临床意义。

关键词: 彩色多普勒超声, 腹腔干动脉狭窄, 血栓, 孤立性夹层

Abstract: Objective To explore the value of color doppler flow imaging( CDFI) in diagnosis of celiac artery( CA) stenosis. Methods The patients with abdominal pain were examined by CDFI to evalutate the initial segment of CA on observations of plaques, thrombus etc. And the peak systolic velocity( PSV) of stenotic location was measured. 30 out- patients for healthcare were the control group, the twodementional sonograms were revealed and the PSV of CA initial segment were measured. Results 24 cases with CA stenosis were detected by sonography, including atherosclerotic plaque in 16, embolism by thrombus from rheumatic heart disease or acute myocardium infarction in 7, isolated dissection complicated with thrombus in 1. The maximum and minimum PSV at stenosis location was 420 cm/s and 228 cm/s respectively with an average of( 304. 52 ± 53. 75) cm/s. In patients without CA stenosis, the maximum and minimum PSV at initial segment was 178 cm/s and 81 cm/s with an average of( 113. 33±19. 70)cm/s, which were lower than those in stenotic group with statistical significance( t =16. 242, P <0. 000 1). Conclusion CDFI is of great value in diagnosis of CA stenosis, which can accurately display the location and degree of stenosis and the hemodynamic changes, which plays an important role in etiological screening for patients with abdominal pain.

Key words: color Doppler flow imaging( DFI), celiac artery stenosis, thrombus, isolated dissection
